IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d what up p
parabo dr|z3d, straight up gangster shit
dr|z3d you know, usual shizzle dizzle
parabo dr|z3d, izzle kizzle fo shizzle my nizzle?
parabo how you been doc?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you?
dr|z3d met Putin yet?
parabo August 5th
dr|z3d pics or it didn't happen
parabo video:P
dr|z3d great. hopefully you can talk some sense into him.
dr|z3d unlikely, but who knows?
parabo I'm not going to talk and "sense into him"
parabo it's a wrestling match and lemonade
parabo he is into martial arts too
dr|z3d he won't wrestle you. he's undergoing chemo.
parabo chemo isn't like it used to be
parabo 10 years ago chemo made you so sick, now you go for chemo you're going out the same night
parabo ZTE makes shit tablets
parabo dr|z3d, why did you make me buy ZTE tablets?
dr|z3d I didn't.
kongto <dr|z3d> I cant wait to babysit my nephew again
kongto <dr|z3d> Im going to pull his pants down
itsjustme hello :)