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T3s|4 dr|z3d: I read the follow-up about our beloved CIA self-represented, grandiose ego, agent being convicted on espionage charges. A world of even further hurt awaits him on the upcoming PEDO charges
dr|z3d he's going nowhere fast, T3s|4 :)
dr|z3d really, though, it says a great deal about the CIA's background checking, or absence thereof.
mesh dr|z3d: the cia is desperate for programmers just like everybody else
mesh it's actually an interesting problem because the feds (CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA) already have a lot of problems hiring good programmers. Their pay is pretty shit and they do all sorts of wackiness like drug testing
mesh the result is these "supre sekrit intelligence agencies" end up hiring distinctly mediocre programmers and relying heavily on the private sector which charges them up the wazoo
dr|z3d pay peanuts, get monkeys :)
mesh pretty much. the fbi is so desperate for good programmers they offered to stop drug testing and overlooking criminal convictions. doesn't really matter tho, no programmer with half a brain wants to work for the fbi
mesh it looks like schute was particularly stupid though. throws a tantrum, quits the agency and less then a year later starts leaking
mesh it probably took them <10 mins to figure out it was probably him
mesh we need a better class of leaker. I mean come on
T3s|4 lols, do you mean the same FBI who has been in possession of Hunter Biden's unencrypted laptop HDD, which provides incontrovertible proof of multiple Hunter Biden committing multiple felonies, for 2+ years, yet has failed to make an arrest, or refer criminal indictment to the DOJ.
T3s|4 incontrovertible proof of *Hunter Biden committing multiple felonies
T3s|4 lest we forget about the same FBI who failed to prosecute Hillary Clinton for storing very sensitive US government information on her privately owned, ridiculously insecure 'server' and 'fone'. Both intentional acts, also, massive felonies
mesh Hunter Biden didn't commit multiple felonies
mesh at least the stuff on his laptop is useless. photos of him doing shit overseas are of course useless since it's not a crime to go overseas and do drugs
mesh he probably didn't pay taxes tho
T3s|4 mesh: WTF are you on about. Crack possession/consumption is a felony. Lying about your crack use/addiction on a federal gun license application, which the FBI has, is a felony.
mesh T3s|4: all that stuff happened overseas
mesh the idea that the FBI would arrest somebody for going to europe and doing drugs is of course dumb. their jurisdiction ends at the border of america
T3s|4 How in the fuck did Hunter apply for a gun license in the US from 'overseas'?
mesh because it's not a crime to do drugs overseas?
mesh do you really not get that? you can go to mexico and do black tar heroin off a babies butt and come back to america and be completely in the free and clear
mesh not to mention that it's virtually impossible to prove drug use using only video/photos... nobody has any idea what was in the pipe
mesh while people like to focus on edited photos, it's funny that they ignore the actual shady stuff the guy did like not pay any taxes
mesh (the really funny thing is that hunter biden could probably send a video confession to 4chan and nobody would believe it because everybody knows 4chan is shit)
T3s|4 mesh: lay off your drugs for a bit. Hunter's own self-recorded videos clearly show him in possession and ingesting crack with multiple prostitutes while he was staying at several high-end Hollywood, Los Angeles, US hotels. Multiple Felonies, Period
mesh no they don't
mesh all it shows is that 4chan, the source of all the videos and photos, is probably working with professional republican and/or russian operatives
mesh and of course since 4chan is the source of all the photos and videos and these photos and videos were obtained by illegally hacking biden's account -- at least according to 4chan's own confession
mesh none of it has any force of law or actually means anything whatsoever
mesh even if it what you were saying was true, no judge is ever gonna accept hacked photos from an image board as "evidence." which means even if you're silly enough to believe the photos
mesh and many show clear signs of being edited
T3s|4 believe what you want, I'm just waiting for you to make your first factual, compelling argument.
mesh the photos can never be prosecuted for evidence by any actual court of law
mesh there's of course nothing to prove. you seem to think that random photos from 4chan mean something they clearly don't
mesh maybe you should contact the fbi and tell them about the photos. I suspect they'll tell you the same thing I just told you: random photos leaked by 4chan losers is meaningless as evidence
T3s|4 4chan is not my source, I have hundreds of GiBs from Hunter's laptop HDD.
mesh 4chan is of course the source of the photos that they claim to be hacked from hunter's icloud
T3s|4 can you ^read?
mesh though nobody actually believes 4chan hacked icloud
mesh T3s|4: hehe, like I said, feel free to go to a courthouse and lay out all your illegally obtained "evidence"
mesh see how far it gets you
T3s|4 actually, I prefer conversations with brick walls