IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Anomaly i should be here more frequently
Anomaly like instead of being absent for a long time
RN welcome back
Anomaly thanks
RN sometimes absence is needed for work, or self-care
RN look! we are on at the same time, not reading each other in scrolback!
RN so, how you doin'?
itsjustme hello :)
RN hey hey hey!
RN los tres amigos
itsjustme I'm doing well :)
itsjustme hey Anomaly :)
RN doing well IJM
RN :)
itsjustme good :)
RN having fun breaking and fixing my new toy
RN I accidentally the wholed dns
Anomaly interesting
Anomaly well its not work or self care related, its because my vm is saved on an external hard drive, and whenever i put my computer to sleep, the vm gets all fucked up and the vm crashes
Anomaly so whenever i go back on my computer my vm is crashed and i just get really lazy having to turn on the vm and fucking, starting i2p and signing in and joining channels
Anomaly i dunno
Anomaly so what i did now is im on a seperate linux laptop now just for i2p and irc
Anomaly and this seperate laptop im on is quite, it doesnt keep me awake or anything
Anomaly hi itsjustme
Anomaly i wonder if i should get a kvm switch
Anomaly i dunno
itsjustme you did what to the DNS?
RN you should get one
RN I broke it
itsjustme wow, looks like Anomaly was lagging :P
RN all I wanted was caching, and serving it for my LAN
RN I remember the days when that kind of lag was common
RN here in IRC2p
RN That might have even been when we had three leaves on the ircd and two bots to the outernet irc's on a couple select channels
RN but back to dns
RN so I accidentally turned on local-bind thingy without configurationsess
RN everything broke for a minute
RN first I was just defining my chosen 3 dns servers
RN then reboot overwrote the nice configs
RN then was finding out how and where to set overrides when
RN oops! turned on some uninitialized varibales and boom
RN by uninitialzed variables, I mean local-unbound
RN but it was not obvious how to switch back after turning off lo-ubd
RN cuz, it changed stuff
RN all good now
RN and have 3 fast dns of my selection active now
RN so
RN I got there
RN why is it a wall of text just from me?
RN We will haz precious cachings!
itsjustme I don't really have issues with DNS generally
RN well my isp does
itsjustme except for dark net stuff
RN so I like to use others sometimes
RN and for dark net suffs precious.
itsjustme I thought most web browsers default to a TLS DNS now
RN so I may have a working connection to isp, but their dns is taking a shit. so my interwebs seem broken.
RN in windows I can set a dozen dns serverses
RN but bsd currently defaults to allowing only 3
RN which is still fine as long as they are good and my isp is not included
itsjustme how about using the router dns and setting them in there?
RN and the changes I made to the dns servers were getting reset at boot to dhcp
RN so it would get isp dns
RN router also likes to reset to isp
RN got to look more into that
RN but
RN I was locally caching years ago and it was noticable
RN and
RN if I do it right, this box will be the edge box and come between my isp and my switches|routers|wifises
RN so having IT handle dns really well is an important goal
RN there's room for 4 NIC cards
RN so, yeah, downlink ━━▶ IOT-wifi|wired-connections|guest|phun-wifi|other
itsjustme pfsense?
RN probably, but I remember something else from days of old... monowall?
RN whichever, not there yet
RN got to do the DNS part right step by step first
itsjustme why not using google dns or
RN I thought adding dns caching would be a quick project, quicker than deplying a znc
RN google wants to profile my data to sell it. They are an advertising buisness.
RN is one I considered but benchmark suggested other faster ones
RN also trying to avoid ones who sell datas.
RN no free meta from me if I can help it
RN and also wanted un-filtered
RN the ones I chose would be too exposing to discuss, but let's just say I ran benchmarks and considered policies
RN there was a time I was running a caching dns on a windows xp machine
RN i think it was called treewalk
RN also tried acetone (on windows) recently but wasn't working or not cofigured correctly couldn't tell
RN I've also been thinking about those nic that come with an onboard atomic clock
itsjustme Would you need that?
itsjustme What would that help?
RN my I2P router clock skew would be negative zero
RN they just looked neat in a youtuber video
RN but I do want to run caching dns and ntp service for my lan
itsjustme I mean I could understand for devices that require syncing
itsjustme Yes that makes sense
RN yeah the performance difference if all devices in my lair were synced to the same atomic clock are really not cost justifiable
RN s/atomic/local atomic/
RN I mean, it is like wishing to have Parabola's computing resources at hand just because.
itsjustme "Just send me everything "
RN ikr?
RN so I'm wondering if it might just be easier to install a port that does caching dns as opposed to using the built in bind properly to do it
RN I presume the answe will be yes
RN but that may just be my impatience talking
RN named got replaced with bind I guess
RN I had named figured out, but I've forgotten that anyway so might as well jump on the band wagon
RN I believe it is usually easier to configure a one trick pony than it is to configure what used to be separate things that have now been absorbed into the mega-code
RN #sl -l
parabol dr|z3d
parabol Reinhilde
Anomaly is there a way to list all the channels in irc2p ?
parabol Yes /list
Anomaly thanks
dr|z3d what up parabol
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d hi itsjustme
itsjustme how are you doing dr|z3d? :)
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
itsjustme yeah I'm doing alright. Just looking at some news
itsjustme just redid my desktop os so thats exciting
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme hey parabo :D
parabo What's up?
itsjustme not much. long time no see though! how have you been?
itsjustme good to hear! hows the kid doing?
parabo Which one?
parabo They good
itsjustme you have how many kids?
itsjustme how about your bird breading? is that still going well?
itsjustme good :)
parabol dr|z3d
dr|z3d what up g