IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo Hi itsjustme
parabo dr|z3d
parabo Reinhilde
Reinhilde it's not me
parabo You broke, and disability fucking you over... Wanna come here and work for me? I'll give you a job doing... Something, a food
parabo Good paying job with a housing and board and benefits plan
itsjustme Hey parabo
Reinhilde Right now? No
Reinhilde If I don't get any interviews, or have no joy with the dole office on monday (ellenor's birthday), then yeah, i'll relocate out to tario if you have anything I can reasonably expect not to die doing
parabo Okay, well Reinhilde if you ever want to get into the parrot breeding game, I'll give you amazing compensation
parabo You can be a parrot breeder
parabo I'll teach you
Reinhilde shrug, i'm not interested, it sounds too much like danger
parabo Just give me a way to help you without handouts. Even if it's an excuse to justify helping you
parabo itsjustme do you want a B&F
parabo It's not dangerous unless you consider occasionally getting a broken finger dangerous or a small flesh wound
parabo You will get bit and it will hurt. It will not disable you for life
itsjustme A what?
parabo Blue and Gold Macaw
Reinhilde Hard time in a kitchen seems safer parabo
parabo Reinhilde you want to be my full time cleaning lady?
parabo There's always bird poop and my constantly increasing and unavoidable messes
Reinhilde you can't help me, i just need to vent i guess
parabo Maybe I can offer some other solution
parabo How about I put you in charge of customer service and sales for my cell phone and laptop company?
parabo You could even stay in BC. Work from home
parabo You could just... Answer phones, and promote my devices online whatever it will generate sales
parabo itsjustme take the B&G. I'll give you for free
Reinhilde you're guilt tripping yourself
parabo I'm trying to offer you help that doesn't involve me jusr giving you money for no reason
Reinhilde I understand that, and I don't want you to give me money for no reason. It's just that you don't have my résumé and I'm not presently looking for a relocation-required job
Reinhilde nor remote, i have to get out of the house ffs
Reinhilde i'll try arguing my case with the dole office, and if I get no joy, my morals go out the window
parabo Well.
parabo What about sales and customer service over phone from your home without relocation?
Reinhilde I've applied a few local places already, i'll lyk if I have any luck
parabo My cell phones are ready to start selling...
parabo And so are my laptops.
parabo You could handle customer service and sales/inquiry calls
Reinhilde I could do CS and prospective-customer service
parabo Yeah. Awesome
Reinhilde but I'd need to use a TTS because my voice is fucked from acid reflux
parabo Well, we can handle that with some pantaprazole
Reinhilde Sure, but that'd fuck my digestion up in other ways
parabo I use it every day for acid reflux and chronic gastritis
Reinhilde anyway, bbl
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo itsjustme!
parabo Birds!
itsjustme How are your birds?
parabo I just reserved a pair of make
parabo Male baby Mullocan's
parabo I told him I want them and won't haggle on the price but I have covid and can't pick them up for a minimum 5 days
itsjustme Oh that sucks :(
parabo Yeah I guess
rambler Anyone care to recommend a decent budget-tier mechanical keyboard? ($50 or less range)
rambler I've just got a Redragon one recently which I thoroughly enjoy typing on, but hate the LEDs on it. May just replace it with one from the same brand if I can find one that is just a simple matte black with no backlit keys and stuff.
parabo Hey rambler
parabo I only know one under $80 that is good and it has very bright LED keys and every time you hit a key it changes color
parabo I just use my cell phone as a remote keyboard
parabo I can say the Corsair Cherry switch mechanical keyboards are incredible. But also expensive
parabo I personally don't use a physical keyboard. Typing c
parabo Via my phone is easier and I get autocorrect and autocomplete and next word suggestions
rambler I just found out how to disable the LEDs on this keyboard so did that. May just keep it around now. I can't stand typing on a phone, especially for the novels of text I write that give me my nick, "rambler".
rambler I wish they made modern phones with the latest/greatest mobile hardware but with a physical keyboard like the old blackberries or something.
