IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
acetone dr|z3d: I recieve anon's request about 240p and sound only mode for comfortable I2P usage (tube.i2p). Report this request to you :)
dr|z3d ohai acetone, you're there!
acetone dr|z3d: my bouncer always here but nickname not returned automatically (option turned on in settings)
dr|z3d the settings page on tube.i2p doesn't work yet, it's on the list of todos, and when it does, you'll be able to change res and enable audio only mode.
acetone thank!
dr|z3d working on a cool i2psnark feature you'll probably enjoy.
acetone russian soon gone to iron wall
acetone and we'll lool your tube)
dr|z3d also, have a favicon for major.i2p you may want to use, I've added your site to the i2p+ homepage.
acetone dr|z3d: wohoo, I2PSnark B-)
dr|z3d yeah, *sadface* Russia.
acetone standalone
dr|z3d in situ torrent control and add/create torrents.
dr|z3d speaking of russian, if you want to fire up poedit and optimize the russian translation, that'd be great :)
acetone major to main page? dr|z3d cool
dr|z3d I've done what I can to optimize Russian strings in i2psnark, but there's only so far can get me :)
acetone what the requirements to favicon?
dr|z3d acetone: yes, major.i2p on homepage.. if you want to use the favicon, it's here -> skank.i2p/major.svg
acetone I'll draw it now
dr|z3d see if you like that one first :)
acetone my bad english)) unsrestand only 60% of your words without translator))
acetone let me check
acetone nice pic!
dr|z3d it's yours. use it as you like.
acetone dr|z3d: I2P+ have some internal homepage (not simple i2p-domain)?
dr|z3d yeah, internal, acetone.
acetone thanks
acetone *** 3 minutes scrolled skank.i2p to find major.i2p ***
dr|z3d you're welcome
dr|z3d do you know poedit, acetone?
dr|z3d because if you want to improve the Russian I2PSnark translation, you only need to load up this file and save the results ->
acetone I dont know poedit but I fastly learning)
dr|z3d poedit's very easy to use.
dr|z3d load a .po file and it'll show you what needs translating.
acetone Firstly I thing what "poedit" is russian nickname :D Poedit in Russian is "will go"
dr|z3d a .po file is an uncompiled translation file, very common.
acetone I opened it to simple text editor and reading it now
acetone So I see translated strings. Where I should check untranslated?
dr|z3d are you on linux?
acetone yep Debian
dr|z3d apt install poedit. trust me, easy :)
dr|z3d and much easier than a text editor for .po files.
acetone dr|z3d: Ok, let me do it
dr|z3d when you're translating strings, remember where they go in the snark UI. we don't want super long strings that make the UI look bad, for example in the config section.
dr|z3d the shorter the translated text, the better.
dr|z3d as long as the meaning is understandable from the context.
acetone dr|z3d: questuin
acetone question *
dr|z3d shoot!
acetone In "Warning! Javascript is disabled in your browser. If {0} is enabled, you will lose any input in the add/create torrent sections when a refresh occurs."
acetone "If {0} is enabled" means strong "enabled". I thing "if disabled"?
acetone Maybe "if disabled"? *
dr|z3d {0} means a server-side provided string, so you just translate the string with {0} intact, normally.
dr|z3d but sure, there it seems like if disabled should be fine.
acetone So need replace this string "If {0} is enabled" to ".... is disabled"?
dr|z3d no, "if enabled"
dr|z3d oh, wait.
dr|z3d {0} translates as Refresh.
dr|z3d If Refresh is enabled...
dr|z3d or auto-refresh, or something similar.
acetone thanks, understand
acetone dr|z3d: what means "Switch to Embedded Mode", it's some like "window mode" or "minimazed"?
dr|z3d embedded mode is when i2psnark is embedded in an iframe.
acetone check it
dr|z3d thanks, acetone, let's have a looksee.
mesh dr|z3d: are there any clear web->i2p gateways?
mesh a website on the clear net that people can go to and read eepsites?
acetone do it under podcast about "cheburnet" - isolated runet...
acetone mesh: it's bad idea, MiTM attacks
dr|z3d there's which currently isn't processing css etc. and various others, mesh.
acetone admin will see IP of users wich intersted for darknet resources
dr|z3d if you access over Tor, or an i2p outproxy, not so much.
mesh dr|z3d: what do you call these things? my google is failing
dr|z3d inproxy, though google may not turn up much.
dr|z3d ok, snark's just about ready for testing with the new features, ready for it, acetone?
acetone A L W A Y S 
dr|z3d haha, good man. a few minutes and it'll be ready for download on gitlab.
dr|z3d just testing it locally here in standalone mode to make sure it all works as intended. then I'll push to gitlab and CI will build.
