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zzz trying to fix a SAM problem, maybe i2pd has it too
zzz if client does SESSION CREATE, then socket.setSoTimeout(60 sec), then
zzz and times out and closes socket
zzz I never find out because I'm not doing a read() while I'm building tunnels
zzz so I don't stop trying to build
zzz not so easy to fix but I'm trying
zzz have to start a new thread to do a dummy read()
zzz and client shouldn't be pipelining commands but if he does it gets more messy
weko can you answer please?
weko <+weko> Should I write specific implementation details in proposal, or should I just describe how it works in detail?
zzz it's up to you
zzz but I suggest you try to address the security and anonymity issues raised by dr|z3d and me, in whatever you write
zzz w00t, got the sam fix working
zzz sortof, on the right track anyway
dr|z3d dunno if it'll help, but i2pchat has an issue with the socket remaining open for a few minutes if the router disappears.
orignal so, you problem is that you read with tiemout or what?
zzz gaah java nio, curses mkvore
zzz no orignal the problem is I'm not reading while I'm building tunnels
orignal and you can't catch if client closes session?
dr|z3d I've noticed i2pchat's send file is super slow, dunno if that's related.
orignal let me check
zzz no because my loop is { read command; blocking call to create tunnels; write status; read next command }
zzz I'm testing with netcat and inbound.quantity=7 outbound.quantity=7
zzz then ^C netcat
zzz it's fixable but I'm fighting with java about it ))
orignal very good catch
zzz I don't know what bitcoin's timeout is
orignal I don't read socket until I send reply
orignal will change it
zzz their timeout is at least 100 seconds because jonatack said he saw one take that long
zzz hopefully your fix is easier than mine :)
orignal yes, one line of code
zzz I'm at almost 100 ((
orignal void SAMSocket::HandleSessionReadinessCheckTimer (const boost::system::error_code& ecode)
orignal here we need to check is a socket is still open
orignal that's all
zzz yeah, problem I'm having is that socket.isConnected() returns true even after it's closed
zzz because socket state doesn't change until you try to read from it
orignal I check it buy timer
orignal const int SAM_SESSION_READINESS_CHECK_INTERVAL = 20; // in seconds
zzz happy for you, don't forget to test it :) I thought it would be easy too...
orignal another good catch
orignal should change it to 2
orignal because people compain that i2pd is slow with session creation
orignal now we see why ))
zzz ooh yeah, that's 20 seconds minimum?
orignal I don't remeber why I set 20 sec
zzz nice
orignal will fix
orignal and add socket
weko zzz: but I explained why this is not issues; i will try to explain it more
weko in proposal, sure.
zzz orignal, jonatack reported a minimum of 45 seconds, so you might have more delays in there... test with inbound.length=0 outbound.length=0
orignal I check every 20 seconds
orignal with current network state tunnels build slow
zzz sure, but it seems like _one_ tunnel build would have been faster than 20 seconds? just a thought
orignal sometimes for gostcoint it took 2-3 minutes recently
orignal I was for 1 IB and 1OB
orignal *wait
zzz yikes
orignal yes, in normal state it should we faster
orignal then 20
orignal and it's not about inital 20
orignal it's about 20 second interval