IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d should be nicely integrated and fast by now: nitter.skank.i2p
dr|z3d works with teddit.i2p and tube.i2p to replace reddit and youtube links respectively.
RN confirmed. it loads now
RN :)
dr|z3d hooray \o/
dr|z3d if you ctrl+shift+r you'll probably pull new css.
RN I'll give that a go, but hopefully I'll soon have confirmation of a guest coming by so I may go poof
dr|z3d roger that
RN I hate it when sites don't render icons correctly if java is disabled
RN :รพ
dr|z3d java?
RN javascript
dr|z3d if you mean javascript, there's no dependence on javascript for icon loading there.
RN sloppy of me
RN yeah, without it I get the boxes with four digits
RN for the search button and a couple other things
RN mhhh... not loading just now
dr|z3d javascript is entirely optional, and only used for inline video playback and infinite loading.
dr|z3d infinite scrolling, rather.
RN going to have to afk, but without javascript I don't have the search magnifying glass and two other icons
RN maybe I don't have an expected font
dr|z3d RN: zero requirement for javascript to load the font, but occasionally it may fail to load.
dr|z3d I've improved the caching policy for the icon font, so once it's loaded it should stay load and be instant.
Xeha dr|z3d: why do you host the nitter CSS on skank.i2p and not nitter.skank.i2p? just saw since i dont allow cross domain requests per default.
dr|z3d Xeha: because it's easier for me to develop.
dr|z3d Xeha: when it's finished, it'll all be hosted on the nitter sub-domain.