IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme Hey scottpedia
scottpedia my loneliness is killing me
itsjustme Why are you lonely?
scottpedia living alone
scottpedia itsjustme: are you the army guy in south korea?
itsjustme Ah I see
itsjustme I am not
scottpedia ohh alright sorry
scottpedia itsjustme: how about you? youliving alone?
itsjustme Not exactly. I'm not in a relationship but I'm not alone
scottpedia with family members?
scottpedia alright good for thee
scottpedia as a child i thought getting married was so stupid.
scottpedia now i see why people do that
scottpedia anyway just some careless rants
itsjustme I understand honestly
itsjustme I'm quite lonely aswell
RN we are alone together!
scottpedia i mean you just cant deal with computers only all the time
scottpedia human touch is such a luxury of our time
RN yup
scottpedia i'd rather be a cat
itsjustme *** snuggles with scottpedia and RN ***
scottpedia *** meows ***
parabo hey guys
parabo marriage is hard. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, it takes commitment, sacrifice. There are more bad times than good, but a real man, gets married. It's half of your obligation in Islam, getting married to at least one wife. I have 3
parabo Now adays all these people have internet relationships and they say oh brother this is Halal, no it's not subnahallah it's Haram, there is no witnesses, you are not telling people, you don't live together, you weren't anything other than online sinners
parabo Zina is so widespread in Islam. It's easy to have sex, to date, to have relationships and fall in love. But it's not how it's done.
parabo I need a fourth wife
parabo and in Islam it's easy to get married. Like you just ask if someone is interested in marriage, or to be introduced to a potential spouse. You both explain your life plans and intended path. Then you discuss if and how you can make a compromise. Then if compromise is found, you start making demands of promises, and promises without being demanded... then if either of you are interested... You propose to the other
parabo one. The engagement, is the time to get to know each other. And once engaged you can't take it back. It's a commitment like marriage.
parabo It's called Nikkah, and has almost half as frequent ending in divorce compared to western world dating and relationships
rambler Got I2P setup on a 10Gbps server... Going to see what this baby can do, lol
rambler Still showing as firewalled though... Hmm. dr|z3d, any thoughts?
rambler This server is behind a strict firewall. By default, all ports are closed by default. I've opened in/out for all I2P related ports I could think of, as well as the TCP/UDP port defined in /confignet#udpconfig
mesh rambler: is there anything in the logs?
mesh the router really should do more logging. But there's a file called logger.config that can be used to increase the level of the logging
dr|z3d hey rambler.
dr|z3d firewalled you say? ports open?
dr|z3d if you opened ports after installation and first run, try restarting the router..
dr|z3d mesh: you don't need to manually edit logger.config, just pay a visit to /configlogging
mesh dr|z3d: cool
dr|z3d > hey rambler.
dr|z3d > firewalled you say? ports open?
dr|z3d > if you opened ports after installation and first run, try restarting the router..
rambler Yeah. Somehow after a restart fixed it
dr|z3d yeah, that's fairly normal.
rambler Server is behind a strict firewall that has everything closed by default, so I gotta open everything 1 by 1. An update / restart fixed it.
dr|z3d make sure ulimit -n isn't reporting 1024 also, for your i2p user.
rambler I was going crazy. "I know these are open"
rambler I'll need your help to push this to it's max though haha
dr|z3d and the _only_ port you need to open for i2p is the udp/tcp port, nothing else.
dr|z3d hit me up on i2pchat.
rambler One step ahead of you, already there :)
rambler Hardware on this box is a little dated so even though it's got a 10Gbps port I think the max I can really push from my speedtests I've done is about 4-5Gbps
dr|z3d more than i2p will ever use.
rambler And I know I2P isn't going to do much at all but figured I'd have some fun with it
rambler Yeah for sure
dr|z3d mesh: if you want something to look at, logging-wise, just set the default level to warn and visit /logs .. will auto-updated every 30s.
