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RN haha..
RN "Alexa, where's my weed?"
chatsubo Im trying to get my i2p+ router back to DEV build. I added unsigned builds and update the i2p link in my router config settings. But it did not seem to do anythig.
chatsubo Im not getting al the new features and links.
chatsubo I know you helped me before @dr|z3d but i had to reinstall, i managed to get my eepsite running on jetty so thanks for that :)
HaruCode RN, "A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Make no further attempt to leave the testing area. Assume the party escort submission position or you will miss the party"
dr|z3d hi there chatsubo
dr|z3d try running ~/i2p/eephead skank.i2p and then do a check for updates, assuming all is configured correctly.
chatsubo I installed i2p+ again but the regular one then tried to upgrade it but no luck.
dr|z3d if you get a response from eephead, updates should work.
chatsubo ok will try
chatsubo I added the unsigned builds with the dev link
dr|z3d it could be that the install date is newer than the latest update, in which case: cd ~/i2p/ && eepget skank.i2p/dev/
chatsubo Ok giving it a go
chatsubo By the way im loving i2p+
chatsubo Blog post coming soon ;)
dr|z3d great, look forward to that :)
dr|z3d eepget working for you?
dr|z3d might just be a network thing, but your site's loading a lot faster for me right now.
chatsubo Ok so eephead no reponse
dr|z3d ok, try again.
chatsubo yes my website is was faster
chatsubo I noticed that to
chatsubo Should i try eephead or eepget?
dr|z3d you'll get a response sooner or later from eephead, then you can run the eepget command.
dr|z3d eephead just confirms the site is up and you have the leaseset for it.
dr|z3d also, you're missing a custom 404.html and 403.html which you should place in ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/.resources/
chatsubo Ok going to try again
HaruCode where's your site, btw?
HaruCode sorry I'm lazy
chatsubo @HaruCode chatsubo.i2p
chatsubo Ok eephead worked going to eepget
dr|z3d great.. in case you're missing 404 files and for optional alternative file listing themes, skank.i2p/
dr|z3d extract the individual files to ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/.resources and modify as you see fit.
dr|z3d 404.html 403.html and jetty-dir.css are the only files you need there, and the index.html which prevents that directory from being browsable.
chatsubo Oh i must have deleted the 404 and 403 by accident
chatsubo Eeepget is donwloading the
chatsubo Oh wait it timed out
dr|z3d they're just html files you can use whatever you want for the errors. and then you'll avoid chatsubo.i2p/foo
dr|z3d try ~/i2p/eepget -n 999 skank.i2p/dev/
dr|z3d that will retry 999 times in the event of failure.
chatsubo Ok will try that one
chatsubo Thanks again for all your help you damn helpfull!
chatsubo I have learnt so much other the past few days
chatsubo Messing around with the router console
chatsubo and setting up this eepsite
dr|z3d you can of course always download from gitlab, just make sure the file's named after you download it, from:
chatsubo Cant wait to actually get some content going.
dr|z3d that link will always supply the latest automated dev build from gitlab.
chatsubo Once eepget downloades it do i install it or will it install it?
dr|z3d if it's in ~/i2p/ or ~/.i2p/ you can restart the router and it will update, assuming the file's good.
chatsubo Perfect
dr|z3d good that you're finding your way around the console
dr|z3d the /help/ section was built for people like you to get up to speed on how i2p works.
chatsubo So extract the inside /i2p?
chatsubo Leave it
chatsubo just restart
dr|z3d do not extract anything. just restart the router, i2p+ will do that for you.
chatsubo ok brb
chatsubo It worked!
chatsubo 1.8.0-14+
chatsubo I will sort out that 404 and 403
chatsubo Are there templates for that?
HaruCode lot's of them
dr|z3d > great.. in case you're missing 404 files and for optional alternative file listing themes, skank.i2p/
dr|z3d > they're just html files you can use whatever you want for the errors. and then you'll avoid chatsubo.i2p/foo
dr|z3d > 404.html 403.html and jetty-dir.css are the only files you need there, and the index.html which prevents that directory from being browsable.
chatsubo Understood! and the 404 and 403 goes in docroot?
dr|z3d > extract the individual files to ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/.resources and modify as you see fit.
chatsubo Blinded message
dr|z3d create a folder in docroot/ and put some content in it if you want to test the directory listing themes.
dr|z3d jetty-dir.css will give you a light/dark theme depending on how your browser's configured, theme-wise.
dr|z3d modify to taste.
chatsubo I think i know what i did, i used hugo to generate my html files and used rsync to /docroot which i think deleted the .resources folder
dr|z3d probably, no biggie.
chatsubo Do i need jetty-dir.css if im using my own theme?
chatsubo It has its own css styling
dr|z3d you have all the default files in ~/i2p/eepsite/docroot/ you can copy over as needed.
dr|z3d yeah, you need a jetty-dir.css file otherwise you'll just get the built-in theme. customize to fit your existing site theme if you want.
chatsubo so move the files from i2p to the .i2p docroot
chatsubo from ~/i2p/eepsite/docroot/ to ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot
dr|z3d just the ones you need, being careful not to overwrite your existing files.
dr|z3d docroot/help/ you might want, and docroot/.resources/
chatsubo Got it! so just the 4o4 4o3 and jetty-dir
chatsubo I wil give it a go and report back. will have to do it a bit later on today
dr|z3d those are the only files that will be used, there are alternatives there to test.
chatsubo Ok i added 404 and 403
chatsubo Well the stock ones
chatsubo Will probably change it to something that matches when i have the time.
