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zzz good morning orignal
zzz I wanted to fill you in on some advice I've gotten
zzz I've enlisted the help of an outside company to assist us
zzz So far, what I've received is pretty generic and high-level
orignal go ahead?
zzz but it's still valuable to get outside opinion
zzz and it helps us organize and focus our response
zzz there's 3 categories of suggestions
zzz all 3 we have in Java i2p already, but they need fine-tuning and improvement
zzz but I suspect all 3 need major work on the i2pd side
orignal tell me
zzz here we go:
zzz 3 ways to counteract ddos attacks:
zzz 1) Rate limiting
zzz rate limits help slow down ddos. can be done at several locations and protocols within the router
zzz 2) Traffic filtering
zzz block by IP and router hash
zzz avoid distributing peer info about blocked ips/routers to other routers
zzz 3) Peer discovery and verification
orignal we have it now
orignal say we ban unreachable routers for 2 hours
zzz classify and validate new peers, don't spread unvalidated info around to other routers
zzz EOT
zzz pretty generic, but a good way to structure things
orignal we have 2 and 3
zzz you don't have a ban-forever IP or router hash list though, do you?
orignal remeber for 3 I verify IP now
dr|z3d definitely don't have rate limiting/throttling either, no?
orignal and if doesn't match wih actual one I close connection
orignal I ban for 2 hours
zzz right, you do have some 2) and 3), for sure. But we both need to improve things
orignal not ban just exclude from my netdb
orignal ban by IP maybe
zzz you need a permanent IP and hash ban list
orignal I had it in NTCP many years ago
zzz we both need to do a lot better in 3)
orignal it's easy I can do it
orignal about 1
orignal well I'm not sure if it's a right thing
orignal because you don't know the rate
zzz all things need limits. The hard part is figuring out where to do it and how to measure
zzz there's really two parts for us:
orignal reember you are always limited by your network port
zzz 1a) don't get overloaded yourself. That's usually not a problem for i2pd, it's fast and computers are powerful these days
zzz 1b) don't send overload to others
orignal but you need a difinition of "overload"
zzz right. 1) is the hardest
zzz 1a) "overload" for yourself isn't so hard. Queue sizes or queue overflow or latency are indicators of overload
zzz 1b) not sending too much out is harder. Throttles or rate limits based on typical patterns can help
orignal for myself yes it's easy
zzz also there can be ramp-up detection, where you don't allow the rate of something to increase too quickly
dr|z3d like # of transit tunnels, for example.
zzz an example of 1b) is where we drop tunnel build requests rather than reject or accept under certain situations
zzz so we don't propagate the traffic
zzz that's all I got, if I get more later I will pass it along
zzz I thought it was helpful just to organize our work a little
orignal do they have concrete reccomendations?
orignal about current situation
dr|z3d I want to air an idea, an informal proposal, regarding classes of routers.
zzz not yet, maybe later, may take a while
orignal basically about the source of the attacks
dr|z3d let's say we monitor different classes of routers with the same caps, eg XfR, LU etc..
zzz I'm not sure how much they can do or when. They are busy also
orignal can they evaluate how much power is needed
orignal simply speaking
zzz ideally, yes, they could do that for us. I'm hoping
dr|z3d with a per-classes throttle using buckets, it might make sense to drop/reject requests from a given class in a given timeframe if they ramp too much.
orignal is this attack comes from one moron or from an organztion with bujdget
zzz right orignal I've asked those questions
orignal for me it's most impotant question
zzz we may have to motivate them with $$ to do it
zzz don't know yet
orignal "salt" guys claimed he did it to write his unversity degree paper
orignal but we don't believe him
zzz interesting :)
zzz ask what university so we can file complaint :)
dr|z3d if we only knew the university.
dr|z3d exactly my thoughts, zzz.
dr|z3d so, buckets for classes of router.. any thoughts?
dr|z3d if someone's spinning up a few thousand routers on a whim using a standard profile..
orignal you can file your compait to sportloto.i2p with the same results
orignal have you heard that Russian hackers can't be prosecuted in Russian if they do it under name of Russia?
dr|z3d we should be able to detect and defend against that.
orignal it's just FYI
zzz orignal, do you pick U peers for tunnels?
orignal yes, for middle peer
orignal and for OBEP
dr|z3d U needs to die. U is for useless.
orignal I don't pick it from IBGW
orignal I would say U and R are useless
orignal I don't rely on them
orignal and rely on addresses only
dr|z3d if a router's firewalled, it's best avoided for tunnel building. more hops, less reliability.
