IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal zzz, excepting him ))
dr|z3d orignal: who are you excepting? or perhaps you're expecting? :)
orignal sponge
orignal since he is MIA for long time who knows
dr|z3d would be great to see sponge back on the scene.
orignal guys tell me why irc.postman.i2p has two addresses?
dr|z3d multihomed
dr|z3d or you're looking at the old DSA address and the new ECIES address perhaps.
orignal I have hhcy7zznltay2tzwdvtd37g2inptemz3hk5zmxyi57d3sxgxbseq
orignal but also mpvr7qmek2yz2ekegp5rur573z7e77vp3xqt2lfbco5i6nkfppcq
orignal it means I connect to the first and it returns me the second
orignal zzz can you explain why?
zzz "returns" to you how?
orignal through connection I guess
orignal back with garlic
orignal otherwise how would I know the second?
orignal I connect to hhcy7zznltay2tzwdvtd37g2inptemz3hk5zmxyi57d3sxgxbseq
orignal but it send me LS of mpvr7qmek2yz2ekegp5rur573z7e77vp3xqt2lfbco5i6nkfppcq
zzz interesting
orignal I see 2 lesesets, acetone also sees 2 leasets
zzz hhc is sigtype 7, mpv is sigtype 0
orignal while this is client tunnel to irc.postman.i2p and nothing else
zzz which is in your addressbook?
orignal that's why I don't understand where mpv comes from
orignal hold on
orignal also hhc on the machine I'm conneted from
zzz I just "loaded" it from a web browser, I only have hhc
zzz java servers usually don't send LS at all
zzz you sure you don't have both old and new destinations in hosts.txt?
orignal then how could you explain ?
zzz no ideas
orignal only one
orignal well let's say it might switch between subscription
orignal but one that's not currently used shoulc be expried and disappear
orignal but I have both uop to date
orignal it means they keep coming
zzz are you floodfill?
weko i2pd have per-destination leasset storage
weko floodfill cant affect destination's leasesets
orignal but it doesn't matter
R4SAS same for me, not FF
zzz I'm on other server, let me switch
zzz only hhc right now, will check back in 10 minutes
orignal maybe you drop it somewhere
orignal because it's not from appropriate source
dr|z3d something else strange lately, asymmetric bandwidth usage when only serving transit requests. anyone else seeing that?
dr|z3d the huge spikes in bandwidth we know about. just seen one of those on a router that went from 600K/s to ~5MB/s and back down in around 10m.
dr|z3d I've made the salient parts of the irc.postman chat above available to postman, maybe he'll have an idea.
orignal http traffic is always asymmetric
dr|z3d no, no. talking lower level, transit requests.
Xeha transit
zzz yeah I have both now
zzz both leasesets I mean
orignal so do you have a threory?
zzz no. I'll put it on the todo list
weko dr|z3d: it is transit tunnels with huge bandwith. its can transit about 300 MB or even more
weko shoud we ask postman maybe?
dr|z3d <postman> mh the server us offered by two routers
dr|z3d <postman> but its the same key
dr|z3d <postman> i offer old and new key
orignal yes it's clean. but how the get mixed
orignal I connect to new one and get LS of old one
weko magic connection of postman's routers)
dr|z3d you're seeing that for transit traffic, weko?
weko yes
dr|z3d more in than out, in other words. ok, so I'm not alone.
weko it is for long long time already
weko 1 month minimum
zzz LS thing probably something deep in router because they're sharing encryption keys (subsessions)
weko i said about it already
dr|z3d maybe it's time to overhaul the dual key hosting.
weko dr|z3d: some person on ilita had 1.7 GB transit tunnel ot their router
weko once
dr|z3d I don't know what 1.7GB means in this context, weko.
weko count of transit traffic
dr|z3d so data transferred in a 10 min period?
orignal how many bytes went through
weko 10 min or less, yes.
weko you can hust calculate speed))
dr|z3d doesn't surprise me, there's been a bunch of weird on the network lately. asymmetric traffic loads smells like an attack to me. maybe.
weko i think what traffic can be really, but transit tunnel count spikes look like real attack attemts
dr|z3d we can but guess at what or why. but if there is an ongoing attack, I'd tend towards thinking it's a Russian state-level attack transposed from Tor.