HaruCode add nginx's 50x.html to confuse the hackers :)
chatsubo Do i need the jetty-css file what is that for?
dr|z3d it won't of itself.
HaruCode all the css define thml element styles
dr|z3d you need to browse to a folder on your site.
HaruCode so it defines how the pages that is using it will look
dr|z3d create something like docroot/files and throw some files you don't mind sharing in there to see how it looks.
dr|z3d it's got support for a bunch of different filetypes which will display the appropriate icon.
dr|z3d for comparison, this is what normal i2p directories look like: i2peek-a-boo.i2p/handystuff/shortcut
chatsubo Oh i see im thinking of ust using the default jetty now and spicing it up instead oh hugo
dr|z3d it's all customizable, make it yours!
chatsubo yeah then i wont have to muck around with hugo
HaruCode if it's a fork of the stock jetty-dir.css, it contains styles for td elements, which are part of a directory listing. thus, as dr|z3d said, it sets icons depending on listed file's extension
dr|z3d there's a demo theme available in the /help/ folder which you'll see if you copy that dir over.
chatsubo Ok will do! thanks again people :)
dr|z3d default jetty-dir.css is pretty useless, HaruCode, unless they've done something exceptional with it lately.
dr|z3d the upstream default, that is, from jetty.
HaruCode I meant the one that comes with i2p
dr|z3d vanilla i2p uses a modified version of that, which is what the link from RN's site demonstrates.
HaruCode I got the vanilla i2p in the debugger, btw
dr|z3d yeah, the one that comes with i2p contains very little in the way of styling, as you can see here: view-source:http://i2peek-a-boo.i2p/handystuff/shortcut/
dr|z3d great
dr|z3d anything interesting catching your attention?
HaruCode does hardcoded update path count?
dr|z3d not really :)
HaruCode then not yet
HaruCode I'm looking into Router class for now
dr|z3d good place to investigate, that's where all the low level network comms happens.
HaruCode that's where _all_ the work happens
HaruCode the web-interface things are a decorum
HaruCode *decoration
dr|z3d of course.
dr|z3d not much point debugging that.
dr|z3d that said, if javascript's your thing, there's plenty of stuff in i2p+ that may benefit from optimization.
HaruCode first, I have to fix the unit tests which don't know about localized error messages, so that it would at least build
dr|z3d sounds like a useful miniproject.
HaruCode I prefer to study the vanilla first, so that I know which errors are from IDE's misconfiguration and which from the changes introduced in +
dr|z3d *nods and smiles*
dr|z3d I'm about to enable the lucky random enabling of SSU2 in I2P+. If you don't want to be part of the experiment right now and have your router spontaneously start speaking SSU2, add the line: i2np.ssu2.enable=true to your router.config file before updating.
dr|z3d_ 1 in 16 chance upon router restart of SSU2 being enabled.
dr|z3d > I'm about to enable the lucky random enabling of SSU2 in I2P+. If you don't want to be part of the experiment right now and have your router spontaneously start speaking SSU2, add the line: i2np.ssu2.enable=true to your router.config file before updating.
dr|z3d > 1 in 16 chance upon router restart of SSU2 being enabled.
dr|z3d update now available, 1.8.0-15+
chatsubo Wht with this enable? @dr|z3d
dr|z3d there's a 1/16 chance of the new SSU2 transport being enabled, chatsubo. It's a more efficient version of the UDP protocol.
chatsubo Ahh i see Im assuming its helps with automated id attacks?
dr|z3d oh, and you want i2np.ssu2.enable=false if you don't want it randomly enabled.
chatsubo Its sounds like something i would want does it not?
chatsubo Secuirity features?
dr|z3d it's something you don't want to advertize if it's enabled, but otherwise no major issue. there's around 80 routers with it enabled, maybe more, and with the upcoming release, maybe another 2% or so of the network will have it enabled.
chatsubo I see so there is a push to get people on it im assuimg.
dr|z3d it's called a gradual rollout.
chatsubo Understood
dr|z3d at some point fairly soon ssu will be disabled.
chatsubo I2p is so interesting i spent a few hours looking through the docs and all i can say is wow
chatsubo I have much to learn so many layers
Ellenor considering making a protest banner that includes the Nazi German slur "arbeitsscheu" in self-reference.