IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Pajamas i feel retarded for realizing this now
Pajamas nevermidn
RN hmmm?
Pajamas so just like drz3d is to saltr, is it the same as zerorax is to salt ?
RN hey Pajamas
RN sorry got distracted by a squirrel
Pajamas RN: Squirrel!
Pajamas where!
Pajamas ok while drz3d is away lets go on a rampage saying really fucked up shit he doesnt like
dr|z3d good effort, Pajamas
not_bob I like the changes in i2psnark.
dr|z3d great, not_bob!
dr|z3d you on the latest dev build on release?
not_bob Latest consumer build.
not_bob Did you see the new tor project eepsites?
not_bob It looks like they just pull directly from the offical ones.
dr|z3d if you want more changes, grab a dev build. torrent editor is now live.
dr|z3d didn't see them, no.
not_bob I tried to add a new catagory.
not_bob And, could! Had to edit three files.
not_bob The only thing that stopped me is the little icons.
dr|z3d you've lost me. new category?
not_bob The "background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512.001 512.001'%3E%3Cpath..." stuff
not_bob In defcon.
not_bob It looks like a svg file, but with url escape codes.
dr|z3d indeed it is.
not_bob That's what I thought.
not_bob I was thinking about creating a tor catagory.
dr|z3d bah. tor category.
not_bob No? ;)
not_bob Tor has it's uses.
dr|z3d sure it does, just doesn't merit a category in my opinion.
not_bob I've put it under software for now.
dr|z3d which is the correct answer :)
not_bob I just need to learn more about drawing svg files.
dr|z3d not much space on the category line tbh, already slightly borked at hidpi, something I need to fix.
not_bob I do not have any hidpi screens, so have never seen this bug.
not_bob Anyway, the bug I found, and didn't fix is that if I put something under a catagory that does not exist it borks the catagory bar at the top.
dr|z3d if (cat == null) {cat == uncategorized}
not_bob Yeah, I understand the issue. But, just didn't fix it.
not_bob I really need to make a web interface to edit the details. It will prevent such problems in the future.
not_bob Alas, I must take leave.
dr|z3d sure, edit class, edit lang, upload images which are then autoescaped and embedded into the css, etc.
not_bob upload images?
dr|z3d category icons.
dr|z3d but first, click to sort. :)
dr|z3d user-facing stuff.. keep it fresh.
dr|z3d let me know when you intended to do either, we should probably coordinate so the ui doesn't go to shit :)
dr|z3d and re i2psnark, if you like the changes in release, you'll like them even more in the latest dev build. much refined.
dr|z3d what up p?
parabo i don't know
dr|z3d busy busy
parabo busy smoking joints?
dr|z3d busy polishing i2p+, obviously. smoking joints isn't busy :)
parabo I want to be busy smoking joints
parabo but I can't until sundown
dr|z3d *** laughs ***
parabo dr|z3d: beards!
dr|z3d yeah, muslims love beards. you'll fit right in.
parabo I have a laptop
dr|z3d great! I2P+ installed?
dr|z3d good man. seeding the latest torrents? :)
parabo no... I didn't really configure it at all
parabo it's not even purple
dr|z3d no purple. I am disappoint.
parabo My laptop has an i5
parabo and Iris xe graphics\
parabo it was $650
parabo pretty good price\
dr|z3d good for browsing no doubt.
parabo good for everything
dr|z3d as long as you're happy! don't break it!
parabo Iris xe graphics are like a 1050 GeForce
parabo I have insurance on it
parabo I pay $22 per month and it's covered from damage, loss, theft, etc
dr|z3d you'll be claiming within 2 weeks.
parabo that's why i stopped using surface tablets
parabo because they break so easy
dr|z3d "oh shit, I just dropped it in the bath"
dr|z3d "oh shit, dirty harry my new parrot just ate it for lunch"
parabo I had full coverage on my surface tablets but every month I was sending them in for replacement
dr|z3d "oh shit, my wife's crackhead boyfriend just stole it"
dr|z3d I2P+ torrents if you don't mind seeding them: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256
dr|z3d also, and set to the dev branch. lots of goodness coming down the pipes.
parabo seebs
parabo i must seeb
dr|z3d not least to see what sort of speeds you get on those torrents. should be swift.
dr|z3d also check the in-console faq for config option for hexchat to stabilize your connection.
albat hey dr|z3d :)
dr|z3d salutations, albat!
albat tis strange, my internet is at 11MB bw instead of 85
albat salut l'ami :)
albat i've bought a HD 16GB lately
albat i have 16TB + 8 + 8
albat not GB sorry
dr|z3d 16GB? thumb drive?
albat no no
albat my mistake
albat i have 4.5TB free over it
albat i can still download like a pig lol
dr|z3d albat the data hoarder.
albat i called my isp yesterday, they say they will do tests then call me back
albat i have around 300 tvshows
albat am I sick? lol
dr|z3d yeah, you need help.
