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NarratorZ dr|z3d:In fact, anyone with a brain can see that Xi's "anti-corruption struggle" since coming to power is more about strengthening power.The people don't get much benefit.
dr|z3d very true, NarratorZ. it was always about eliminating potential competitors.
dr|z3d Putin runs with the same playbook. And Erdogan, MBS. Classic tinpot dictator play :)
NarratorZ China's network architecture is so monstrous that most of the country's users are concentrated under the 10 backbone networks of the three major carriers. And the traffic abroad cannot be bypassed in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou😂️
NarratorZ dr|z3d:Well, China and Russia are in cahoots
NarratorZ I suspect that no country can escape the temptation of totalitarianism in the current global trend to the right
dr|z3d indeed, indeed
NarratorZ There is an interesting meme on the Chinese Internet.
NarratorZ Who knows what the next ten years will be like in bad times🤣️
dr|z3d you're cleared for takeoff, breezer
breezer <dr|z3d> thx :)
NarratorZ Hi breezer👋️
breezer <NarratorZ> 👋️
breezer was reading about china ... >> totally agree
NarratorZ The combination of I2P + distributed storage is a safe and effective way to distribute information for dissidents in dangerous areas, but unfortunately we don't have a good distributed storage solution - freenet is too old, LAFS can't get everyone on board, and IPFS is simply a privacy black hole.
T3s|4 NarratorZ: 1. thanks for bringing that Chinese i2p traffic paper to zzz's attention. I've read it. I've also read the zzz - orignal traffic on this topic on #ls2. 2. If it does not create a problem for you, can you disclose if Mandarin is your native language, here? 3. If it is, your command of English is impressive :)
NarratorZ Ah, Mandarin is indeed my native language. Most of the credit probably goes to DeepL, I always have the machine translator cross-translate once when I'm not quite sure how to type🤣️
T3s|4 NarratorZ: really ^good stuff :D
dr|z3d NarratorZ: ditributed storage, perhaps.. there's a sub-project idk's working on that distributes sites via bittorrent. elsewise, just some good hosting works.
NarratorZ freenet's vision of distributed storage was inherited by ipfs, which is unfortunately only a toy for blockchain speculators
dr|z3d senpaiNikolai: welcome back. you been gone a while :)
NarratorZ Of course, perhaps the more pressing issue now is to make it easier for more people to start using I2P - we need a one-click installer like the Tor Browser bundle, and right now this one-click installer doesn't seem to be working properly
NarratorZ But the i2pd browser bundle is working well
dr|z3d stick to I2P+, you'll be fine :)
NarratorZ I2P+ is still the best experience - bar none
dr|z3d the problem with making things _too_ easy is that it lowers the expectation of the user that their input is required.
dr|z3d you know, it's good to have to configure your browser, modify some settings. it gives you a sense of how things function.
NarratorZ But for rookies who can only click, I would recommend then i2pd browser bundle
dr|z3d today's rookie is tomorrow's expert :)
dr|z3d and that's the thing.. you make it too easy, the end user will treat it like just another point click experience. if you make the user invest some time in configuration, discovery, then they'll have more invested and likely hang around longer.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: spot on; especially among the 'willing to read/learn' cohort :)
NarratorZ The process of configuration is also the process of learning, I have to pit more people to translate the website😇️
dr|z3d you want to translate skank.i2p/index.html I'll happily host it :)
dr|z3d that is, if you see value.
dr|z3d if not, no worries.
NarratorZ Yes, "It's better to give a man a fish than to teach him to fish."
dr|z3d the opposite I think you mean :)
NarratorZ Sure I can!
NarratorZ How to start?
dr|z3d to start? view-source:http://skank.i2p/index.html
dr|z3d save that, translate, send me the results :)
NarratorZ Okay, this is the only page anyway
dr|z3d yeah, it's not a huge site. just the essential info.
NarratorZ Give me some time... I'll be back later.
dr|z3d T3s|4: people who want a tor browser like experience with i2p will be easily disappointed.
dr|z3d no rush at all.
