IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme hello folks :)
term99 hey ijm, hru today?
itsjustme I'm doing alright. how about you term99?
term99 tbh? or irc answer? :)
term99 well, my bipolar is messin with me, can't focus for 15 seconds, im wired and have a lot of anxiety, feel like im annoying to everyone, got a nasty tension headache, and pretty sore cause of all the muscles being tense over the anxiety
itsjustme well you're not annoying me :)
itsjustme are you wearing a hat?
term99 not atm, it's right behind me tho, i'm taking a break from code and about to write a fail2ban filter for unrealircd bad server connect attempts
term99 are you?
itsjustme no, I was just going to say you could try putting one on or taking it off. lol
itsjustme Could help. if you like the feeling of a hat
term99 lol, hats can be nice. mine makes me feel safer as odd as that sounds, *hides behind it*
itsjustme yeah, I can understand that. I don't wear a hat all that often except for a winter hat
term99 depends on where you are now but there's some crazy weather going on
itsjustme Its cold where I am
itsjustme this time of year
term99 i don't leave the house much so i don't really notice
itsjustme I like to go for a walk every day
term99 that must be nice
itsjustme its a priority for me
RN That would probably do me a world of good; taking a daily walk.
itsjustme It helps me a lot
itsjustme just refreshing, even if its cold out
RN refreshing for the lungs as well as the brains
RN I know and enjoy short hikes... but taking a walk around my neigborhood just doesn't really drag me out the door.
RN nature-walk areas are not walking distance from me, so I'd have to drive a ways to get to a place to take a walk.
itsjustme oh, yeah I don't like having to drive for a walk
itsjustme but I love hikes aswell
RN I would not mind taking walks if I lived in a little bit nicer area... a couple towns over they have forest walking paths and in the other direction mountain hiking, but none of that close enough for a daily visit
RN but I also like the semi isolation of where my sekrit lair is hidden
itsjustme ah yeah
RN *** nods ***
RN so what have you been tinkering with lately?
RN *** waves at term99 if they are still here. ***
itsjustme *** tinkers with RN ***
itsjustme I've been pretty busy with work lately
RN heheh
RN ah
RN I remember having one of those
RN they are overrated
RN *** giggles nervously ***
RN I'm mostly busy with procrastinating lately
RN but I've made progress in other areas of my life durring my extended holiday
itsjustme well yeah, I like it though
RN I liked my previous job
RN just not sure I want to jump back into the same thing or even industry
RN I was at previous job over 20 years, so I knew how the place worked inside out
RN at the same time. I have been saying since before dr|z3d knew me that I needed to make some upgrades in my sekrit-lair infrastructure and finally did one
RN never mind I toyed with ways to to it in a vm for 3 months. (those were months I was still employed)
RN and lucky me that when I bricked the pc I had set up for purpose, my neighbor just happened to have laying around a spare unused box with better specs all around
RN so lots of positive for me to focus on right now
RN you wouldn't happen to be good with perl would you?
term99 i'm slowly learning perl but wouldn't say good
dr|z3d sea you.
term99 *flounders*
term99 i think i forgot to change the port on my firewall before restarting my service.. lol
dr|z3d oops!
term99 nope, just selinux relabel delay
term99 takes too long sometimes
dr|z3d speaking of taking time...
dr|z3d console and webapps now migrated from html 4.01 quirks mode to html5.
term99 oh nice
dr|z3d there may still be a few conversion quirks in there, so if you see anything off, let me know.
term99 will do, i'll get the update loaded here shortly
RN is that "+" exclusive dr?
dr|z3d it is, RN.
dr|z3d if you view the source of a console page in i2p, you'll see at the very top the <!DOCTYPE>
RN *** is getting the itch to fire up a vm after finishing filter troubleshooting session ***
dr|z3d in i2p+, you'll see (in the latest dev build) <!DOCTYPE HTML>
dr|z3d *if you view the source of a console page in i2p, you'll see at the very top the <!DOCTYPE ..... 4.01 transitional.... >
RN *** raises one eyebrow Spock style ***
parabo Hey guys
parabo Anyone awake?
term99 never, you?
parabo I am awake. It's mid day I think outside
term99 sun is shining, moon is bright
parabo Wanna fuck some shit up?
term99 define, shit
parabo I just fake married a pretend child on her 10th birthday which is also pretend
term99 what ever gets your jollies off
parabo Now the Taliban are treating me like an honored guest, although just some low level dudes, not leaders
term99 they all the same
term99 same hat
term99 what did you have in mind on fucking shit up?
