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itsjustme hey wellicht :)
Reinhilde Irc2PGuest4878: greetings, your excellency
itsjustme hey Reinhilde :)
Reinhilde itsjustme: his excellency is trying to get me to move to his hacienda in an undisclosed location. I am stalling and claiming to represent my old micronation that died in 2014 in order that I might convince him to treat me with the cold welcome fit for a diplomat.
itsjustme idk what that means
parabo hey dr|z3d itsjustme T3s|4_ Reinhilde etc
itsjustme hey parabo!!!!
parabo what's up itsjustme?
parabo I got my grades back for Semester 4 of my Master's in Islamic Studies... and I have a 96% average in the program
parabo also they said I am going to be considered for an honorary PhD because of my already done works and potential to do more like them
parabo itsjustme, how many people have you killed this week?
itsjustme none that you can prove anyway :P
itsjustme *** kackles ***
parabo That's unfortunate, considering how many people need to be killed for the world to be a better place
parabo I killed 37 on Friday
parabo ISIS leaders and their personal guards:D
parabo again... it seems like literally every month I have to go to Afghanistan, and risk my life to take out the new ISIS leaders and the base of operations
parabo the rebels can't do jack about them because they are just angry oppressed people with AK's
parabo The rebels fighting them currently are the 800ish men that chose NOT to come with me to get trained for 2 years before we took out ISIS and reigned in the Taliban
parabo I been spending a lot of time and money and using up a lot of favors and such things to deal with ISIS, and it's not working because the rebels without a clue are not able to realize shooting idiot radicals with guns on the streets won't stop them
itsjustme how have you been parabo?
parabo I been great
parabo I am going to get an honorary PhD in Islamic Studies probably
parabo Allah Subhanna wa ta'ala gave me the past I have, and the religion I took, and all the right answers to every question...
parabo I have been going around spreading communist values, Islamic faith, anti terrorist stuff, and theories of Islamic faith backed by proven or proposed and generally accepted science of the day
itsjustme thats good :)
itsjustme I've been thinking about getting my graduate degree
parabo I have 3 PhD's, working on a 4th, and expecting the 5th, which would be my third honorary
itsjustme no need to brag :P
parabo Lol, I'm proud of my 20 degrees:P
parabo you know anyone else with 20 degrees?
itsjustme you're the only one :P
Anomaly no one likes people who acts like there better than other people
parabo I'm not better than other people
parabo I am equal to all
parabo Everyone has their place and we are all decedents of Adam, the greatest among us is he who most regards God
parabo Bragging, no... Trying to make others do the same at whatever level they can... yes
Anomaly so your trying to motivate people
Anomaly i just jumped into a class thats 6 months long and ill get a complete understanding of the bible including interpreting the prophecies of the book of revelation
Anomaly and i stopped studying computers which was hard for me to do study korean, and to take that bible class
Anomaly yea like parabo where i left off in studying my computer was designing circuits in vhdl
Anomaly and i have 4 fpga boards that are unfortunately out dated
Anomaly i bought them because they were cheap, until i get better in vhdl and fpga boards, ill consider buying a more up to date board
parabo dr|z3d
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - I know zzz baked in some additional ssu2 fixes in -10; anything else snazzy to look for?
dr|z3d hi guys
dr|z3d T3s|4: nothing much in the latest build. just cruising at this point.
mesh man why is css such a complete fucking disaster
mesh the simplest layout choices require horrible kludges
T3s|4_ thanks dr|z3d
dr|z3d lazy dev cycle this one, T3s|4_ :)
T3s|4_ np :)
dr|z3d the main things to test are the lower job lag relative to cpu load, and the reliability of leaseset acquisition (think getting named sites in your addressbook to load first time of asking)..
dr|z3d is css is hard you're doing it wrong, mesh :)
Reinhilde Irc2PGuest53528: please set up auto-identify