dr|z3d unlike upstream logging, I2P+ logs are intended to be as intelligible as possible, and fairly easy to read, presentationally.
parabo fuck I ordered 5000 pokemon TCG online pack and product codes and now I need to copy, switch windows, select entry field, paste, click submit, then repeat 5000 times
parabo They supply QR codes but they are not readable from my tablet because camera not high enough pixel density and the laptop can't read them off my screen
parabo this is going to take a good 12 of 18 hours to enter the codes, then a good 12 - 18 hours of opening packs and product packages, and then I need to go through my library and set up trade offers in the trade system to get stuff I didn't pull from packs via the pack codes
parabo Unlike most online collectable trading card games... Pokemon does not sell packs for money, you can grind to earn points towards one pack at a time. otherwise you need a pack code from a physical pack, which is like $9-$40 for recent sets. And the pack codes are worth 11-50 cents on online stores that buy and sell them
parabo I already bought all the pokemon card products from every online store that isn't a ripoff, they are limited edition and wholesalers do not get extra. That is why some cards are worth so much
parabo I just got 4 base set Charizard graded and put into preservation blocks at 10/10, meaning 8000-20000 per card at auction.
parabo I should probably open a pokemon card store, since I have more cards than any store and I just buy them to rip open packs and then use some cards for trade, some for collection completion, some for decks, and some I just have storage lockers full of card storage boxes.
parabo I could sell them one card at a time on facebook groups via mail with etransfers or ebay with paypal, but that's ridiculous. I should hire some pokemon card dudes and rent a retail location somewhere and have a website with our full inventory. I have heard there is almost no money in collectables stores for cards and comics. I know all the local card/comic store owners. The store I buy from for pokemon when I need
parabo in person transactions, or sell to, is owned by a bitcoin billionaire, and the only profit he sees from his stores is through his bitcoin ATMs in the stores. He says he likes sitting around playing card games and talking to collectable nerds while listening to heavy metal and he has nothing better to do than run the stores
parabo hi thatpaman
dr|z3d *** test completed successfully ***
parabo what's up?
thatpaman i joined to ask about my weird problem with ramble...
thatpaman Why is ramble's i2p endpoint not working properly for me? I can browse every other eepsite (it's slow but works). But if I go to ramble.i2p, click login, open a post or open the wiki, sometimes it opens within a minute (as normal), but many times it gets stuck for >10 minutes (or infinitely). It's very annoying TBH
thatpaman It's weird, accessing (the clearnet version) with an I2P outproxy works normally, but not with ramble.i2p. Can you please check for any problems?
thatpaman Shit timed out
thatpaman Asked this to rambler on #ramble, but he can't figure it out too. Any help would be greatly appreciated
dr|z3d works for me over .i2p thatpaman
rambler Oh yeah. I'm at a loss. tube.i2p and other similar sites work fine for him
rambler But ramble, not so much
rambler I suggested he come here and ping you since you're the resident I2P expert, ha
dr|z3d could be one of the multi-homes has some issues.
dr|z3d thatpaman: try retsarting your http proxy tunnel if you're using i2p/i2p+
thatpaman Not at all working for me. Still infinitely loading...
dr|z3d what are you using there? i2p, i2p+ or i2pd?
dr|z3d smooth as butter for me over i2p.
thatpaman I have restarted many many times
thatpaman I'm using i2pd
dr|z3d is ecies enabled for the proxy tunnel?
thatpaman what's ecies?
dr|z3d it's a type of encryption that some services use. better than what used to be the default, ElGamal.
dr|z3d so let's try this.. can you reach skank.i2p ?
thatpaman lemme try
thatpaman yep, loaded within 10 secs
dr|z3d ok, so your http tunnel is ecies-capable.
dr|z3d what version of i2pd?
thatpaman 2.41.0 for raspberry pi from the official repos
dr|z3d ah, that's a couple of versions behind, no?
dr|z3d oh, no, it's fine.