term99 send some packets to dr|z3d
parabo Jihad against ISIS and then when they are gone... Dismantle the power systems of the Taliban and have forceful negotiation to determine what if any power we will allow them to keep
parabo It's a true jihad. Not some Islamic false believers using Islam to be terrorists
parabo We got 1300 armed men in the desert within range to launch a ground invasion once we figure out all their defenses and bases and who and what is the best targets.
parabo But right now it's just passive espionage. Because my Imam told me I can't have a jihad war without personal first hand experience seeing the oppression if
parabo Of Muslims by the oppressors
term99 sounds like you gotta get your hands dirty
parabo Not without valid visible personal experience to know true Jihadist combat can be invoked.
term99 don't follow the rules and invoke anyways
parabo I just hope I don't gotta do anything more than hold this girls hand or kiss her in the cheek or forehead
parabo That would be damn right fucked up
parabo But I am a devout Muslim
parabo I have to follow the words of God as written for us in the Qua'ran by the profit Muhammad, blessed be he and all glory to him
dr|z3d parabo: you playing that on steam?
parabo No dr|z3d. I'm in a Taliban run mosque sitting alone everyone is gone
parabo Life is way more fun than video games
term99 you "HAVE" to follow "God"? no you don't you choose to
parabo Well, I am a believer and I feel his will and receive both blessings and punishment when and how I practice
parabo There is a very large number of Imam's who think I am the next reformer of islamic studies
parabo Which I completed the first semester and half of the second semester online from a university in Kenya
parabo Gonna be my 20th degree... Probably my last
term99 do you use the blades on chains and whip yourself with the rest of them?
dr|z3d he self-flagellates with the jawbone of an ox. obviously.
term99 i guess
parabo I do no such thing
parabo I enjoy being Muslim. It feels right. Prayer at Jummah service at the mosque is always an incredible experience because of the combined effects and magnification of quantum morphogenetic fields intersecting to unite our messages to God, and it is something that no one who is an unbeliever can understand
parabo I am going to write a paper tonight proposing a fully science backed detailed theory of the immaculate conception of Isah, aka Jesus, by Mary, aka Maryam, with a less backed hypothesis of how one man born of a woman could somehow with one tiny mutation of a single base pair be invoked as a profit
parabo I'm doing it for my paper on the 7 profits of recorded history for my degree.
term99 i hope you enjoy yourself
term99 can be fun writing
parabo I really do
parabo Yes, using science and religion together without conflict on either side or anything to disprove either aspect is a very fun task
parabo Islamic scholars jobs are to interpret and write about Islamic topics and practices and many Imam's think I am going to be the 9th reformer since Muhammad was sent to us to give us the Qua'ran
term99 i follow no one
term99 no need
term99 there is only 1 end
parabo I am trying to not let their beliefs which have no basis in my opinion make me become arrogant but it would be a true honor to be recorded in history as a reformer and scholar who reinvents and rewrites the modern practices and beliefs and teachings without altering the Qua'ran. The most important thing about the Qua'ran and studying it is to not be taking anything literally unless it is life choice topics and practi
term99 well yeah, who wouldn't want to be recorded if they wrote up something they believe in
parabo Well I only want to be recorded as doing it if both I am a vast majority of the faith take my work seriously and consider it valid. I can't just make myself famous and be in recorded history for something I may not even be destined to ever do
term99 i gather that, and i assumed that to be also tbh
parabo I only now focus on using my education and knowledge and my Qua'ran and Islamic studies master's which I have only done one semester of. . And the expected outcome I can be sure I will achieve is to help others learn about and practice Islamic faith and even those with no intention to practice or believe I wish to teach the aspects of the faith that many are ignorant of due to never studying Islam or considering it'
parabo Identifying as Muslim and actually being a Muslim are two very different things and I respect people's choices, and the holy text says Allah is the most merciful so a non believer who lives a proper life of values and morals and good deeds will not in my opinion face the fires of hell but instead be granted access to Jannah (heaven)
parabo I fucking love Islam and studying and interpretation and using science and physics and biology and psychology and neuroscience and such subjects to explain all the things in the Qua'ran that when it was written had no backing at all other than Muhammad said the Qua'ran was the word of God
term99 keep at it then
parabo Yeah. I am feeling the effects of that part of the human brain that improves drastically the mental and physical health of practicing almost all religions... Specifically the ones with a single God. All religions with a single God are either stated or expected to be Islamic faiths that man altered to a corrupt state making god have to send another profit to teach us. It is believed since the Australipithicus earliest
term99 I think I could become a Hindu out of any of them
parabo Muslims are forbidden to associate with members of religions that don't believe a single God created the universe and as a result indirectly created us. The common educated belief of creation is that Allah is an observer of great magnitude and has effects and influence beyond that which humans do to alter probability and outcome of events and states of observed things. Which explains why prayers of believers are usua
parabo I built a indoor Amazon rainforest environment and another for Australia environment, and I got non predatory wildlife in the habitats and the birds have the experience of living in their natural environment almost identically matched to how they evolved.