AmyMalik albat is fine
albat ^ is right
dr|z3d oh, sorry, the resident psychiatrist has spoken. :)
albat I feel better since 2 or 3 month, better than ever lol
albat I have more conversation and i feel better in my shoes
albat hi AmyMalik :)
AmyMalik dr|z3d: oh stuff off
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d tickle me again, AmyMalik!
AmyMalik "is able to speculate, sometimes wildly, on medical diagnoses people may endorse" is not like "is a shrink"
albat *** pokes dr|z3d ***
dr|z3d feel free to seed, albat! -> I2P+ torrents: tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256
albat sure
dr|z3d thanks, appreciated!
dr|z3d see what sort of speeds you get on those.
albat fuck, my HD 16TB was in exFat, i have to format it to NTFS then fill it up again :/
albat maybe 15 or 20 hoursz of copy lol
albat hours*
dr|z3d I see what you mean re Tor, not_bob. it looks like they've gone the distance with the sub-domains. Still, don't think it merits its own category.
dr|z3d Also, not_bob, another feature worth doing. sort by top level domain, not sub-domain. sub can be secondary sort.
dr|z3d that would then put all the tor sites in order in the list, for example.
AmyMalik reverse the polarity
Maril I'd argue a good filtering system needs multiple ways to filter and search, so in regards to AmyMalik's thoughts I'd say having a simple filter/invers filter option for all filters available would make the most sense and fulfill the need for versatility to some degree
Maril i.e. filter/sort by a-z or z-a
AmyMalik No i meant like
AmyMalik to sort the domains, segment wise reverse order
Maril Ah I see, I misunderstood lol
AmyMalik www.skank.i2p -> i2p.skank.www
AmyMalik then sort on that transformed thing
Maril Yeah that would work and you could save time on the filtering by omitting the i2p portion if they are all i2p weblinks
Maril 4 less characters per line to sort
Maril Which would save considerable time with a large database
Maril Additionally are there any internet services that aren't available on i2p yet
Maril I have a rpi cluster I built with absolutely no purpose and now I need to find a use for it lmao
Maril It had one when I built it but that project is over so I just figure running some i2p services could be helpful for the network
Maril Actually ill move this to i2pdev
dr|z3d no need to transform before sort. you're just sorting based on the domain, the .i2p is trailing so makes no difference.
dr|z3d think about what you want to run, Maril, instead of what you think the network needs.
dr|z3d if you're personally invested, then the site's likely to stay up and evolve. just throwing up a default site and forgetting about it is all too often what happens.
dr|z3d also, hi! welcome to the channel!
Maril Thank you and also that's great advice, I'm mostly just not sure what the network may find useful but I'll do some thinking as to what I feel is missing and I'd want to host
Maril Do you know if there already exists i2p-tor bridges?
dr|z3d teddit.i2p's popular, tube.i2p's popular.. the default I2P+ outproxy supports .onion sites.
Maril Gotcha, I'm looking to add value to the network but don't want to reinvent the wheel here either
dr|z3d plenty of space for new ideas, or reinvention of existing services if they're faster/shinier/have more features.
dr|z3d also note that any site that looks credible and offers a decent service stands a good chance of appearing on the I2P+ homepage :)
Maril Awesome thank you for the info and I'll keep thinking on what I could host to add to the service
Maril I'll have to relearn HTML since it's been at least 10 years since I last built a webpage
Maril I'm thinking I'll start with focusing on mobile platforms since I see so much is already existent for desktop platforms on i2p
Maril I'm a current android dev(in general, not regarding i2p) so I'll probably focus on making apps that work with i2p and from there move towards web services and such
Maril Tbh I'd love to host a video sharing platform I just would drown in debt from all the storage I'd need lmao
dr|z3d let youtube handle hosting, and tube.i2p handle the anonymity :)
Maril I didn't even know that was a thing that's awesome!
dr|z3d you'll find all the good sites on the I2P+ homepage. (that's also a thing -> skank.i2p)
parabo not much either
albat watching Eric Zemmou
parabo I have a beard
albat Zemmour
albat on tv
parabo What is that?