dr|z3d latest, apparently.
parabo dr|z3d, what up?
thatpaman no updates available for i2pd. its the latest
parabo I am getting a new dog
dr|z3d nice, parabo.
parabo and a Goffin Cockatoo. And they don't like humans, they are bonded and like to be left together alone
dr|z3d and it's a pi 4 you're running?
thatpaman My i2pd configs are a little changed. I've set the number of transit tunnels to 1 (because my internet plan is limited). But I can open every other eepsite perfectly fine. Don't think it is the problem
dr|z3d yeah, should work fine, especially as other sites also working fine for you.
thatpaman Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
dr|z3d tube.i2p ok? nitter.skank.i2p ok? teddit.i2p ok?
thatpaman Yep they work fine. I use them regularly
thatpaman On latest Bullseye amd64
thatpaman Everything updated
dr|z3d I mean on the pi..
dr|z3d or you're saying you're running bullseye on the pi?
thatpaman Yep, the pi is running Raspbian Bullseye amd64
thatpaman Fresh install
thatpaman Sorry, not amd64 arm64
thatpaman mistyped
dr|z3d ok, well, ramble.i2p should work the same as any other site, nothing much different about it, multihomed the same as tube, teddit.
thatpaman No, both the B32 and ramble.i2p don't work. Infinite loading
thatpaman teddit.i2p, tube.i2p, nitter.skank.i2p loaded fine just now
dr|z3d does your http client tunnel key change when you restart i2pd?
thatpaman Dunno what that means. But I use an ssh tunnel to forward port 4444 into my computer's localhost. The http proxy tunnel's settings are the default
thatpaman The B32 is still loading...
dr|z3d it means when you restart i2pd, your http proxy destination either changes, or it doesn't. if it's a persistent destination, you may be snagged by a permanent block.
dr|z3d I don't know what the default behavior is for i2pd.
thatpaman Oh ok. So how to change that setting on i2pd? Let me see the docs
dr|z3d it's probably just a question of deleting the existing key, or there may be a config option to cycle dest every time you start i2pd.
thatpaman Yes, the keys are stored in /var/lib/i2pd
dr|z3d ok, well, you could try stopping i2pd, deleting the http proxy key, if you can identify it, and the starting i2pd.
thatpaman Ok trying
dr|z3d if that fixes the problem, chances are you've been hitting the site too hard and have got blocked on all instances.
dr|z3d but you have to hit it pretty damn hard to get banned.
thatpaman ls /var/lib/i2pd -l
thatpaman drwxr-x--- 35 i2pd i2pd 4096 Mar 10 02:38 addressbook/
thatpaman lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Feb 20 20:00 certificates -> /usr/share/i2pd/certificates/
thatpaman drwxr-xr-x 2 i2pd i2pd 4096 Mar 28 00:27 destinations/
thatpaman -rw------- 1 i2pd i2pd 679 Mar 10 02:21 http-alt-keys.dat
thatpaman lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Feb 20 20:00 i2pd.conf -> /etc/i2pd/i2pd.conf
thatpaman -rw-r----- 1 i2pd i2pd 679 Apr 17 09:02 irc-keys-2.dat
thatpaman -rw-r----- 1 i2pd i2pd 679 Mar 10 01:56 irc-keys.dat
thatpaman drwxr-x--- 66 i2pd i2pd 4096 Mar 10 01:56 netDb/
thatpaman -rw-r--r-- 1 i2pd i2pd 80 Mar 10 01:56 ntcp2.keys
thatpaman drwxr-x--- 66 i2pd i2pd 4096 Mar 10 01:56 peerProfiles/
thatpaman -rw-r----- 1 i2pd i2pd 679 Mar 10 02:30 pop3-keys.dat
thatpaman -rw-r--r-- 1 i2pd i2pd 1373 Apr 17 09:35
thatpaman -rw-r--r-- 1 i2pd i2pd 455 Mar 10 01:56 router.keys
thatpaman -rw-r----- 1 i2pd i2pd 679 Mar 10 02:30 smtp-keys.dat
thatpaman -rw-r----- 1 i2pd i2pd 679 Mar 28 00:27 ssh-prathmik-keys.dat
thatpaman lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Feb 20 20:00 subscriptions.txt -> /etc/i2pd/subscriptions.txt
thatpaman drwxr-xr-x 2 i2pd i2pd 4096 Apr 17 09:04 tags/
thatpaman lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Feb 20 20:00 tunnels.conf -> /etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf
thatpaman lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Feb 20 20:00 tunnels.d -> /etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf.d/
thatpaman Which one is the http proxy's keys. Can't figure out. All the *.dat are my personal ones
dr|z3d all .dat keys are destinations, in essence. so maybe http-alt-keys.dat?
