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dr|z3d 1.9.0-3+ up on the /dev/ url, SSU2 speedups.
mildseven is there anything i can do to stop the irc timeouts? :/
shiver mildseven, did you try rising the time for timeouts with /set net_ping_timeout
shiver its in seconds, i have it at 300
shiver otherwise i dont think you can
shiver mildseven, did you see what i wrote?
mildseven shiver: no sorry i disconnected
shiver mildseven, did you try rising the time for timeouts with /set net_ping_timeout
shiver its in seconds, i have it at 300
shiver how many tunnels are set for irc at /configtunnels
shiver mine is at 3
mildseven 2 tunnels
shiver don't think you can do more than that, thats just the way the network is
shiver dr|z3d, log still looks like the one after the first dev update
shiver which means better, but still 1.5sec spikes over 5min
dr|z3d shiver: ok, will dig deeper.
dr|z3d shiver: on /info is your system classed as slow?
dr|z3d ok, I've made some mods to the Iterative Search Job to lessen the load all round, and more so for systems with <= 4 cores. let's see if this helps. update is uploaded to /dev/
shiver dr|z3d, sorry, had to go afk
shiver not classed as slow
dr|z3d ok, thought not, had to check.
shiver i often see <1ms joblag now, so something is working.
dr|z3d good, that's what you should be seeing after the router's settled down after a restart when you're a floodfill.
shiver but i dont think that the cpu is overloading when the joblag spikes, i have munin running and see no cpu spikes
dr|z3d hopefully the latest build will help keep that job lag low and smooth out the spikes.
dr|z3d no, it's not a cpu load thing, it's that jobs are taking a while to finish.
dr|z3d under 200ms and the router shouldn't do anything to affect the tunnel count, but the sidebar indicates an average, not a realtime readout.
shiver i saw that zzz said around 0.7% of the net have ssu2 enabled, maybe after the next update more will see the spikes..or my system is something special
dr|z3d haha, something "special" for sure. special needs :)
dr|z3d ssu2 shouldn't be causing spikes in any event, as far as I can tell it's the way I2P+ looks for leases and router infos.
dr|z3d shiver: if you now look on /jobs, you should see less instances of the Timeout Iterative Search job running concurrently.
shiver i saw 4 at once
dr|z3d should be fine
shiver did you change "Lookup LeaseSet & Reply to Client" too?
shiver asking because that was in the thread list last time when is saw spikes
dr|z3d not in this update, but a couple of updates previously, yes, timeout's a lot lower now.
shiver lag sits around 3-10ms
dr|z3d that's pretty good. it'll go lower after the first 1/2 hour of uptime.
dr|z3d essentially in the first 1/2 hour your router will try a lot harder to validate existing routers in your netdb to ensure you have a good set. then it calms down.
shiver unrelated question, when i think version 1.6 still was a thing i had i2p running on win10 and had much more active peers, gui said around 4000/9000. this was with normal i2p but when i switched to linux i could not reproduce those numbers. checked everything, had no firewall or other connection issues. still scratch my head
shiver what could that be?
dr|z3d different mechanism for calculating the numbers.
dr|z3d active peers is now over 1 minute / 1 hour
shiver no, i mean with the same version
shiver just switching form win to linux
dr|z3d oh, i2p not i2p+ ?
shiver normal i2p
dr|z3d and the win10 router was up and running for a long time, the linux one just installed?
shiver i had to switch i2p to a different machine because i got audio errors from the router running lol
shiver no, both were running for a long time
dr|z3d open file descriptor limits on linux perhaps?
dr|z3d what does ulimit -n tell you in the account you're running i2p from? 1024?
shiver iirc that i looked up and it wasn't the issue
dr|z3d and now.. ulimit -n ?
dr|z3d oh dear. not great.
dr|z3d try adding the following to /etc/security/limits.conf .. system will need to be rebooted for them to take effect:
dr|z3d * soft nproc 65535
dr|z3d * hard nproc 65535
dr|z3d * soft nofile 65535
dr|z3d * hard nofile 65535
dr|z3d root soft nproc 65535
dr|z3d root hard nproc 65535
dr|z3d root soft nofile 65535
dr|z3d root hard nofile 65535
dr|z3d you can set the limit temporarily with ulimit -n 65535 but it won't persist a restart.
dr|z3d that config about will set max processes and max open files to 65535 globally.
dr|z3d *above
dr|z3d tweak to taste :)
shiver done, does the have an impact in i2p?
shiver *that
shiver i'll restart brb
dr|z3d shiver: potentially, yes, increasing max open files can help i2p.
shiver i restarted but the ulimit is still 1024
dr|z3d and you made those mods to /etc/security/limits.conf ?
dr|z3d for now you can just do: -> crontab -e * * * * * ulimit -n 65535 <- for the i2p user account.
dr|z3d but limits.conf should work unless whatever linux you're on is preventing that.
shiver ubuntu with xfce
dr|z3d hmm, odd.
shiver will look at
shiver thank you
shiver its not commented out and is see no log error
shiver the other somment says changing the default in /etc/systemd/system.conf and /etc/systemd/user.conf too, should i?
dr|z3d and you went with the values I pasted?
shiver *comment
dr|z3d no, leave that, you can set the globals from limit.conf
shiver this is how i wrote it, after the #end of file
dr|z3d should be ok
shiver i set it with ulimit -n for now
dr|z3d in your i2p account, add the following 2 lines to crontab -e
dr|z3d @reboot ulimit -n 65535
dr|z3d * * * * * ulimit -n 65535
dr|z3d that will do the same thing.
dr|z3d you can do the same for the root acct if you want.
shiver afk for a while
dr|z3d ok, when you get back let me know how your job lag is looking.
shiver dr|z3d, peak of 600ms over 10min
shiver then a short peak of 300 and 150ms
shiver while it peaks i still see Lookup LeaseSet & Reply to Client running for 3s
shiver often on all 8 threads
dr|z3d shiver: ok, thanks for the feedback.
dr|z3d how do your tunnels fare while job lag is spiking?
dr|z3d I'm looking at obscuratus' latest patch here: git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p/-/issues/364
dr|z3d zzz is also testing something which hopefully will turn up tomorrow.
shiver dr|z3d, at the 600ms spike tunnels fell from 900 to 500
dr|z3d shiver, ok, and how long are those spikes lasting?
shiver peak of 600ms over 10min
shiver smaller one maybe 5min
dr|z3d ok, that's not great. I'm not seeing anything like that behavior here on various systems.. do you know how much ram you've got allocated to the jvm? .. that's also something to look at.
dr|z3d ok, plenty then.
shiver i set it so high to never have to care again
dr|z3d you could try disabling floodfill and see if that makes the spikes go away.. floodfill definitely asks more of the system than non-floodfill mode.
dr|z3d regarding upstream patches, if zzz's pushing something out tomorrow or thereabouts, I'm inclined to see how that changes things before making any more changes here. might fix things.
shiver when i look at the logs i never see the cpu cores at max clock and with 1.8 everything was fine.
shiver oh, i remember something unrelated but kind of not
shiver one moment
dr|z3d yeah, it's looking more like destination lookups.. with obscuratus' patch, most new lookups won't fail first time anymore, though it may have introduced issues which zzz is proposing to fix a different way.