orignal I disagree
dr|z3d if a floodfill's firewalled, then it should be banned outright.
orignal I convert it to ordinary router
dr|z3d now is the time to start being a bit brutal with routers that aren't behaving as expected. U class routers, mammoth shit, as you'd say, orignal
orignal U class routers are most ordianry users
orignal and they do need transit for anonymity
dr|z3d downgrading a firewalled floodfill and removing the f cap sounds like a good idea. zzz..
dr|z3d they should be tolerated, but definitely not used for tunnels.
dr|z3d that's their problem, not ours. want transit, sort out your firewall.
orignal be realisitic
orignal and many of the can't
orignal because they use mobile networks
dr|z3d this is realism. the current network attack makes for some hard choices and a lot less latitude.
zzz orignal, dr|z3d made that change a long time ago. I resisted
zzz he is right
zzz I looked at part. tunnel stats for U routers
zzz it's an average of about 1 per hour
zzz I made the change last week
zzz I think it's going to be a big help for build success
zzz 2nd benefit: we don't force the previous hop to lookup the RI for a crappy U router
zzz dr|z3d, what's the benefit of buckets? I don't get it
orignal please explain your difinition of U
zzz U cap
orignal because when I pcik peers I don't look at it
orignal I only see if next peer can be reached from previus
orignal that's all I do
zzz yeah my recommendation is to not use U routers in any tunnels, client or expl.
orignal this is dicrimination of U users
orignal they need transit
zzz I looked at the stats. U routers have almost no tunnels now. Average about 1 tunnel
dr|z3d the definition of a U cap peer is one that's using introducers.
orignal ask _mblw_ how much transit he has ))
orignal they have a lot
zzz here's an example:
zzz NU router:
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 1.43;5.54;82.79%;555;555;555;
zzz that's an average of 1.43 part. tunnels over the last hour
orignal again you can ask around people running U routers
zzz two more NU:
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 9.72;42.35;137.21%;555;555;555;
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 2.47;7.10;107.67%;555;555;555;
zzz LU examples:
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 0.15;0.15;270.15%;555;555;555;
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 0.00;1.04;0.00%;555;555;555;
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 0.08;0.75;23.48%;555;555;555;
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 0.54;0.62;93.23%;555;555;555;
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 2.03;5.04;45.40%;555;555;555;
zzz stat_tunnel.participatingTunnels.60m = 1.42;4.64;72.60%;555;555;555;
zzz most LU are under 1.0
zzz that's why I know dr|z3d was right about this
zzz was trying to be nice and give the U routers some cover traffic, but it's not working
zzz and we can't be nice right now when we have big tunnel build problems
orignal then why it works for i2pd users ?
zzz how many tunnels do you have through U routers right now?
orignal _mblw_ says like 30-40
orignal on his router
orignal *** afk ***
orignal be back in 2 hours
zzz <zzz> dr|z3d, what's the benefit of buckets? I don't get it
dr|z3d you detect abnormal ramping of certain classes of routers and throw them in a bucket.
dr|z3d x new XfRs in 10m, for example.
zzz what do you do with the bucket?
zzz and ramping of what?
dr|z3d fill it with any given class of routers.
dr|z3d XfR, LU, whatever.
dr|z3d when bucket's full, reject connections/tunnel requests from said class.
zzz so its a leaky bucket?
dr|z3d a bit like the connection throttler in the tunnel manager. movable, leaky, call it what you will.
zzz so the theory is an attacker fleet would all be of the same class?
dr|z3d yeah, if it's some sort of scripted attack.
dr|z3d "create 2000 routers from this config"
zzz and how do we set thresholds for each of these buckets?
zzz I have 36 different combinations of caps here
zzz and congestion caps will triple that
dr|z3d forget congestion caps.
dr|z3d we're really only interested in 3. b/w tier, ff, and reachable/unreachable.
zzz ok so I strip congestion caps
zzz ok so I split out each cap separately? so a XfR router goes in the X bucket and the f bucket and the R bucket?
dr|z3d I was thinking about combos.
zzz thats what I'm saying. I have 36 combos
dr|z3d XfR would be one bucket, XfU another.