thatpaman No http-alt-keys.dat is my personal website
dr|z3d ok, what's in destinations?
thatpaman 4 files there, in the format [B32].some-number.dat
dr|z3d can you correlate one of those with the http destination in the web console?
thatpaman Ah, I can see the "HTTP Proxy"'s B32 destinations on the i2pd console
thatpaman No, they don't match the HTTP Proxy's destinations as listed on the i2pd console. All of them are of my personal websites
dr|z3d ok, maybe you can clone the existing proxy tunnel config and put that on a different port, and then try that?
dr|z3d if we were in i2p/i2p+ territory, it would be a lot easier for me to provide assistance.
dr|z3d but we are where we are.
thatpaman Ah, I found the config to change the http proxy's keys
dr|z3d check your i2pd config file, under httpproxy
thatpaman Changing and restarting
dr|z3d should have the key listed.. ok, good..
thatpaman Yep, it's there
dr|z3d what outproxy are you using?
dr|z3d false.i2p ?
parabo Man, Dr. Mufti Ismail Menk, is going to become nothing in a few years
parabo I will be the leading most known and respected islamic scholar. He won't listen to me about so many things, and all his followers are flocking to me on social media even though I am still in semester 1 of the Islamic Studies masters
dr|z3d tell me it's working now, thatpaman
dr|z3d also, what outproxy are you using? false.i2p?
thatpaman The http proxy's and socks proxy's destinations change automatically on every restart
dr|z3d ok, that's good.
thatpaman So this exercise seems worthless
thatpaman It's not working
thatpaman Still the same
dr|z3d ok, I'm fresh out of ideas, then. sorry.
thatpaman Prob I should use using an outproxy. It works perfectly fine though
thatpaman Thanks for help
dr|z3d you want a fast, reliable outproxy, try purokishi.i2p
thatpaman Yes, I am using purokishi.i2p. false.i2p never worked for me
dr|z3d you might also ask orignal when he's about if he has any ideas what the issue is.
thatpaman Ok thanks for the suggestion!
dr|z3d ok, good. purokishi should see you right. :)
dr|z3d orignal == lead i2pd developer.
dr|z3d usually sits in #ls2 on this network.
parabo I think I want to make a genetically engineering retrovirus that makes everyone have children with a bicameral mind
dr|z3d one other thought.. you're not manipulating your user agent string in any way, are you, thatpaman?
dr|z3d by default it should be MYOB/ANON 6.66
RN what is this about tinkering with user agents?
parabo RN: Haram, blasphemy, sin.
parabo They need to pray to God for forgiveness
RN oh goodness!
RN I've spoofed useragent in the past
RN am I doomed to
RN to...
RN um...
RN whappens?
parabo Yes, goodness indeed. Praying for forgiveness usually works unless you are intending to pray for forgiveness to get away with sin, in which case you are stealing your Salat, don't think you are going to be forgiven.
parabo Well, I can't honestly say. But it is a form of lying which is Haram in Islamic faith
RN hmmm
RN so telling google that I am using Safari when I am actually using Firefox is a sin?
