IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN aloha Quaddle
Quaddle Surf´s up RN !
Quaddle Any news ?
RN well... in general, no... the thing with the trump investigation is old news... nothing big personally...
RN SSU2 is coming soon for I2P
Quaddle SSU2 ? Putin ?
RN SSU2 is part of the protocol/crypto update
RN just ongoing development
RN almost ready for release as I understand it
RN what's new with you?
Quaddle I have a Droid now and i am in degoogleing it
Quaddle Otherwise is supper break
Quaddle PC is good
Quaddle Will move to deb though
Quaddle summer not supper
Mustafabo hi itsjustme
Mustafabo I heard you like Dick's
Mustafabo dr|z3d, itsjustme likes Dick's
itsjustme Hey Mustafabo
itsjustme I do, don't you?
itsjustme I like dr|z3d dicks
mesh huh
mesh dammit java is so annoying sometimes. It's so obvious these guys at oracle don't actually eat their own dogfood.
mesh does anybody have any performance numbers on SSU2?
dr|z3d 4, 18, 12, 43 and power ball 34.
dr|z3d joking aside, R4SAS has done some testing on i2pd, but their SSU1 implementation sucks, apparently.
mesh I find it strange all this work is done on SSU2 without perf numbers
mesh though I was able to significantly improve i2p performance using: router.peerTestConcurrency=12
mesh router.peerTestTimeout=500
mesh I can actually kinda watch videos now over i2p
mesh the last time I set router.peerTestTimeout to 500 I found the pool of available peers to be too small
mesh but by increasing peerTestConcurrency I seem to have mitigated this
mesh it's been working well all week in terms of perf
mesh I wonder how many desktop users these days still have 4gb ram
dr|z3d concurrency just means you test more peers at the same time, which may or may not help. unlikely it does of itself, but on a newly started router conceivably it might get you more low latency peers sooner.
dr|z3d not that it should take that long to test all the peers in your netdb.. remember, you're not testing a fair chunk of peers we deem not suitable for local traffic.
dr|z3d if you count the number of .dat files in ~/.i2p/netDb/ that'll indicate approx how many peers you're testing in total.
dr|z3d which will be a significantly lower number than whatever the sidebar tells you are your Known peers.
mesh according to the average pc already has ~8gb of ram
mesh dr|z3d: yeah I get that. But for some reason, with 1.8, I was able to get better performance using peerTestTimeout=500 and increasing the concurrency. On 1.7 setting peerTestTimeout so low hurt more than it helped
dr|z3d curious, mesh
mesh it seems like most people have 8gb these days
mesh though I consider anything less than 32gb to be horrible, 8gb is a lot.
kou oo i got +v'd
kou thanks
dr|z3d you're welcome, kou, and welcome to the channel.
kou thanks, found out about it from another (unrelated) pepper on xmpp
dr|z3d i2p, i2pd, or i2p+?
kou i like i2pd because i find it simple to configure
dr|z3d did you try i2p or i2p+ then?
kou i havent tried i2p+ but i didnt like having to use a browser to configure regular i2p
kou i didnt however see if there was a config file for i2p though
dr|z3d well that's a misconception, if you're someone who prefers config files. i2p/i2p+ can be configured via console.
kou amazin'. ill check it out again then.
dr|z3d to configure the router, ~/.i2p/router.config
dr|z3d to configure individual tunnels ~/.i2p/tunnel.config.d/
dr|z3d to configure the service (wrapper), ~/i2p/wrapper.config
dr|z3d this assumes you're on linux or thereabouts, though it's broadly the same for windows, with different folder locations.
kou seems simple then
dr|z3d with that said, configuration via UI does confer plenty of benefits, not least better feedback, more intuitive configuration. and whereas i2pd will require a restart of the router to update the configuration, for the most part i2p/i2p+ doesn't.
dr|z3d but if you've only tried i2p to date, you might want to take i2p+ for a spin.
kou i dont think i2pd needs a full restart for config changes (i just do a reload), but are you saying that changes i2p(+) apply almost instantly?
kou changes in*
dr|z3d pretty much.
kou woa
dr|z3d via UI changes take effect (mostly) as soon as you hit the save button. editing the router.config file will take a few seconds to take effect, as soon as the router.config file is polled.
dr|z3d a few settings will require a restart, but that's fairly rare.
dr|z3d latest RC I2P+ installer (works on linux and windows) on linux -> java -jar i2pinstall.exe ->
dr|z3d for a console install, java -jar ./install.exe -console (recommended to set install path to ~/i2p/)
kou ~/i2p/ instead of ~/.i2p/ to avoid conflicting with regular i2p?
kou also thanks
dr|z3d you can install over the top of regular i2p.
dr|z3d and no, i2p/ is the application directory, ~/.i2p/ is the user configs.. if you've got a pre-existing i2p install, you might want to move ~/.i2p/ somewhere else so you start clean.
dr|z3d oh, and the same with ~/i2p/ tbh.
dr|z3d just rename both folders.
dr|z3d then you start with I2P+ optimized configurations, including the wrapper (service) config.. with a pre-existing install, you won't get the full benefit of preconfigured addressbook subs, service configs and various other configs.