zzz 664 NfR
zzz 461 XfR
zzz 458 LR
zzz 355 PfR
zzz 304 XR
zzz 274 PR
zzz 127 NR
zzz 86 LU
zzz 83 OR
zzz 65 OfR
zzz 49 PU
zzz 39 XU
zzz 26 MR
zzz 17 XfU
zzz 15 NfU
zzz 12 P
zzz 9 X
zzz 9 PfU
zzz 7 OU
zzz 7 NU
zzz 6 L
zzz 3 MfR
zzz 3 LfR
zzz 3 KR
zzz 2 XOfR
zzz 2 POfR
zzz 2 Nf
zzz 2 N
zzz 1 Xf
zzz 1 POR
zzz 1 Pf
zzz 1 OfU
zzz 1 O
zzz 1 MU
zzz 1 KU
zzz 1 K
dr|z3d PO/XO = X.
dr|z3d buckets could be dynamic, too. until there's x percent of a given combo, don't bother creating a bucket.
dr|z3d K we don't care about, not enough of those around.
dr|z3d and they don't do transit in any event.
dr|z3d if they happen to get to be a problem (unlikely, but possible), we just ban then as a class outright.
dr|z3d routers without a U/R cap can go into one bucket perhaps?
dr|z3d so we're whittling down the number of possible combos.
zzz precise number of buckets doesn't matter. It's several
zzz for each bucket do we have to set the limit manually? or they all have the same limit? or it's automatically adjusted?
dr|z3d automatically adjusted based on the size of known peers in netdb, no?
dr|z3d with perhaps different weights for different combos, slower routers get smaller buckets.
zzz and we'd have these checks at (at least) 3 points? NTCP inbound, SSU inbound, and tunnel build requests?
weko [14:11:57] <zzz> I looked at the stats. U routers have almost no tunnels now. Average about 1 tunnel
weko For my very low uptime firewalled router I transit 1/3-1/2 of all traffic. I think not bad. In tunnel count, about 5-15 on average
dr|z3d you're the low level guy, zzz, whatever you think will a) work best b) not slow down the router and c) not hit the ram too hard.
zzz ok I think I know enough to respond:
zzz overly complex, very difficult to tune/tweak/test, and overly focused on the attack du jour
zzz however I am going to look at our overall inbound conn throttles in ntcp and ssu
zzz I think they need tightening
zzz because I see routers getting a thousand i/b conns in two minutes after startup
zzz I thought we had throttles in both places
zzz we don't need buckets there
zzz also for IB conns you don't have caps until the handshake is complete, that would be the wrong place to throttle
zzz thanks weko
weko Introducers really helpful
dr|z3d if we forget about f and R/U and just focus on bandwidth tiers, still overcomplex, zzz?
orignal I would rather split by combiation of addresses
orignal guys, let's back to LU issue
orignal what's your problem?
orignal low tunnel creation rate or what?
orignal if we exclude LU from transit, then once I see a LU router next it tunnel it means it's owner of IB tunnel
orignal profit !!!
zzz hmm
zzz forgot about that
zzz but I think it's already that way because success rate is so low
orignal I have 50-60% now
orignal do you think it's low?
weko 30%. No low also.
weko Not*
weko We need more investigation before do something. More discuss, anyway. I suggested attack model, why I don't right? You thinking what you right, but please see other side of your changes
zzz maybe for exploratory only
zzz definitely not client
zzz and maybe only 10% of the time or something
zzz we're talking exploratory, they wouldn't be in client tunnels anyway
zzz you need to know your exploratory build success rate, not combined
zzz thats what I'm doing weko
weko We need more hard network changes for general fix
orignal but why do you need to care about exploratory rate?
zzz because that's what will improve a lot if we skip U
dr|z3d 60-80% here :)
orignal then skip it for exploratory only ))
zzz U isn't in client tunnels anyway, most of the time
orignal but remember that the main goal of I2P is anonymit, rather than rate
zzz sure, but it has to work
weko I have some ideas about "many IPs" protection also, about Sybil protection, about improve "good" user experience... Please see us and me!
orignal please exaplain what's wrong with U in client tunnel?
orignal I would say opposite
orignal U is usually on home PC
dr|z3d re buckets, here's an even simpler proposal. 1 bucket for U peers.