parabo rambler... They make phones with typo corrective fuzzy search correction and completion
parabo Gboard and Samsung Keyboard both do it
parabo I use Gboard
parabo rambler. Wanna buy one of my phones?
parabo I'll give you one at cost. $18.60 USD plus shipping and duty
parabo rambler. They have ML based predictive typo corrective touch for all clickable screen elements. You can choose cloud based ML training or to do it on the phone
parabo They also come with 1tb lifetime cloud storage
rambler I'm real weird about phone use. I appreciate the offer though.
parabo What is the issue? Maybe I can give you some relief of concern
parabo I mean... Everything is secure and solid. I stake my reputation on it.
rambler Mainly because I'm still very content with my current phone and my original request was about a desktop keyboard :) . But regarding phones in general, just privacy related thoughts similar to a desktop computer.
parabo Well, privacy related issues, I would trust me, over anyone else. Including OEM device makers
parabo At least when I am invading or decloaking anyone's privacy, I openly warn people before I do it. Usually I give several months warning before selling a crypto breaking algorithm or launching an attack on I2P
rambler Definitely would be cool though to see more about your phone. Got a site or online listing somewhere?
Reinhilde parabo: sounds like anom
dr|z3d what up p
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d
dr|z3d hey hey ijm. all good?
itsjustme all good. Hbu?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks
dr|z3d busy busy refactoring themes, ijm. thankless work!
parabo dr|z3d shizzzle dizzle
parabo I think I have made the most secure android custom ROM build ever
dr|z3d well done
parabo Yeah. There's more work to be done ov
parabo Obviously
dr|z3d skynet part 2.
parabo It's only been 9 weeks of development and only 6 days of those were focused on security
dr|z3d does it have a calculator app to grant access to the hidden features?
parabo Nope. 100% based on security. It has ML components, but there is two options, cloud based transfer learning or retraining, or device based local retraining which is slow
parabo It has everything LineageOS has. Plus everything the best OEM device makers have other and an AI assistant like Bixby
dr|z3d it needs a calculator app to gain access to hidden features.
parabo Lol, there will be no hidden features. Although I might make an option for advanced or basic skill level users that automates the management and control of many features
dr|z3d without hidden features, it won't work as a sting phone.
parabo Its not a sting phone. In fact I intend to put warrant canaries on every component that isn't built in and part of the system which will also have a warrant canary
dr|z3d oh, not a sting phone. my bad.
parabo The goal is to become a reputable company that markets phones far below market value of phones of similarly specs, t
dr|z3d I thought this was an fbi side project.
parabo While offering not only the latest AOSP and LineageOS changes and features, but more security and features than any other phone OS or Android ROM
parabo It was CSIS, not FBI, and no this is a business venture intended to stop the unaffordable costs of modern phones with frequent updates and advanced features found in top end devices
parabo I have no intention of doing anything related to the integrity of the device other than improve it
dr|z3d ok. sounds promising.
parabo The devices will be bought in bulk at wholesale from OEMs at a discounted rate because we will be waiving warranty claims and usability requirements.
parabo The first and currently only up to date build/port is to a phone I pay $18.60 USD per device for
parabo I figure the cost of bringing them to market should cost about $35 at the MSRP price... So $38 is my target MSRP
parabo And all enhancements and driver modules or other hardware support will be going upstream to AOSP and Linux kernel. LineageOS themselves have stated they have zero interest in even looking at and considering anything I do
dr|z3d why aren't they interested?
parabo Well, they like the way they have things now and feel no desire to be open to changes additions, improvements, or replacing of anything they use
parabo Basically they think because they are the best custom ROM organization... That there is no way I can give them better than they already have
parabo Which is ignorance at a high level
dr|z3d that's what they told you?
parabo They told me they have their solutions and code is perfect the way it is, they aren't interested in update capabilities other than reflash via extracting a zip file which disables dynamic partitioning and dual system partition update mechanism improvement
parabo They said they aren't interested in anything being changed, or improved, or my contributions at all, and I said well, when I am ready to hit the market with my first device the licences of all the components require me to share the full source, and I hope they will take a look then and consider adopting some or all of my changes
dr|z3d where was this? irc?