acetone good job. I'll test in ~2hours from now
dr|z3d roger that
dr|z3d translation looks good, thanks, acetone, let me push that to the repo so it gets built into snark.
dr|z3d thanks again.
acetone dr|z3d: I'm here and going to test)
dr|z3d acetone: great! hope you likee :)
dr|z3d it was a lot more work than I anticipated, but hopefully the results warrant the effort.
dr|z3d to test, you'll want to start/stop torrents and add and create torrents (or just supply fake data and watch).
acetone dr|z3d: Up BW limit changed to 59,468KBps. It means 59KB?
dr|z3d you changed that?
dr|z3d and is there a comma in that value? where are you reading it from, configs?
acetone dr|z3d: I open settings, change language to Russian. "Save" not works, highlighted bandwidth form.
dr|z3d 59,468 = ~60MB/s
dr|z3d what browser, acetone?
acetone dr|z3d: FireFox
acetone I change bandwidth value and after this can save settings
acetone with language
dr|z3d strange. works for me here in firefox and vivaldi.
acetone only first start
dr|z3d glitch in the matrix then!
acetone (i update only .jar file)
dr|z3d make sure you ctrl+shift+r
dr|z3d in firefox.
dr|z3d to load new assets etc.
dr|z3d if it's not obvious, when you start/stop torrents etc, or create or add a torrent, you'll remain on the page in the same position while the process completes, no hard page refresh.
dr|z3d should make it feel a bit more like a desktop app, a bit less like a web page.
acetone dr|z3d: bit bizy. What I should see of new features?
dr|z3d start/stop torrents, acetone, you won't see the page reloading. same with add/create torrents.
dr|z3d it means, for example, if you've got a lot of torrents on the page you won't lose your place.
acetone dr|z3d: oh nice
acetone I replaced to new only .jar file its fine?
dr|z3d probably you want the .war file as well.
acetone idk :) maybe some files as external dependenies
dr|z3d jar -> backend, war -> UI.
dr|z3d shouldn't be any dependencies aside from java.
acetone *** lol again ***
acetone I thing "war" it's joke about russia
acetone replacing it now
dr|z3d no war jokes here. not amusing :|
acetone dr|z3d: check it with full experience
acetone very good
acetone A J A X P O W E R
dr|z3d I posted about it on zzz.i2p if you want to comment on your experience, entirely optional of course, acetone :) zzz.i2p/topics/3271-no-timely-feedback-about-the-creation-of-a-torrent-with-i2psnark/show_new
acetone reported :)
dr|z3d haha, thanks, acetone. :)
dr|z3d no problems with it then, acetone? works as intended?
mesh can I ask.. who is postman?
mesh who is this mysterious person that seems to control so much of i2p?
mesh this irc server is called "Postman's IRC Server"
dr|z3d postman is postman. he doesn't control i2p, but he does provide useful services. subtle difference :)
mesh everybody says you should use postman's tracker
dr|z3d one of the nicest guys you'll meet on the network.
mesh dr|z3d: that's how it starts. you know who else provided "useful services"? The Roman Empire.
mesh dr|z3d: do you work for the postman? Does he pay people like you to do his bidding and work on i2p?
dr|z3d I collaborate with postman. I don't work for him.
dr|z3d again, subtle difference.
mesh it sounds worrisome. it seems like he is everywhere
acetone dr|z3d: yep, I replace .war to new file, restart I2Psnark and saw it. First opinion: all works very nice
dr|z3d acetone: thanks for the feedback. happy it's working nicely for you. now for the notification styling.
acetone dr|z3d: thank you for this work
dr|z3d sure thing, acetone!
mesh hmm
mesh we need inproxies that actually work
mesh it's too bad that everybody is so focused on creating outproxies. what we actually need to help people living under unjust governments are inproxies
mesh I see now this is a tricky problem. Even if you find an inproxy that works like the browsing experience is bad because any link doesn't work.
mesh a good inproxy would actually rewrite links
dr|z3d they do.
dr|z3d is run by the same guy as the link you just posted.
mesh dr|z3d: do you have any idea what software is being used here?
dr|z3d apache afaik.
mesh apache? there's an apache mod that knows how to take a http request and translate that to an i2p request?
dr|z3d check zzz's forums. the guy running the inproxy posted there a while back about his setup.
dr|z3d protip: use the search feature on i2p+'s homepage to search zzz.i2p
mesh I understand why people don't run inproxies though. It seems that you could perhaps be prosecuted for serving some really bad stuff
dr|z3d sure, you have to be on top of things to keep the crap from being visible. actively maintain a blacklist.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah it would need to be a collaborative thing. perhaps a blacklist or whitelist but also a curation I think. I would like to see something like a Yahoo web directory for i2p