IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme *** looks around ***
Anomaly hi itsjustme
itsjustme hey Anomaly :D
itsjustme how are you?
Anomaly im ok and you ?
itsjustme Tired but otherwise good
itsjustme doing anything fun?
Anomaly not really
itsjustme eh not really. Just watching youtube
Anomaly i have been trying to make a cpu still
itsjustme yeah, well thats a hard thing to do
Anomaly i learned theres already a prebuilt cpu i guess, called the nios ii cpu you can run on an fpga board
Anomaly and ive seen people run linux on their nios ii cpu on fpga
itsjustme oh really? thats really cool. I've not seen that before
Anomaly making a cpu is but isnt hard
Anomaly its weird
Anomaly a cpu is composed of different things working together
itsjustme I know but its hard in the sense there are a lot of moving parts
Anomaly so my approach, is learn every individual thing that makes the cpu work, and learn how to program it, and then you slap it together
Anomaly i guess
itsjustme most of things in life are like that lol
Anomaly now what makes programming these fpga boards really hard, is there hard to get your hands on
Anomaly like xilinx, and terasic/altera/intel sell them
Anomaly so xilinx is amd, and altera was bought by intel
Anomaly lol so fpgas are a game of amd vs intel
Anomaly but whats hard about it, is that you dont really find them on amazon or ebay i think they intend you buy it off their website
Anomaly and unfortunately, there really fucking expensive
Anomaly like i purchased a de2 cyclone ii fpga
Anomaly and its super outdated, the software isnt even supported anymore, you cant find quartus ii on intels website
Anomaly because whenever you program the boards, you have to assing every input and output pin to the pins on your board
Anomaly so the program your programming your board on has to support your board
Anomaly like the government literally has to be tracking your using xilinx software
Anomaly if you go on the xilinx website to download their ide software, like they say the government has to know your using it
Anomaly it kindof confuses me why they do that
Anomaly but really whats interesting about the nios ii processor you run on the fpga board, is that you can program in C on nios ii
Anomaly like nios ii runs c programs
Anomaly so i guess thats how people were able to run linux on their fpga boards, they run nios ii on it, and because linux is c, and nios ii runs c, you can run linux on nios ii
Anomaly i dunno
Reinhilde *** feeds y'all salt ***
parabo dr|z3d
itsjustme Hey parabo
Reinhilde hello there dr 6times sheikh parabo
parabo not doctor 6 times... 4 times and working on a fifth
parabo what's up guys
itsjustme Hey Reinhilde :)
itsjustme parabo: chilling. You?
Reinhilde parabo: how are thdngs
parabo things are okay
albat hi parabo, hi itsjustme :)
parabo how are you albat
albat i'm fine
albat you?
parabo Dealing with shit
parabo Ramadan is coming
albat shit? like?
dr|z3d parabo!
dr|z3d albat!
albat oh ok
dr|z3d itsjustme!
albat hey dr|z3d :3
dr|z3d Reinhilde!
parabo Shit like being a revolutionary is dangerous
Reinhilde be careful
dr|z3d albat: parabo's having issues with minecraft.
albat we are mining again my friend and i, with rpis
parabo shut up dr|z3d
parabo You make things sound trivial for light heartedness and it's not flying with me
albat hey parabo, wanna have a cool minecraft map? :)
parabo I don't play minecraft
albat i know LOL
albat me neither
parabo I play Civilization VI
albat i play HS still
albat right now i play classic mode
albat better chance to be legend
albat i have 99% classic cards
parabo I play Pokemon TCGO sometimes too
parabo rarely though
albat i do all my daily quests
albat for HS
albat to earn gold
albat not to pay to buy cards
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I read some interaction between you and zzz - was there anything of significance to you in his upgrade to -10?
dr|z3d T3s|4: he's been tying up a few loose ends, but there's nothing hugely important in there.. some rejigging of sybil detection to accomodate the stormycloud family..
T3s|4 thanks dr|z3d
dr|z3d no worries.. ssu2 carries on being refined, too.
dr|z3d on the i2p+ side of things, the latest update comes with rejigged sidebar refresh javascript and some dark theme refinements.
dr|z3d you'll also probably not notice that the proxy error pages now live in /docs/proxy/ instead of docs.. any .ht files in i2p/docs/ can safely be removed
dr|z3d same for readme*.html files.
dr|z3d they now live in /docs/readme/
albat rpis mining
T3s|4 thanks dr|z3d; i2p/docs now cleansed
albat what new at i2p dr|z3d? :)
albat i don't read a lot anymore, anything new?
parabo hey T3s|4
parabo what up gangster?