T3s|4 NarratorZ: as an aside, I've NEVER met an American kid who wanted to take a photo with a fish that someone gave to them. EVERY American kid wants to show their parents their photo of the FIRST fish (and the hundreds more, later) they caught by themselves ;p
T3s|4 dr|z3d: ^noted
senpaiNikolai dr|z3d, its been a long time
dr|z3d you good, senpaiNikolai?
senpaiNikolai had a lot of things to do and study
senpaiNikolai ye everything is fine here now fortunately
senpaiNikolai and you? How u doing
dr|z3d excellent!
dr|z3d not bad, thanks
senpaiNikolai I saw through reddit a lot of posts about i2p newbie and darknet markets, what is going on I am confused
dr|z3d storm in a teacup.
dr|z3d some people aren't happy with the flow of traffic and having to support new users who want to access dread.i2p
senpaiNikolai dread.i2p? didn't know that site was on i2p
dr|z3d should be in your i2p+ addressbook.
senpaiNikolai only used it one time a year ago
senpaiNikolai through tor
dr|z3d it also features on /home
senpaiNikolai ye I have to do a big update of i2p lol
senpaiNikolai router was down for like 5 months
dr|z3d ouch!
dr|z3d be sure to register your new nick, breeezer, or link it to breezer.
NarratorZ I'm almost done, catching a bug: all the onion icons and garlic icons are in the opposite position
dr|z3d don't worry too much about the css, I can fix that.
dr|z3d if anyone wants to translate skank.i2p/index.html into Russian, I won't complain :)
NarratorZ Last check being done
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d very nice, NarratorZ, thanks.
NarratorZ Just make a little contribution, you're welcome
dr|z3d have you got the download link handy?
dr|z3d if I look at the source, there, it injects browser crap.
NarratorZ 🤔️
dr|z3d or a zip file? :)
NarratorZ hold on
NarratorZ I'm on my way
dr|z3d thanks!
NarratorZ Head is lost,I added it back
senpaiNikolai finally router is back online with 1.9.0
senpaiNikolai time to search for new sites
dr|z3d 1.9.0 or 1.9.0+ ? :)
dr|z3d either way, you probably want to update to 1.9.-13+
senpaiNikolai the router had a fallback to vanilla
senpaiNikolai time to update again nvm
dr|z3d update policy -> notify only.
dr|z3d then you can select which update you want. I2P+ updates always indicated as Unsigned I2P+ Update in the sidebar.
dr|z3d thanks NarratorZ
NarratorZ This time will be normal
dr|z3d perfect
NarratorZ I'll translate the glossary when I have time
dr|z3d well, I say perfect, good enough. I need to fixup the html because you saved the page instead of viewing the source, no worries.
dr|z3d things like -> href="I2P+%20%E5%BD%93%E5%89%8D%EF%BC%9A1.9_files/i2p+_002.css"
dr|z3d for future reference, you just want to download the webpage only to ensure you keep the source html intact, or just view the source on the page and copy and paste that into a new document.
NarratorZ 🤣️,Considering that I only needed to translate the text, I didn't download all the assets.
dr|z3d yeah, but when you download the page in the browser, it mangles the html.
NarratorZ How about SingleFile extensions?
dr|z3d if it's html and you're using the "download page" feature of the browser, then it _may_ mangle the html. if you save as a single file, instead of saving the entire page with assets, then you might get an exact copy of the remote page.
dr|z3d still some borkage which I'm in the process of fixing, but this is where we're currently at: skank.i2p/index_zh.html
NarratorZ 👏️🙌️👐️🙏️ 👍️
senpaiNikolai uhh are we going to get localization also for the website? nice
dr|z3d yeah, senpaiNikolai,. NarratorZ has been super helpful with the chinese console translation, too. I think we're at almost 100% coverage for the console itself.
senpaiNikolai chinese? that's good
dr|z3d senpaiNikolai: did you manage to update to -13+ ?
senpaiNikolai I downloaded it
senpaiNikolai now I only have to restart
dr|z3d ok. plenty of new sites to explore on /home when you do.
senpaiNikolai see u in 5 min if everything doesn't break
dr|z3d not least planeta.i2p which is a great news aggregation site.
dr|z3d NarratorZ: ok, buffed and polished. skank.i2p/index_zh.html
senpaiNikolai okke now version is -13+
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d can't voice you until you've registered your nick, breeezer.
dr|z3d > can't voice you until you've registered your nick, breeezer.
dr|z3d -ChanServ- breeeezer is not registered.
RN no need dr. All they are doing is posting the name of their channel in multiple other channels.
dr|z3d breezer seems quite civil, at least in private.
dr|z3d I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt :)
RN perhaps.
dr|z3d maybe he's just new on IRC.. breezer, stop spamming channels!
RN been away for some years. Seems fine.
dr|z3d breezer: ./msg nickserv register yourpassword for your breezer acct.
senpaiNikolai time to shutdown again the poor router to let it rest
senpaiNikolai see u guys in a week or less, I hope