IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d mesh: you diving into the i2pchat source code yet?
mesh dr|z3d: a little. I'm not so interested in c++/qt codebases though. I also took a closer look at i2psnark which was a bit more interesting.
dr|z3d that's a shame, mesh, as I've mentioned before, i2pchat could use some competent c++ coders to fix bugs, add features. but whatever suits. what are you finding interesting about i2psnark?
mesh dr|z3d: the code is a bit convoluted but I think the dht is the most interesting part
mesh it seems a lot of i2p applications like email, i2psnark all build dhts which makes sense
dr|z3d i2psnark does, i2pbote does (though i2pbote is on life support right now), and the router does. that's about it.
mesh yeah. I will probably dig into the dht usage. I think it opens some very interesting possibilities for i2p native apps.
dr|z3d mustafabo
parabo what up gangster?
dr|z3d you know, the usual. you?
parabo Not much
dr|z3d coding?
parabo Not at the moment
parabo I have no bug reports to work on
parabo and I'm not in the mood to deal with new feature innovation/creation today
dr|z3d do what makes you feel good!
mesh if i2p is fast enough to stream video
mesh I wonder if anybody has tried to stream voice and implement some kind of voip?
dr|z3d_ > mesh: sure they have. mumble is being used on the network.
parabo itsjustme
parabo Reinhilde
Reinhilde I did not sign up for a daily chest flattening
parabo nikolay_tihonov
parabo a what now?
parabo chest flattening?
parabo Reinhilde, wut?
Reinhilde i don't know
zplx0 hello, what is the topic of this channel?
mesh zplx0: here we discuss I2P+,
dr|z3d hi zplx0
acetone dr|z3d: features request for tube.i2p: if it possible save "Sound mode" for new clicked video after one "Sound mode". Also bit bug: Autoplay playlist checkbox not works :)
dr|z3d acetone: yeah, still trying to figure out why the prefs aren't saving for the .i2p domain. seem to work fine on the .onion and .com addresses :|
zplx0 dr|z3d: because you are in incognito mode? if it's not that then idk what it is
dr|z3d zplx0: no, no. for some reason the server's not sending cookies for the .i2p domain. trying to work out why.
zplx0 is PaTracker open source? if yes, is the code hosted somewhere?
dr|z3d no, not open source, zplx0. see the about page. are you wanting to run your own tracker?
zplx0 dr|z3d : that gitlab link doesn't work, it shows 404
dr|z3d ah, then the github link.
dr|z3d probably private repo.
itsjustme just tells me I have to login
dr|z3d > probably private repo.
itsjustme > probably private repo.
dr|z3d_ probably private repo, sorry about that. github should be good, though.
dr|z3d_ they mirror each other, so you're not losing anything.
dr|z3d and should be fixed now.