parabo Yes, libera which replaced freenode, but the official devs weighed in via a relay bot to their discord shit
parabo Idiots I declare
dr|z3d ok, latest round of midnight console and webapp themes done. if you're a midnight theme afficionado, take them for a spin. dev build's up!
parabo Hey itsjustme dr|z3d
parabo dr|z3d
AmyMalik i'm a dragon >:3
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d what up p
parabo dr|z3d, just ordered a new computer
dr|z3d of course you did!
parabo I know
dr|z3d shopaholic!
parabo Always right?
dr|z3d are you still running with the midnight theme?
parabo I am no
dr|z3d no? dark?
parabo I dunno
dr|z3d you must know.
parabo I have literally never opened the router console on this laptop
parabo Whatever the default is
dr|z3d shocking! where's my feedback?
dr|z3d you should have a browse around the console, tell me if it feels responsive.
parabo um, I don't care anymore about i2p
parabo I am here because I feels somewhat less abnormal than being gone\
dr|z3d well start caring!
dr|z3d huge amount of theme work this cycle. console's now html5, not html 4.01 transitional, 10 years of cruft removed from most themes.. should feel faster.
itsjustme Hey parabo
dr|z3d what up ijm
itsjustme Not to much really
dr|z3d busy with pre-release updates. new release probably tomorrow.
parabo what up itsjustme
itsjustme Not to much. Going to a museum. You?
parabo isolating at home because I have covid again
parabo fucking fourth time I've tested positive with one time fully symptomatic unable to get tested until after recovery and another the doctor believed was a false negative
parabo being immune compromised sucks
parabo most people need to be exposed to hundreds or thousands of copies of the virus for one to get it's way in and infect... immune compromised people its a few or even one copy
parabo So I keep getting sick
parabo 4th confirmed time getting covid with 2 more times suspected having it
parabo I wanna go to mosque and go to burger king and go to my friends house for a two man lan party since he has no internet... Or even across the street to buy candies and red bulls and freezies or other frozen treats
parabo Like all I can do is sit and study
parabo And I can't study my avian vet specialist program work because they cancelled the semester
parabo aparrently I am the only biologist/veterinarian/infectious disease expert who actually wants to go to university during a surge of cases since before semester started
parabo like my PhD program in virology based genetic engineering classes all got cancelled and I have no coursework to do...
parabo FUCK YEAH
AmyMalik parabo: sup?
dr|z3d he's just installed an I2P+ dev build, AmyMalik.
dr|z3d obviously :)
AmyMalik *** shanks dr|z3d ***
parabo AmyMalik, covid positive. combined with immune compromised i am isolated until minimum march 1
parabo They said if I have 0 symptoms for 5 days by march 1 I can leave the house
parabo I want a way to obtain red bull and candy
AmyMalik I meant the fuck yeah. Already know about the covid+
AmyMalik Condolences btw >.<
AmyMalik I hope you recover quickly & completely
parabo I will be fine just like the last 3 confirmed times and 2 unconfirmed but doctor said highly likely times
parabo fucking immune compromised status
parabo How else does a tripple vaccinated person get covid twice in 5 weeks, with 3 vaccines to gen antibodies and 3 past infections to generate antibodies
parabo the worst part is I want candy, red bull, and frozen treats from across the street and I can't get them
dr|z3d phone the gimp
dr|z3d the gimp will deliver
itsjustme Gimp on da phone?
dr|z3d parabo has an army of gimps waiting to do his bidding.
dr|z3d parabo: call the taliban, tell them you need hersheys and red bull.
parabo I don't have an army
parabo Well I have a literal army, but not here
parabo I have no one who isn't public health mandated to also isolate/quarantine until march 1
dr|z3d tell elon to fly you some supplies in via automated drone
dr|z3d anyways, think on the positive side. you now have plenty of time to get acquainted with the latest i2p+ dev build. then you can "FUCK YEAH" for real.
parabo I don't associate with Elon
parabo I told him to fuck off
parabo I am dealing with my forks and their development for my devices
parabo that will keep me more than busy enough
AmyMalik oh noooo