IRCaBot 2.1.0
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GalaxyNova mesh: do you know if there is something like but i2p
GalaxyNova it might be a cool project to take on
mesh GalaxyNova: that would be cool. I don't know if it exists.
mesh eventually somebody is going to have to talk to the archive folks about archiving eepsites
albat hi all :)
albat hi dr|z3d :)
albat hi itsjustme :)
dr|z3d salutations albat
albat hey :3 how are you?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
albat i'm fine
dr|z3d been a while, what you been up to?
albat i play with retroshare
dr|z3d very good
albat i share my tvshows in a channel, i upload 200GB per day
mesh albat: what channel?
albat inside retroshare, i've made my own channel
albat chaƮne in french
albat i've made more than 150 tvshows posts
mesh cool
albat you want the link? (tvshows are in french)
albat retroshare://channel?name=S%C3%A9ries%20en%20FRENCH&id=575283ee83933ad7934ed771491276bb
mesh je desole I don't really speak french despite 3 years of learning in school
albat ok :/
mesh I will want it one day when I get serious about learning french again
albat you use retroshare also?
mesh it's too bad that retroshare doesn't support a standard http interface though I guess it's complicated
mesh I don't use retroshare. reading about it now
albat it uses tor and/or i2p
mesh on the one hand retroshare seems over complicated. if I want to share files I could just setup a web server behind i2p
mesh on the other hand the gui looks very nice and I bet it works well for less technical people
albat i share 30 times more over retroshare than over muwire
albat i upload all the time
albat at 3 or 5 MB/sec with tor
mesh cool. it looks like retroshare has their own version of bittorrent swarming which is nice
mesh retroshare does look cool. I'm not really a fan of apps that do-everything+read-email but it looks like a nice implementation of mesh computing + social networking
albat what is beothering is when you begin with retroshare, you need friend nodes, once you have enough, it works great
albat bothering*
mesh albat: do you know about i2psnark and uploading torrents to postman?
mesh yeah that's the problem with all social networking software... without friends it's not very interesting
albat i did it long ago, it's not complicated
albat i prefer sharing over retroshare, i reach more, a lot more people
mesh public trackers like postman can work for distribution but they're less social of course
albat i send around 200GB per day lol
albat you see only a part of it
mesh nice. you've got your own little netflix going hehe
albat lol yes
mesh albat: you should get people to sign up and pay you a monthly subscription fee in monero
albat i prefer sending for free and reaching more people
term99 free is always best :), hi albat
mesh looks like your bandwidth is literally 10x better than mine
albat i have fiber optic
mesh oh nice. I just have a rinky dink wifi
albat i connect with ethernet, wifi is too slow
mesh albat: you do everything behind i2p? or do your friends have direct connections?
albat i use tor, others can be anon with tor also or i2p, or not
albat i use tor for restroshare
albat it's faster
mesh yeah I've heard tor is very fast these days
albat sometimes i upload at 7MB/sec
albat but not for long
albat at full speed i can download with direct links at 85MB/sec
albat maybe more
albat my internet is equal or faster than my HD writing speed lol
mesh very cool
term99 i only get up to 54/MBs
mesh imagine that, fiber-to-the-home
albat not that bad
term99 we can have fiber installed its an extra 40/mo for it, not worth it when i have 400mbit already
term99 my modem is a 2.5GB/s modem too
albat yes, starting to 30MB/sec it's not that bad
term99 if you use aria2c you can get more :)
albat less than 30MB/sec is too slow
albat ADSL2 is 10MB/sec
albat for download
albat too slow
mesh heh. I'd love to get 10MB/sec
albat my main pb is i have leechers, some people take 20 or 25 files at the same time lol
albat i ask them to take from 5 to 7 files, but they don't care :/
mesh albat: you can't limit concurrent downloads over retroshare?
albat i tried to, but it doesn't work, not sure what it limits
albat when i tried to limit it, i had still too many uploads
albat sending 50 files right now :
mesh should be possible to limit incoming connections and throttle data transfer rates
albat i don't know retroshare well, i don't know how limits works with it :/
albat data transfert is fine, it's the number of files sent i must and can't limit
albat i tried to limit to 5 but it doesn't work
albat i just hope my HD will continue to work within time, it's a 16TB and there are lot of accesses to it
albat it has a 2 years waranty
mesh albat: it's the great thing about torrents: spread the load
mesh instead of everybody hitting you, you'd get some help
albat what i like is my channel, all is build in, i just have to add posts
albat retroshare is cool for this
mesh yeah, retroshare has a nice gui that makes it easy
albat i've put a limit to 2, seeing if it makes something
term99 are you running *nix albat?
albat no, since 2019 i use windows
albat from 2008 to 2019 i was over linux
term99 i was going to say you should be able to limit file usages by user in *nix
term99 and maybe IO rates to drives
term99 create a virtual interface and loop your traffic through it with QoS to rate limit
albat i don't know how to do lol -_-;
term99 see if you can set something in your torrc file for tor rate limiting
albat seems my limit takes time to be effective
albat i send more different tvshows now
term99 as long as it works :)
albat yes lol :)
albat if a new RS comes, could i install it on top of my old retroshare?
albat i saved my node and my friends
albat will it keep my config and my channel?
term99 im going to refer you to the documents and i would recommend a backup first
albat a backup from programfiles?
albat or more?
term99 I would backup your registry, and retroshare directories using something like robocopy
albat cool, the limit works :3
albat it takes time, but it works
term99 w00t! go limiting
albat i send less files for each tvshow
term99 healthier on your hardware when you have something that can pump out as much data
term99 raid 10 would be good for you
albat hi RN :)
itsjustme Hey albat