term99 Sounds like I don't fall in your chatting category
parabo Well, what do you wish to discuss?
term99 I'll talk about anything, idc
parabo I created a method with my unified field theory of low temperature (850,000C) sustained contained and safe to operate fusion. I can turn tungsten rods into weapons grade plutonium... So now I have a lot of weapons grade plutonium that I have no use for... I have a small breeder reactor power plant that I use, but it's a proof of validity of breeder reactor power plants not a scaled up city powering energy supply
parabo It produces about 400 gigawatts of power when at peak efficiency... But I think if I acted stupid like the dude who decided to push Chernobyl beyond safety limits I could get 450 maybe 475
term99 and you run 400GW @ what?
term99 how are you testing the draw
term99 no stuxnet around you? :) good ol PLCs gotta work
parabo Supercomputing clusters. And quantum annealers that I hacked like a madman to chain together 4 dies of 4000qbit processing
term99 cake.i2p an img of your power plant?
parabo Well I'm not even in the country
parabo It's in Canada
parabo I'm in Afghanistan doing espionage recon to try and justify taking out ISIS with a true non terrorism based Jihadist combat battle field
term99 how are you keeping your qbits cool?
term99 liquid helium?
parabo Well, that's not disclosed by DWAVE. but the 3 annealers are in one reactor chamber, so exactly the same method they use for single annealing systems. Which is considered military grade classified information only held by DWAVE and USA military forces
term99 lhn is what 3-7kelvin, super fluid
term99 but you can disclose it
parabo 0.3 Kelvin. So 70% of the spacetime inside the reactor chamber is absolute 0.
term99 are you us mil?
parabo But I don't know it. They don't tell me
parabo No, I am a soldier of planet Earth
term99 well kick ass soldier
term99 i'd still like to know the cooling method
parabo I do what is needed for whatever country or person who needs it... My work when able to perform such tasks is dedicated to all citizens of the world
parabo That isn't detailed or disclosed to a guy who gets free DWAVE shit because he writes shitload of algorithms and they need those algorithms for future quantum computing system programming to be realistic. It's beyond my paygrade to understand or have data on that or any other details of how it works. You just get a programming guide and a Linux Ubuntu server of normal specs for a mid level low latency server to pass d
parabo So basically they don't even tell people who own them how they work. But 0.3k is a state that takes 5-6 weeks sometimes 7 to reach if you have to turn it on from a non cooled state
parabo I'm bored of life
term99 you have so much going for you, how can you be bored?
parabo Because I am bored of life. When you are a multibillion dollar man and have everything and have done everything that is realistic within the limits of your abilities and within the scope of your desires ... That's why I am in Afghanistan right now. Need a mission, so I gave myself one and if I see things of the nature I expect to see, I will be raising and arming and training an army to fight the ISIS soldiers and co
parabo I need to do adventurous things. I need to inspire the lost into glorious deeds and earn for myself redemption in the form of glorious combat
term99 you should stream it
term99 hire a cameraman, get starlink going and stream it
dr|z3d don't be fooled, term99, parabo's really just in his own private Afghanistan in minecraft.
dr|z3d *** winks at parabo ***
parabo I had a great thought I posted on my blog recently. The problem with securing ourselves by building walls is that we put doors into, and in those doors we affix locks to keep them shut. Now here's the issue. We use the locks to keep evil and bad people out, but only end up locking ourselves inside.
term99 you can still hire a cameraman, look at twitch, it's filled with people who own minecraft servers and they have thousands of people who follow them
parabo Yeah. Not interested. My manually created login only blog that I post to is enough
term99 so what do you propose the solution to be about doors?
term99 i lock myself in and feel safer, but i don't have any RPG's coming in through a door with a hole melted in it
parabo The solution is to live in peace and harmony.
term99 we're humans, that doesnt work, we still have a primitive brain in our brain
term99 fight or flight wins over 90% of people
parabo I've become a very big fan of Abbie Hoffman these days
term99 Yippers!
term99 Yippies?
term99 im hungry
parabo Those are some choice pictures that my Samsung phone isn't hiding for some random reason.