orignal e.g. powerful box
weko As I writed in i2pd's FAQ "all TCSR >10% is good"
zzz in practice, even if we allow U in client tunnel, they aren't in fast profile tier
orignal R is usually on VPS witj limited resources
zzz it just doesn't happen very often
orignal think about this idea
zzz there's very few MU/NU/OU/PU/XU. They're all slow LU
weko Maybe not
weko My PC maybe powerful and 24/7 uptime
orignal ofc I exlude LU from client tunnels because L
orignal not because U
weko But I U
weko We should not profile by R/U flags, it just for mention, need we introducers or no
weko Need we ask introducers*
weko Also I think we need general and shared paper/proposal/recommendation about profiling
weko With anonymity index (user can choose)
weko Anonymity index mean how many peers we choose for our tunnels
weko But this index affect quality and speed ofc
orignal zzz, regrardless this problem I see another issue with SSU2
orignal say I have an SSU2 session and thier RouterInfo was good in SessionConfirmed
orignal later this RouterInfo was expired in my netdb, but peer didn't send an updated one yet
orignal but sent a PeerTest
zzz so ask him for it
zzz send him a database lookup message :)
orignal so I can't send Alice's RouterInfo to Charlie because it's not in my netdb anymore
orignal how do you resolve this siatuation?
orignal lookup? what if he is not a floodfill?
zzz he should always respond to a lookup of his own RI
orignal hmm something new
weko Need do many "no backward compatibility" things now, for enable "no backward compatibility" part when we will be ready for this
orignal I thought non-FF shoudl always reply with closests FFs
orignal but how do you resolve it?
zzz this is exception
orignal it's not rare
zzz because it's direct, not through tunnel
zzz here's our "direct lookup" code:
zzz DatabaseLookupMessage dlm = new DatabaseLookupMessage(ctx, true);
zzz dlm.setFrom(ctx.routerHash());
orignal you mean for lookuo
zzz long exp = ctx.clock().now() + 5*1000;
zzz dlm.setMessageExpiration(exp);
zzz dlm.setSearchKey(_key);
zzz dlm.setSearchType(DatabaseLookupMessage.Type.RI);
zzz OutNetMessage m = new OutNetMessage(ctx, dlm, exp,
zzz OutNetMessage.PRIORITY_MY_NETDB_LOOKUP, _oldRI);
zzz ctx.commSystem().processMessage(m);
orignal I'm asking about SSU2
zzz doesn't matter, works the same SSU2 or NTCP2
orignal do you even handle this situation?
zzz yes of course
orignal NTCP2?
zzz this is higher layer, at netdb layer
zzz transport doesn't matter
orignal you don't have peer test there
orignal and you basically don't need your peer's RI
zzz if you are going to lookup an RI and you are connected to the peer, just ask him
orignal no, i"m asking about peer test situation
orignal not lookup
orignal so that's what you are doing?
zzz no we don't do lookups for peer test
orignal how do you resolve it?
orignal If Alice's RI is not in your netdb anymore
zzz who am I again? Bob?
orignal I'm Bob, Alice sends peer test
zzz looking...
orignal through SSU2 session etsblished long time ago
zzz if (aliceRI == null) {
zzz if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
zzz _log.warn("No alice RI");
zzz // send reject
zzz sendRejectToAlice(SSU2Util.TEST_REJECT_BOB_UNSPEC, data, fromPeer);
zzz we just send unspecified failure code
orignal what is "unspecified code"?
zzz I guess we could ask Alice but we don't
zzz alice could send RI with peer test if session is up a long time
zzz but don't we send RI periodically now? I forget
zzz public static final int TEST_REJECT_BOB_UNSPEC = 1;
orignal code 1?
zzz yes
orignal we send RI periodeically
orignal but it might be in between
orignal old expired new not sent
zzz shouldn't be
zzz we send RI every 29 minutes, and our shortest expiration is 60 minutes
orignal you create session with 5 mintes before expiration
orignal and send peer request after 15 minutes
zzz true
zzz but if peer is connected, we never expire without asking him for it first
zzz that's where we use the "direct lookup" code
orignal what do you mean?
zzz in our RI expiration code we have "lookup before dropping"
orignal so you remove a router from netdb only if it's not connected?
zzz try to get a new one, don't just delete it
zzz first we ask him for a new one
orignal then explain
zzz if that fails then we delete it
orignal but it's netdb
orignal independent thing
orignal I go through netdb compare timestamps and delete expired
zzz right but you can send lookup messages directly to connected routers, even if not floodfill
orignal when?
zzz we do that, but then we 'lookup before deleting'
zzz any time
orignal it means I have to check in netdb
orignal if router is connected
zzz right, that's what we do
orignal overhead
orignal but fine
zzz up to you
orignal will try to do something
zzz protected void lookupBeforeDropping(Hash peer, RouterInfo info) {
zzz if (_context.commSystem().isEstablished(peer)) {
zzz // see DirectLookupJob
zzz ...