albat maybe the next french president
parabo is he a communist?
albat no, opposite
parabo communism is great
parabo itsjustme
parabo come visit my cockatoos
itsjustme In Canada?
itsjustme I dont have a passport :/
parabo really?
parabo what if you need to flee the country?
itsjustme I don't think a passport would help tbh
parabo death to america! in a non literal sense
parabo death to american colonialism
itsjustme You should visit me
dr|z3d yeah, take the lear jet, parabo. or send it to pick up ijm.
dr|z3d or if the lear jet's busy, send the ufo.
dr|z3d you're building one in your back yard, no?
dr|z3d I am disappoint. I thought NASA had commissioned one.
AmyMalik i keep stubbing the toes
AmyMalik *** poers petrol on itself ***
parabo dr|z3d, I honestly don't believe we will ever have technology that outclasses rockets
itsjustme Wait for Elon I guess dr|z3d lol
dr|z3d itsjustme: yeah, elon will make it happen. maglev will surpass jets, and after that, plasma.
AmyMalik elon musk is a lie
itsjustme Elon musk is just a fraud
parabo Elon Musk is a user
parabo he won't even let his workers unionize and he's one of the richest men in the world
parabo the workers should control the means of production
parabo unions are the way to do that without a violent revolution
AmyMalik unions can sometimes be a violent revolution, and that's based
parabo well, then they are run by bad people
parabo I bought the burger king I work at lol\
parabo you know what this world need... a beard revolution
albat *** wear a beard :) ***
dr|z3d you should have mentioned that earlier. ijm's on the next flight over.
albat i shave it every 3 weeks
parabo you can attack your beard with a razor, it'll keep coming back
AmyMalik *** cries ***
parabo why cry?
parabo rejoice
parabo dr|z3d, have you watched Space Force?
itsjustme dr|z3d: lol, I may be on the next flight but it's not there. It's to KFC... right? ;P
AmyMalik parabo: i cry because the beard keeps coming back
dr|z3d enough to know I don't want to watch any more, parabo.
parabol AmyMalik, laser hair removal
AmyMalik sure but that isn't even permanent
AmyMalik and i don't have the money
dr|z3d itsjustme: have a word with parabo, he'll pick up a KFC for you. a franchise, not a happy meal.
AmyMalik do you need a token tranny on the staff
parabol what would you do?
dr|z3d in-house psychoanalysis. obviously :)
albat going to sleep
albat see you tomorrow
parabol goodnight albat
AmyMalik parabol: flip burgers
dr|z3d laters, albat o/
parabol I mean, if you want to work at a burger king... and move to the area, you can do so
parabol but I think tranny is generally considered a derogatory term
AmyMalik "the area" I assume is hellronto?
parabol well, a suburb of such
AmyMalik i'll huu some time in late 2022 when i have enough money to try the move
AmyMalik also i'm a cheap date, even if you pay me less than the other workers i won't complain as long as i have livable rent plus $500 when working full time
parabol why would I pay you less than the other workers?
parabol that's ridiculous\
AmyMalik well you wouldn't, but I'm saying I won't start a union or go riot on you
parabol you can start a union if you feel I am not meeting the needs of the workers
AmyMalik mostly because i'm a traumatized, quiet person seeking an uncomplicated life
AmyMalik sure dude, but i have a conflict of interest as i personally know the proprietor
parabol Well, I dunno
AmyMalik a union whose proprietess is the personal friend of the proprietor is no union at all
parabol well, you would represent the workers, not me
parabol I bought the franchise so I could give the workers more money and decision making power
parabol and the business makes more money now haha
parabol but it's still a shitty investment compared to a balanced growth mutual fund
AmyMalik I don't know how much I can help a burger joint in suburban toronto, or whether i'd burn out
AmyMalik i imagine the franchise is a fast paced environment where people leave quickly
parabol not really... the kids do
parabol the adults, they stay
parabol turnover is low because good pay and benefits
parabol and by good pay, I mean good pay for unskilled labor
parabol obviously if you have a degree and good career you will make more somewhere else
parabol but the benefits include 25% reimbursement of tuition and text books if you are a student\
parabol it's a stressful job though, you just have to accept that the shift will be constant pressure and when it's over you go home and relax
parabol I work twice a week in the kitchen
parabol it's constant pressure
dr|z3d I'm surprised you haven't started your own burger franchise, parabol
dr|z3d Parrot Burgers.
AmyMalik do you think i could pull off 41 hours there
parabol why 41 hours?