IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo dr|z3d
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d busy, parabo. entertain yourself.
parabo but itsjustme_ isn't here
parabo or is he
parabo albat, want to play HS?
albat not right now
parabo Oh wait you are in different server
albat europe
Anomaly dr|z3d: you ever seen the movie jacobs ladder ?
Anomaly it was a very good movie
mesh Anomaly: cmon dude wtf
mesh don't talk about that fucking movie. it was scary as shit
Anomaly it was a good movie!
mesh now you've made me remember it and I won't get any sleep
mesh it'
mesh it's a terrifying movie
Anomaly im sorry i didnt think it traumatized you
mesh you are not supposed talk about super scary movies like jacob's ladder and event horizon
mesh shit shit shit now you made me remember event horizon
Anomaly do you know me in person?
mesh fuck
Anomaly because i watched the movie event horizon after i watched jacobs ladder
Anomaly mesh: its ok
Anomaly ill cuddle with you
mesh well you're psycho
Anomaly you have no reason to be scared
Anomaly im here
Anomaly why do you think im psycho ?
mesh I've worked very hard to forget those movies
Anomaly lol really
Anomaly dont worry Anomaly is here
Anomaly i will protect u
mesh I mean I can't imagine just sitting around and voluntarily watching two of the scariest movies ever made for fun
Anomaly there is strong and then there is army strong!
mesh I saw jacob's ladder as a little kid (maybe 8-9 yrs old) and it did indeed fucking tramautize me
Anomaly well im going to therapy and my therapist asked me to select 5 of my favorite horror movies, and i was on staff duty with a sergeant first class trying to think of movies, and he recommended those 2 to me
Anomaly well yea kids arent supposed to watch horror movies
mesh then I lost a bet and my friend made me watch event horizon a long time ago
Anomaly i wouldhave been traumatized too if i watched those movies at that age
Anomaly event horizon isnt that scary to watch to make it a bet to watch that movie
Anomaly but again, you were young
mesh event horizon is pretty damn scary
Anomaly it was scary
Anomaly yea id admit i was a bit scared too after i watched it
mesh some people think it's one of the scariest movies ever made... just ask google
Anomaly oh for real
Anomaly thats interesting
mesh goddammit
mesh I just remembered another fucking scary movie
mesh goddamn you Anomaly, damn your eyues
Anomaly you know what movie really scared me when i was a kid
Anomaly grimlins
mesh I've seen babies and toddlers get scared of gremlins
Anomaly i wouldnt doubt that
mesh I think if you're old enough it's obvious those are just puppets
Anomaly i think thats child abuse actually
Anomaly to make a toddler or baby watch a horror movie
Anomaly their minds are way more fragile
Anomaly like i wouldnt doubt that could create serious phsycological problems for them
mesh well eventually your mind just suppresses the horrifying images and sounds
Anomaly yea i still think its really bad
mesh Blinded message
mesh hence why: **you're not supposed to talk about scary movies**
mesh since you already made me remember, you might as well check out
mesh there are some really scary movies out there that go straight to video
mesh there's also a lot of really scary movies that come out of Japan and Korea
mesh though eventually those movies start to seem kinda silly
Anomaly right
Anomaly lol did you know that im in korea ?
mesh nope
Anomaly im serious im in korea
Anomaly u can ask dr|z3d and parabola
Anomaly i joined the army, and now im stationed in korea
Anomaly when i said there is strong and then theres army strong lol
mesh though you're not supposed to reveal any pii in this channel or dr|z3d will hurt you
mesh that's kind of cool that you can use i2p while in the army
Anomaly i mean, is it against army regulations?
Anomaly i get paid a salary, i buy my own laptop and internet
mesh probably not. I know people in the army and according to them the army really doesn't care what you do on your own personal devices as long as there's no children involved hehe
mesh I assume you're not connecting to i2p using the datalink in an m1 abrhams tank
Anomaly right =/
Anomaly lol no wtf
Anomaly obviously anything involving children is super illegal
Anomaly even in the civilian world anythign that involves children is super illegal
mesh the cool thing about i2p in theory is that from the armny's perspective you might even appear totally whitebread
mesh though maybe you use a korean isp and don't live on base
Anomaly right
Anomaly i dont think its worth thinking too ahrd about
Anomaly if the army finds im on i2p ok fuck it, ill stop going on there
Anomaly unless i was doing something illegal i just think theyd give me a warning
mesh they probably don't care
mesh I also live under an intrusive government that likes to, say, block all sorts of useful stuff
mesh very cool how i2p circumvents all of that
Anomaly yea that is pretty cool actually
mesh one of these days I'll make it to seoul
mesh I've heard it's pretty cool. expensive but good food.
Anomaly hopefully
Anomaly ive been to seoul a few times
Anomaly i guess its expensive
Anomaly i dunno
Anomaly i mean i guess it dpeends what you plan to do in seoul
mesh korea is still locked down crazy tight it seems: All travelers to Korea must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 48 hours of their departure. There is a mandatory 7-day quarantine upon entry for travelers who are unvaccinated or who do not register their vaccination status prior to entering Korea.
Anomaly mesh: an yang ha seh oh
mesh oh wait that's not so bad... you only have to quarantine for 7 days if you're not vaccinated
Anomaly yea korea is pretty fucking uptight about covid
Anomaly and then korea i think is the country who handled covid the best and i think it inflates their ego to enforce more restrictions on it
Anomaly the army doesnt give a shit about covid they just do whatever the korean gov wants them to do with covid, because we are guests
mesh yeah makes sense. all of asia ex phillipines and cambodia is like that
Anomaly dr|z3d sshi an yong ha seh yo
Anomaly dr|z3d did u eat today ?
Anomaly meok da ?
mesh does dr|z3d speak korean?
dr|z3d korean coming along, eh, Anomaly?
Anomaly yea lol
Anomaly im learning korean