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dr|z3d >> All I2P+ 1.8.0+ torrents now up. Please seed if you can! Thanks! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256 <<
RN dr|z3d, which folder does a windows user put the su3 file in to do a manual update? I can't remember.
dr|z3d either app dir or %appdata%\i2p should work.
RN ok. thanks
dr|z3d what up Mustafabo
Mustafabo not much, you?
dr|z3d you know, the usual.
Mustafabo coding away?
dr|z3d assessing the code landscape.
dr|z3d you seeding these torrents for me, Mustafabo? :) tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256
dr|z3d do it, do it now. kthx.
Mustafabo I can though
dr|z3d good boy *pat pat*
dr|z3d not sure what your bandwidth is like these days, Mustafabo, but those downloads should be fast.
dr|z3d I'll know when you're seeding.. you haven't started yet :)
Mustafabo there dr|z3d
dr|z3d like pulling teeth! all 3 please :)
Mustafabo I did all 3
dr|z3d ok, nice, thanks. I see you now.
dr|z3d speeds good?
Mustafabo not sure what qualifies for good these days, seems fine
Mustafabo 14kb/s and 4kb/s on the two i haven't finished
dr|z3d should pick up as you find peers.
Mustafabo oh 62 and 74 now
dr|z3d are you on fiber these days?
Mustafabo yeah but over wifi with exception of my media boxes
Mustafabo dr|z3d, have you seen The Putin Interviews?
dr|z3d possibly not, Mustafabo
Mustafabo check em out dr|z3d
Mustafabo there's 5 one hour parts
Mustafabo from 2017-2018
dr|z3d will hunt them down.. for my part, Navalny documentary on Netflix is a good watch.
Mustafabo they're on youtube dr|z3d
dr|z3d thanks, Mustafabo
mesh is it possible to get Firefox view source to prettify the xml/xhtml?
dr|z3d probably with an extension.
mesh it looks like there are extensions like but they foolishly don't work on the view source page
mesh I am le foiled it seems
dr|z3d might be what you want.
mesh it's sad. firefox knows it's working with well-formed xhtml+xml and instead of taking the opportunity to show you something pretty and interactive and colorful it shows you the entire document squashed on one line
mesh though presumably that's how the server sent it... still, wouldn't be so hard to add a button to 'Prettify'
mesh oh maybe will do what I want
mesh and it doesn't exist hehe
dr|z3d what about if you use the developer tools inspection tab to view instead.. that will prettify
mesh argh firefox
dr|z3d ctrl+shift+i
mesh dr|z3d: I don't think it does...
dr|z3d yeah, it does.
mesh it does do syntax highlighting
dr|z3d what are you looking at?
mesh byt all the xml is still on one line
mesh Response [Raw]
dr|z3d url..
dr|z3d not network tab, inspector rab.
mesh Response tab
dr|z3d no the network tab, THE INSPECTOR tab. on the left.
mesh yeah that works... it actually breaks the content into a tree structure
dr|z3d yeah, like I told you it would. :)
dr|z3d you're almost as hard work as Mustafabo
mesh I actually knew about the feature but I had tunnel vision, spending a lot of time on the Network tab looking at http headers and weird http errors
mesh the good news is my "I2P Native" web server basically works
mesh then I was like "Oh yeah the inspector"
mesh (though Firefox should make more of an effort to make 'View Source' show something pretty. The whole reason the web exists and those people have jobs is because View Source!)
mesh (then again the Firefox guys don't have to actually do anything. Google is paying them half a billion dollars a year just to prevent a Microsoft-style antitrust case)
dr|z3d Mozilla is a clusterfuck.
dr|z3d You have to ask, where did all the money go?
mesh probably hookers and blow
dr|z3d They've made billions from Google, and they had to lay off almost half their workforce last year. Chronic mismanagement.
mesh I mean if I worked for mozilla I would spend all day at the beach and only show up once a quarter to collect the google money
dr|z3d they have their head shoved so far up their telemetry logs they don't know what counts as a good browser anymore.
mesh the real problem with mozilla is that the code is horribly, horribly complex and it's not a real open source project I think
mesh though you can't even really blame them. the reality is browsers+html+javascript are such a complicated clusterfuck that you kinda have to be Google to write a browser
mesh hence why we must destroy it all. burn the village to the ground
dr|z3d XANA: maybe because you're not staying online 24/7?
dr|z3d not a lot of info to go on..
T3s|4 XANA: iirc, dr|z3d updated 1.8.0 3 times on 26 May 2022. Is that frequency somehow insufficient for you?
T3s|4 you are seriously outdated
T3s|4 3 times, yesterday to 8.0+
T3s|4 XANA: btw: zzz released 1.8.0 on 23 May
T3s|4 there was no need to do that; easy to move from 1.7-X+ to 1.8-X+ - see link I gave you above
dr|z3d what up Mustafabo
AmyMalik *** stares at Mustafabo, then catches fire ***
Mustafabo dr|z3d, nm you?
dr|z3d shizz dizz, you know.
AmyMalik Mustafabo: what do you think of fire?
Mustafabo what about fire?