IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d names vaguely familiar, albat
albat is there a better cloud than spideroak?(it's zero knowledge)
albat SpierOakOne
albat dr|z3d?
dr|z3d spideroak!
dr|z3d I have no idea, albat
albat ok :/ lol thank you however
dr|z3d the best cloud is your own network.
albat yes but it would take ages for my father to run i2p lol
dr|z3d no it wouldn't. go and install it for him, show him how to use i2psnark.
albat his internet is shity also
dr|z3d all the more reason to show him i2psnark.. "it might take some time, but sit back with a kir royal and your pain au chocolat and it'll do its thing"
dr|z3d is he experienced with computers?
albat not at all
dr|z3d it sounds like he probably is..
dr|z3d well i2p+ could be a bonding experience.
albat he doesn't know torrenting for example
dr|z3d what about cut and paste?
albat he doesn't know how to make text messages with Skype
albat doesn't know how to scrennshot
albat screenshot*
dr|z3d what about cut and paste?
albat i would say he knows what he does with cut and paste at 50%
dr|z3d well, he's 85% capable of using i2psnark already then. you just have to give him a nudge :)
albat oh and his english is like 20% for mine
RN albat, I2P and I2P+ are available in french
RN ;)
wellicht and another good morning
dr|z3d salutations to you, wellicht!
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - been busy of late, but noted on the ^self-induced flame out of mesh ;p
dr|z3d haha, hi T3s|4
T3s|4 hey dr|z3d :D
dr|z3d he's now resorting to maligning i2p+ graphics, so he can go whistle.
dr|z3d <mesh> btw, when I2P can't reach Destination ("LeasSet Unavailable") (which happens far too often for hidden routers) it displays a picture of a pedophile
T3s|4 a race to the bottom ;p
dr|z3d <mesh> a very shady character with a beanie and a ridiculous moustache
dr|z3d <mesh> it's a bit shocking
T3s|4 pretty sure there are deeper, perhaps hidden, issues there
dr|z3d I don't want to speculate. All I know is that he has a poor grasp of how open source projects work, and I doubt that's going to change any time soon.
dr|z3d "I came here to learn, therefore I must be taught"
HaruCode I already offered a solution to the problem he's worried about
HaruCode I believe it's very moral and effective, if a bit complicated
HaruCode or was "ethical" a more appropriate word?
dr|z3d he's just attention seeking, no point paying any attention.
HaruCode why not offer a solution worth the problem though?
dr|z3d which problem?
HaruCode you quoted it yourself not so long ago
HaruCode about the picture
HaruCode I offered a great solution, I think
dr|z3d that's not a problem that's a troll.
HaruCode but trolls are problem, aren't they? so shutting them down by "thinking over" their "problems" ad absurdum is a good solution, I think
HaruCode unless you have an administrative resource to BAN, BAN, BAN!!!, of course
dr|z3d no, that just creates more unwanted noise, especially in a dev channel.
dr|z3d the best response to trolls is no response at all.
dr|z3d except ban hammer of course.
HaruCode agree to disagree. some "noise" left unanswered can cause huge problems
HaruCode take sjw for example
dr|z3d different category entirely.
Irc2PGuest40951 HaruCode: what's your issue with social and economic justice?
HaruCode not imo. if tere was someone to shut upp some fat hysterical bitches trying to propagate their genetically programmed "scold the cuckold" behavior onto the state level in time, we won't be facing lawsuits from their kind demanding new personal pronounses because they "identify as buttplug" now, as well as personnel "diversity quotas" based on skin color or sexual preferences _only_, regardless of skill
HaruCode Irc2PGuest40951 fat hysterical bitches having nothing to do with justice
Irc2PGuest40951 I'll let you come to it on your own time.
Irc2PGuest40951 I'm baiting a scammer, and I've gotten down to a Postepay Evolution prepaid card in Italy, that I'm trying to have shut down. In the meantime, I'll pretend my attorney is on the verge of filing for my guardianship and that I don't understand why the fake HSBC Italia would use a Postepay card for official fees.
unitard <dr|z3d> I cant wait to suck my nephews dick again omfg
unitard <dr|z3d> It got hard last time
unitard <dr|z3d> I wish I could suck the cum out lol
unitard <dr|z3d> I came all over his PJs
unitard <dr|z3d> I love licking his tight butthole
Irc2PGuest40951 probably change from registered nicks to approved users
dr|z3d No need, a k-line works well enough.
Irc2PGuest40951 dr|z3d, dunno
HaruCode personal animosity?
dr|z3d trolls are tedious. talking about trolls is tedious. there will always be idiots out to disturb the natural order. not really worth the oxygen talking about it.
Irc2PGuest40951 sometimes the natural order is best disturbed
Irc2PGuest40951 sometimes it is not
Irc2PGuest40951 the example just now is a case of not
HaruCode personal animosity
StormyCloud Some people are just trolls not much we can do about it
micultra <dr|z3d> It feels so good to put my cock in my nephews mouth
HaruCode I'd convey my emotions on the case, but that'd be offtopic
RN aloha guest
Irc2PGuest40951 name's Reinhilde
Irc2PGuest40951 I just can't be fucked to change it here
RN canna be bothered?
RN och! you!
RN ;)
RN what's new wit' you?
Irc2PGuest40951 RN, booped you in PM on umbx