parabo My favorite babies are all in that gallery
term99 colorful birds
parabo Parrots are beautiful. They are the greatest lifeforms in the universe
parabo Humans ruin the planet and destroy other life and even the climate system that allows balance to sustain homeostasis or the earth. So parrots are Allah's greatest creations not us
term99 humans are parasites, lets be honest here, take take take, where's the give, gotta have some direction
term99 i'm poor, broke, no money, im a top notch parasite
term99 some of those birds have big eyes compared to body size imo
term99 and some have just little micro pebbles
parabo I am a parrot breeder who has birds ranging from $8000-30000 and produce about 380-400 babies every six months, so on top of billions invested earning 8-13% growth in assets typically per year I'm making 1.5 million selling parrots, and I work in a kitchen at Burger King for a hobby
term99 i grow weed
term99 ranging from $1 to $10 per g
parabo Why don't you get a job and work hard and a lot and save money invested smartly until you have enough to start a reasonable planned and safe business venture. I started with a single desktop gaming PC and ended up with 23 million in hardware and 16 employees who got 1 million severance pay when I stopped needing to run my own operations to earn due to the power of investing in about a decade
term99 i'm not smart enough to do something like that
parabo Why not?
parabo I mean everyone who is rich and has big houses and sports cars majority are below 100 IQ stupid idiots can make big money being ignorant and arrogant about how they live their lives and expect things to work out
term99 cause i'm not, lol its pretty simple. my brain = broken cause i accept it, eff it, thats life is how i feel, i don't put much effort into things cause idc enough, i have worse thoughts to think about
parabo Look at my new bit Charles.
term99 looks like it wants to eat your face off
term99 nom nom
parabo Lol, he can eat my face off
parabo I bought him to be friends with Marcus my other Mullocan cockatoo since the species are similar and I had them visit about a dozen times before commiting
term99 what makes you think it would have turned out differently?
term99 they do as their told, they treat women like they're nothing. i've see many beheadings over stupid shit, immolation, etc..
term99 *strict* rules
term99 extremist.. aka
term99 also, she is _10_, how does she know any better?
term99 fake/real/hogwartz its all the same to her cause she was told so
parabo itsjustme
term99 its alive!
term99 maybe
term99 hey ijm, how goes it?
rambler Oh yeah
rambler I'm alive. Just haven't been on much.
rambler How goes it?
itsjustme Going good here :)
itsjustme Hey term99 :)
rambler Good good. I'll be back in a short bit.
itsjustme Hello HidUser0
itsjustme How are you today term99?
term99 Had to let the pups out, I'm well today
HidUser0 itsjustme: Hi!
itsjustme term99: got much snow there?
itsjustme HidUser0: you new here?
term99 I wish, I like seeing snow
HidUser0 itsjustme: I've been here for a long time, but in read only mode
itsjustme term99: lots of snow here. Maybe I'll mail it to you lol
itsjustme HidUser0: ah ok. :) you mostly using it for torrents?
term99 Either, 420 snowballs or, a Mini Snowman will do please, ty
HidUser0 itsjustme: I had this channel in mind :) I've been in i2p for a long time
itsjustme You only use i2p for irc?
HidUser0 itsjustme: and also for torrents and for websites
term99 i2p is fun
itsjustme I mostly just use irc
term99 i use it for a lot of things now, too valuable
RN *** continues blindly poking at infobot ***
HidUser0 itsjustme: Maybe sometimes you use some websites?
itsjustme Yeah, sometimes
itsjustme I run cake.i2p
itsjustme Hey RN :)
rambler My ISP announced last August that they were discontinuing the internet service part of their telecom offerings. (Rural WISP) They finally axed it on New Years Eve
rambler So have been doing the hotspot thing for the last month until Starlink ships, so haven't been around much.
term99 understandable, eta on starlink?
itsjustme Ah that sucks
rambler "Mid to Late 2021" but now updated to early to mid 2022, lol
RN aloha itsjustme et al
rambler Been waiting since last February or March
HidUser0 itsjustme: that's good. I host 0xff.i2p
term99 wow, long time, should be worth it tho
term99 haven't heard any news again on it, dr|z3d probably has more insight
dr|z3d i2p+ ship with tunnel testing enabled by default. that's the first thing to note.
rambler Ah. I'll ping him. Haven't been on much so haven't noticed anything on my end. I'm used to slow net anyway,ha
term99 see, just ask the wizard
RN I can report anecdotally that disabling tunnel testing seems to have made mine perform more stable
RN I'll probably need to reverse that advanced config when next update comes out