IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme What are you doing RN?
RN I'm breaking my vps
RN I installed jdk8 instead of jdk18
RN so lots of junk to clean up
itsjustme Lol nice RN
RN export: Command not found.
RN huh
dr|z3d jdk8?
dr|z3d JDK8 regularly causes my router to crash. JDK19, no issues.
RN jdk8 runs fine on my other box, but on this new one...
RN anyway got help with cleanup and 18 installing now
RN but openjdk version "1.8.0_342" has not caused any crashes for me... '
RN definately will be upgrading that later
RN not ready for 19
T3s|4 aloha RN: yeah 19 just hit the Arch testing repos yesterday - testing/jdk-openjdk 19.0.1.u10-1 [installed]. I've got it set as my default java - no problems, here :D
NarratorZ Good morning, dr|z3d. i'm almost done
T3s|4_ RN: note that within hours of me writing to you re: 19, it got updated again: testing/jdk-openjdk 19.0.1.u10-2 [installed] :)
RN :)
AmyMalik dr|z3d: that probably sounded different in your head