orignal Blinded message
zzz yeah we check the hash->connection maps in both transports
zzz so two quick hashtable lookups
orignal but for every router
zzz sure but expiration is a background job
zzz different thread
orignal but if you have one cpu no difference
zzz true ))
orignal I have better idea
orignal one you receive RI from SessionConfirmed bump it's timestamp
zzz yeah but that breaks the signature if you're ff and get asked for it
orignal I don't extract timestamp from buffer
orignal I store it seperately
orignal let me think
zzz we do about a bazillion hashtable lookups a second, if they are slow we're in trouble anyway ))
orignal but don
orignal 't you think
orignal that you are slow because of this ))
orignal for me every extra lookup slows down
zzz how often do you run the expiration code?
zzz most of the hashtable lookups are for configuration things: if (x >= _context.getProperty("max_xxxx")) ...
weko orignal: i2pd also have many hashtable lookups (as you said), but I guess it less count in many times))
orignal every minute
zzz orignal: too fast. Do RIs every 5 minutes. LS every minute.
orignal will do
orignal I save and cleanup at the time
zzz now you have the time to do connection check :)
orignal no I don't
orignal a router will be more busy ))
zzz we only save RIs to disk every 10 minutes
orignal even after start?
zzz yeah
orignal someone starts router then stop it after a minute
zzz so?
orignal and reseed again next time
zzz reseed writes directly to disk for us
orignal goof point
weko orignal: you did same, I am right?
orignal I do it every minute
weko Write on disk?
weko I think we can do this configurable
weko And set default to 5 or 10 mins
orignal zzz also your opinion about garlic inside garlic. shoukd it be allowed or not?
zzz looking...
orignal I drop it for now
orignal but I think it's valid sitiation'
zzz what are the delivery instructions?
orignal local
zzz yes we allow it on receive. I'm not sure what the situation is when we send it though
orignal and handle?
zzz yes we handle it for LOCAL only. For DESTINATION we drop
orignal thanks. will implement it
zzz one case I know
zzz we send garlic'ed Delivery Status Messages with the LS to be returned back to us as an ack
zzz to hide the delivery status from the OBEP/IBGW
zzz afk, back in an hour
orignal no, it goes to destination not to router
dr|z3d orignal: if you're tweaking the way you save RIs, maybe consider not writing the crap to disk and keeping it session/memory only.
orignal too much memory
dr|z3d you don't store all your RIs in ram?
dr|z3d if you're reading from disk, then the alternative is to make L,M,N,U expire after 1hr and get deleted. keeps things from getting messy.
zzz the only thing we allow with delivery type DESTINATION is I2NP Data Message
zzz we would log anything else as an error
zzz never seen that error before
zzz if that was happening everybody would report it
orignal but it happened
orignal ofc you didn't see in the logs because it was local
orignal for router
zzz oh, I see, you were talking about Delivery Status Message. Never mind.
orignal I'm talking in general
orignal it was garlic in garlic sent to router
orignal either somebody's bug or attack
zzz tell us what's in it when you decrypt it
orignal I don't know
orignal I change the code to drop it
orignal because I had deadlock
orignal because recursion with mutex
orignal I need to redo this logic
orignal ppocess it instead drop
orignal and we have made the new release fixing this critical issue
zzz gosh DtQs is still at it. 7 inbound attempts in 9 minutes on 7 different IPs
zzz it's worth implementing a banlist for that one router alone
obscuratus Yeah, he's got a heck of a botnet (or something) going.
obscuratus They can't be connecting to that many Java I2P routers, they were banned by the newsfeed last month.
zzz i2pd + android _ bigly is still a lot
zzz i2pd + android + bigly
obscuratus I wonder how I2PD handles DtQs. Surely they can't connect to multiple DtQs at the same time.
zzz none of them have news feed blocking
zzz I would assume he would stop at one conn but who knows
obscuratus Bigly uses our lib without the newsfeed, How would we handle that if they weren't on the banlist.
zzz in ssu we drop the old one and switch to the new one
zzz not sure about ntcp
obscuratus It's got me scratching my head what they're trying to accomplish.
obscuratus I did a reverse DNS on a few of the DtQs IPs last week. They were all over the place, but included Cox, Comcast, and other typical providers of home service.
zzz I'm working on implementing an inbound throttle
zzz which is a headscratcher too