RN s/google/Google/
dr|z3d fine, RN, fine.
dr|z3d I don't recall if a blank UA is blacklisted on ramble, probably not.
RN oh dear here comes beielzebuhb
RN oops
RN er
dr|z3d it may be elsewhere.
RN s/beielzebuhb/the_good_doctor/
thatpaman Not changed, I think I can confirm this, because stats.i2p doesn't allow me, if user agent is not MYOB/ANON 6.66. For eg: If I try accessing stats.i2p using the socks proxy (which doesn't alter the user agent), stats.i2p says 403/409 Denied error
RN ok, so it is a site thing
RN whewh
dr|z3d thatpaman: ok
thatpaman I have used the pre-packaged firefox profile for GNU/Linux availabe on
thatpaman I also installed NoScript
dr|z3d neither should be an issue.
thatpaman Fuck that was rigorous but fun nevertheless
RN have you tried disabling noscript?
thatpaman Nope, not tride
RN also, if that doesn't work, which it probbaly wont
RN a fresh firefox profile with the proxy manually set to 4444
RN or any browser you choose that respects proxy setting
thatpaman Yah, not working. Trying a fresh profile
RN we used to have a bot that responded to "is XXXX up?" requests
RN you could ask it the I2P url and it would give the page title if it loaded
thatpaman What's that bo
RN don't remember and it and the operator are probably gone
RN but it was like so many irc bots in use that watch for url and give page title
thatpaman It is up. Because other users reported it is up, at the same time mine didn't
RN just needs to understand b32/b64
thatpaman BonoboNET has one. I should test it there
RN yeah. just the bot allowed for self service confirmation. ie
RN "I can't load planet.i2p. does the irc bot see it up?"
RN do you still use i2pmessenger?
RN aka i2pchat?
RN yes I am asking the holed channel
RN s/holed/wholed/
RN s/wholed/whole
RN s/whole/hole*
thatpaman Looks like I'm not the only one. isitup.i2p/workingsites.html lists ramble.i2p as DOWN. Or independently checking ramble.i2p or smv3cryi3n7d5ll7xpvlhstubi5yj4dadeltyrdwdr4onwd2jvvq.b32.i2p on isitup.i2p, also results in the same, i.e. infinitely loading. Other eepsites like tube.i2p, nitter.skank.i2p, libreddit.i2p, teddit.i2p, reg.i2p,
thatpaman 333.i2p, acetone.i2p, zzz.i2p, stats.i2p are shown UP by that site
thatpaman i should just ask orignal
RN ah, there it is. isitup is still live.
RN so I missed a lot of the prior discussion
RN but you did try multiple browsers?
GalaxyNova internet censorship in Canada is materializing...
thatpaman Yep tried. No change
RN mm
RN did you try rebooting the isp device?
RN it is a strech... but if you do that, shutdown router first so it is clean
thatpaman I tried everything under the sun, except for too technical things. I'm fine with, I am too tired of this now. TAW
parabo Fuck, Dr. Shiekh Mufti Ismail Menk posted 7 hours ago a 40 minute lecture about how Islam is being oppressed and it's people are being oppressed
parabo So now, I had to talk to him
parabo We may be looking at neutron bombs and or tactical nukes to take out Israel while avoiding total casualties of non zionists
parabo I told him, you realize this is the most progressive and controversial thing anyone has said who wasn't a terrorist or part of a military organization of some sort in 200 years
parabo So the scholarly process is begun
parabo within a few weeks we should be ready to start saying what Jerry Rubin said before the Chicago 7 trial related riots. Fuck em all, lets get guns and form an army
parabo what he doesn't know yet, is I have an army, and I have a shitload of really good guns, and lots of ammo, and stockpiles of tactical loadouts... And nuclear weapons, and I know how to make neutron bombs but the one I have is not tactical it's a continent killer
parabo So... We may be going to war with Israel, or we may not. But Mufti, is kind of the unofficial leader of Islam. He is the one everyone listens to, although usually I argue with him. I was doing it on my blog and he made a lecture about planning the downfall of others, and not being a know it all, and he refuses to take me seriously... until now
parabo We already discussed several strategies...