parabo Okay, so it's official. Tomorrow when Trudeau allows the covid laws and mandates to ALL be removed from legislature, at 12:01am, I file my supreme court cases, UN universal declaration of human rights case, ontario disability rights case, and charter rights as well as human rights code cases. Gonna hit Trudeau and Ford with 27 charges for not taking proper care and considering people who are high risk population
parabo legally considered disabled
parabo I'm gonna mess them up
parabo in court
parabo no violence will be needed
parabo and with Doug Ford facing all 27, Trudeau facing 18 of them as a co defendant... I will use my obscene power and legal litigation skills combined with sheer intellectual and philosophical superiority to ruin their chances of reelection, the only reasons they are removing these things way too early
parabo I am a nominee with the NDP for premier of Ontario running next election. There is 4 other nominees, who all said they will step down if I confirm I will take the job and take it seriously
parabo although the NDP is not likely to win premier in Ontario regardless of who runs for our party
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme
parabo I have a wonderful opportunity for both of you
Reinhilde parabo: so you will give us a Parti Q-onservateur federal premier but Ontarians an NDP provincial premier with your whirlwind court case
parabo Well, hopefully
parabo In manners not scientific and certain, I am not so capable of doing anything so easily
itsjustme Hey parabo
Reinhilde I would rather have a psychopath Liberal fed prem than a Q one
parabo you think NDP is Q?
Reinhilde I think the Tories are Q
parabo Oh, yeah. But liberals are equally as fucked up
parabo but our work in the communist party has been paving the way for preparing the population for revolution
parabo And the NDP, is the best party for those no wealthy and interested in economic growth and their own wealth
Reinhilde The Tories worship putin, the liberals worship money, the ndp seem sane, the commies are the commies and I personally believe all governments are illegitimato
parabo I believe all governments elected or chosen by the people into power, are not for and by and of the people. Generally people do not obtain that level of power to do good in their place of leadership
parabo Which is why me being premier, would be a good thing. I have no intention of representing my personal or friends interests, I have no intention of making decisions based on my next chance to get re-elected
parabo I do intend to tax the wealthy to pay for universal basic income, which would be me paying a billion or 2 in taxes as soon as I have a chance to legislate the takeback and redistribution of wealth
parabo and the fact that I am going to hurt myself for the people if I am elected, is a sign I am probably going to do good things for the people, or at least act with those intentions
Reinhilde personal or friends' interests, except as they intersect with the interests of the average canoodlian, you mean?
parabo Well, sure if those friends are the less powerful/less wealthy/less privileged, then I would be helping them. But not because they are my friends, because they are a member of a social status group or wealth bracket I wish to help
Reinhilde that's basically what i said
parabo sure. I have friends who are in poverty, but they have my assistance, so they don't need the help I want to provide
parabo The fact is, I don't want to be a leadership level political office holder
parabo but... I am disgusted by my own government and the people who may replace the current leaders, and I want change
parabo And I have decided to do that through legal legislative branch means, which will echo back to parliamentary means, which are the two branches of government meant to control the leadership office holding politicians
parabo The old me, would have just taken my soldiers and waged a literal war, a revolutionary war
parabo but I am thinking more like Abbie Hoffman now. This isn't a radical revolution, it's a cultural revolution. Before we can have peaceful and moral/honorable change in our system, we must change the minds of the people
parabo Since I became an active non-member contributor to the Canadian Communist Part, with the help of my closest friend the chair of the executive board of his party group, the Communist Party has almost tripled in members, and we have 2 political philosophy, 1 economics, and 3 philosophy PhD students who are in the process of joining the party and will take an active role after the semester
parabo Which is awesome, because we need people who have credentials and value to the people beyond being card carrying communists, literally
parabo Is it normal to have 16 phone lines, 12 passports and identities, and your own standing army?
itsjustme Sounds illegal
parabo I don't care
parabo what are they gonna do send the army to try and get me?
itsjustme *** sends his drone ***
Reinhilde parabo: yes, no, and no respectively
Reinhilde parabo: how does one aim a microwave antenna
parabo depends on the design
Reinhilde dish, two terrestrial stations
parabo I wouldn't know unless I had the design specs and consulting from my engineering friend
parabo I am not an engineer
Reinhilde i want to do distance and speed experiments with relatively unmodified wifi hardware
parabo sounds interesting
parabo talk to itsjustme, he's an engineer
parabo after my current 3 degrees I'm going to take some engineering degrees
itsjustme Reinhilde: tin foil?
Reinhilde itsjustme: no
Reinhilde that's childsplay and would give me a few hundred meters at most
itsjustme You want to do this with the same power level?
itsjustme You'll need a higher dB antenna
itsjustme But that makes your area smaller