parabo Now the scholars need to write papers and circulate them, and talk to each other, and come to a general consensus about if we are going to war
parabo I am already in a war, against ISIS... And another a cold war against america with literal spy vs spy CIA agents on the losing end
parabo I am really psyched about this
parabo I thought I would never have a chance for a jihad because no scholars even talk about jihads except to say avoid them and stop asking
parabo but I didn't listen I have been in Afghanistan 11 times... I even infiltrated ISIS and am officially a low level leader in their military campaign and command structure. I was even in a battle, but I was firing my gun over the heads of the people I am really working for...
parabo This is awesome as fuck
parabo We're gonna fuck them up good. I want to use tactical WMDs but he is very against nuclear proliferation because he has no clue how nuclear weapons or the global climate and ecosystems and physics in general or biology work
parabo But, I am going to start tomorrow trying to develop small neutron bombs with a city size area of effect
parabo This is awesome
parabo The first real jihad since TE Lawrence joined the allied forces in WW1
parabo This is how history starts. two smart influential guys talking and publicly speaking about change
mesh is there any way to tell the max job runners from the router console?
dr|z3d check /jobs
dr|z3d parabo: I agree.
dr|z3d zionism is nazism in another guise.
dr|z3d mesh: just finished job count == max job runners.
dr|z3d despite the name, that value is static. max job runners == job runners.
wellicht and it's coffee time again
mesh dr|z3d:there's no max job runnners on /jobs
dr|z3d > mesh: _just finished job count_ == max job runners.
mesh dr|z3d: there's no "just finished job count"
dr|z3d_ > mesh: _just finished job count_ == max job runners.
mesh dr|z3d: but there's no value. When I go top /jobs I see a scheduled job count and various job statistics.
dr|z3d_ what does it say after just finished jobs?
mesh dr|z3d: the word "Finished" doesn't appear on the /jobs page
dr|z3d_ then you're not in advanced mode.
dr|z3d_ which you should be.
dr|z3d_ routerconsole.advanced=true in router.config
mesh yeah I wanted to avoid restarting the router, being a participant in so many tunnels but what are you gonna do I suppose
dr|z3d you don't need to restart
dr|z3d add that value, wait 30 seconds.
dr|z3d where you do need to restart for config changes, it's indicate on /help/advancedsettings
dr|z3d you've checked that page before now, right?
mesh oh really I didn't know it was watching router.config
mesh yeah
dr|z3d once you're in advanced mode, you can modify your router.config file within the console via /configadvanced
mesh there we go
mesh I wonder if I should increase the number of job runners
dr|z3d how many cores/threads, and how many currently allocated?
mesh then again "Job Lag" is only 2ms
dr|z3d you should have cores - 2 allocated I think.
dr|z3d with a minimum of 4? I forget exactly.
mesh there's 4, but I think the number should be 8
mesh though I doubt this logic if some of these jobs are doing I/O
dr|z3d 2ms lag, floodfill. you're fine. you don't need any more, won't help your router.
mesh no reason to limit it to number of logical cores
dr|z3d it's a good metric for that subsystem. more runners doesn't = more better.
dr|z3d and, more importantly, 2ms lag indicates you're doing great.
mesh dr|z3d: but these Test jobs ... Test Local Tunnel, Test Peers ... they do I/O right? Actually send and receive data on the network? So it's not really a cpu bound queue
dr|z3d trust me, I've experimented with various values.
dr|z3d if you want to experiment, go ahead. you'll need to restart the router for changes to take effect.
dr|z3d now you're in advanced mode, add the following to /configadvanced: routerconsole.showPeerTestAvg=true
dr|z3d you'll see a peer test avg readout under congestion in a few moments.
mesh I see it
dr|z3d once you've got a good idea of successful average response time (first value), you can tweak the max response time before a peer is failed via router.peerTestTimeout={ms}
mesh dr|z3d: and the router will stop communicating with peers that fail the peerTestTimeout?
dr|z3d that will influence your local tunnel peer selection, as indicated on /profiles (low latency peers)
dr|z3d no, it doesn't stop communicating with them, it just marks them as not fast, removes them from the fast tier (/profiles)
mesh very interesting
mesh I was actually thinking about stopping communication with low bandwidth routers through the excludeCaps mechanism
dr|z3d you don't stop talking to them. you just don't use them for local tunnels.
dr|z3d and by default you're excluding KLM+U caps.
mesh dr|z3d: when you say local tunnels you mean tunnels for servers and clients connected to the router
mesh via i2cp
dr|z3d clients/servers and exploratory.
dr|z3d see /tunnels
dr|z3d ie anything apart from participating tunnels, over which you have no control of other participants.
mesh It's interesting that there's a router.peerTestConcurrency which is independent of the maxJobRunners
dr|z3d that determines how many peers to test at a time.. more peers, faster your profiles gets refreshed, to a point.
dr|z3d by default it shouldn't take more than an hour to test all "interesting" peers in your netdb.
mesh I went ahead and set router.peerTestTimeout to 700
mesh interesting to see what will happen
mesh though there's a security risk associated with only using such fast peers for local tunnels
mesh I think it's a good choice for users. for this router in a frankly free country there's much less security concern than the router running on my local laptop
mesh dr|z3d: it's too bad /profiles?f=1#profilelist doesn't include peer test information
mesh also not sure what Peer Test "total" is or why that's expressed as a ratio
mesh dr|z3d: does router.peerTestTimeout affect i2psnark?
dr|z3d yes, mesh. snark tunnels are local.
mesh interesting I think it just killed a torrent
dr|z3d and peer test information is included on /profiles.. green tick, peer passed test, red cross, peer failed test.
dr|z3d it won't kill a torrent.
dr|z3d existing tunnels will persist.
mesh dr|z3d: ahh that's what 'Status' means. But I'd rather actually see the peerTest time for each of the fast peers
dr|z3d patches welcome, mesh :)
mesh yes, I plan to get a copy of your code into my gitbucket
dr|z3d if you use git.i2p, you can mirror my code and build off that. or any gitea instance.
dr|z3d but whatever works for you.
mesh I have gitbucket setup, it seems to work really well. I would never use git.i2p heh
dr|z3d git.i2p automatically mirrors gitlab. I like that I don't need to manually update it.
mesh oh git.i2p is different from git.idk.i2p
dr|z3d git.i2p == gitea, git.idk == gitlab.
dr|z3d but anyways, feel free to grab the i2p+ code and cast an eye over it. patches are considered on merit.
mesh ah this is gittea, I thought as much
mesh it's better than the complex monstrosity that is gitlab
dr|z3d much lighter for sure.
term99 gitea FTW!
dr|z3d term99 knows..
term99 mesh let us know hen you hit 5k part tunnels :)
mesh the system rarely climbs above 1k
mesh doesn't seem like 5k's possible
dr|z3d oh it's possible for sure, but your router needs to be around for more than a couple of weeks to achieve that, and it's conditional on network demands and other routers serving those demands. currently around 2K part tunnels seems like a fairly high mark.
mesh so time really has that big of an impact
mesh seems sort of silly. you'd think after a couple of days you'd want to take advantage of all that unused bandwidth
term99 I had mine up for a year with minor updates and I was moving around 1TB a day of shared traffic at one point
GalaxyNova hi term
term99 Hello
mesh dr|z3d: so the net effect is it drives down tunnel lag
mesh as slow peers get kicked out of your tunnel candidate pool the TunnelLag actually quicklyy converges on peerTestTimeout
dr|z3d mesh: yeah, that's about the size of it.