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zzz thanks for the reminder
zzz will explain in the morning
dr|z3d another unreachable X tier router with a ridiculous amount of introducers and what's being reported as a forged RI: cake.i2p/view/RoiEyx5Fgu_UDJeSKyZqX0rMmCizDKqxAT0haYF6N_AAoiaRwM7Y/RoiEyx5Fgu.txt
orignal but 0.9.56
orignal I thought I see it in new release
orignal I will investigate what might cause 12 interoducers
orignal also 12 looks suspisious, not more not less
orignal I'm wodnering if somebody just changed this constatnt in the code
orignal const size_t SSU2_MAX_NUM_INTRODUCERS = 3;
dr|z3d yeah, someone's tweaked that variable it looks like, and it maybe distributing a modified binary.
dr|z3d If Opicaak is around on ilita, maybe ask him if he's tweaked the code?
zzz code 10
zzz jrandom stuff
zzz for starters
zzz not sure it's a good idea
zzz not sure if java has implemented it well
zzz not sure if i2pd should do it
zzz two parts:
zzz 1) when to send 10
zzz 2) what to do if you get a 10
zzz part 1:
zzz we keep avg. number of part. tunnels in 10 minute buckets
zzz and we have a "growth factor" of 1.3.
zzz try to prevent rapid increase, by limiting tunnels to no more than 30% more in current bucket than last bucket
zzz so let p = avg. tunnel count in last bucket
zzz let c = current tunnel count
zzz if (c > 1.3 * p) {
zzz let accept_percent = 100 * ((p * 1.3 / c) ** 2)
zzz let r = random(100)
zzz if (r < accept_percent) then reject code 10 // "probabalistic reject"
zzz end part 1
zzz part 2:
zzz ** correction: if (r > accept_percent)
zzz part 2:
zzz the goal is, if we got a code 10 in the last 5 minutes, then downgrade the peer in the profile so we won't send it tunnels
zzz but we only rerun our profiling every 6 minutes
zzz so we might catch it or might not
zzz end part 2
zzz re: introducers and Opicaak, I don't think he's capable of code mods, he's a packager at best
zzz but I suspect the huge RI is overrunning some i2pd buffer, so the sig fails
zzz orignal, please look into bombing-out if the local RI is too big, don't send it out to others
dr|z3d I've tweaked the part tunnel growth factor. For "standard" routers, it'll kick in at 2500 part tunnels, limiting growth to 1.2
dr|z3d re introducers, i2pd and java could probably use a hard limit of 3.
dr|z3d ie if someone thinks it's a good idea to tweak the max introducers variable, subsequent checks prune them.
zzz we only look for 3
dr|z3d my theory is that someone somewhere has determined that their firewalled routers need more introducers for more speed, so instead of fixing their firewall/NAT issue, they've decided to bump up the introducers instead.
zzz I don't really care why, but i2pd should catch it sooner
orignal what does "too big" mean?
orignal guys i2pd publishes not more than 3
zzz overruns your buffer? 3172? or requires too many fragments in SSU2 session confirmed?
orignal 3 introducers
orignal my max buffer size is 3K
zzz right
orignal I suspect signature is not sent
orignal that's why
zzz but if it's too many SSU2 fragments, die, don't even try
orignal so, don't send RI exceeing 3K, right?
orignal I don't send more than 2 fragments
orignal in SessionConfirmed
orignal I even don't have an ability for it
zzz we will send up to 15 I think. If you only support 2, then throw a fatal error, don't send it
orignal ofc I don't
orignal I just drop session
orignal however DatabaseStore is no limited
orignal well probably to 128 fragments I don''t remeber
zzz proto is 4 bits
orignal maybe
zzz maybe it's Databse store, not SSU2, but either way, don't send out garbage
orignal anyway I will check if creation of my RI failes
orignal that's what I meant
orignal code 10
orignal I see it a lot
zzz that way, i2pd will explode, instead of dr|z3d sending me log errors
orignal I never send it, so Java does
orignal yes, I know
orignal and we arte going to relese 2.45.1 next weeks
orignal *week
orignal because there is another bug with crash on termination
orignal causes homebrew's tests fail
zzz yeah I saw that on ilita
zzz you figure it out yet?
orignal fixed
zzz super
orignal about introducers
orignal what is the max number you can see in RI?
orignal I mean if 12 introducers is valid
zzz in mine? in my netdb? in the one drz posted?
orignal no, in protocol
zzz we only look at 3. We send up to 4, because the 3rd one may have two IPs
orignal can somebody intenionally use 12?
orignal is it allowed orr not?
zzz spec is 3? or it doesn't say
orignal I check only last digit of "i" properties
orignal no it doesn't
orignal that's why I'm asking if 12 is valid
zzz well, RI spec says you can put whatever you want in there, it's just key=value
orignal failed signature is another problem
zzz so anything is "valid"
orignal how about 100?
orignal so the only wrong thing with that RI is signature
orignal maybe we should limit to 10 in specs?
orignal or 16
zzz only limit is ~64KB I2NP max message size
zzz implementations may ofc impose lower limits
zzz not sure what good that does if somebody is hacking your source code
zzz they don't care what the specs say
orignal but we can check it on receiver side
orignal if we see more than 10 introducers we consider such RIU as maflromed
zzz I'm not going to check for itag999=foo and throw it out, waste of time, it's just another undefined option
zzz no different than yourmom=foo
dr|z3d maybe mod the spec to say max 3, and post something on zzz.i2p so whoever's doing the source hacks gets the message?
dr|z3d orignal can post on 333.i2p just in case it's a russian developer.
zzz please don't ask me to chase down i2pd hackers
dr|z3d ok, disregard the above. :)
dr|z3d orignal: chase down the i2pd hackers!
orignal so 0-9 only?
orignal I will fix to not publish more than 9
zzz spec says 0-2. java only looks at 0-2. java only publishes 0-3.
orignal what if somebody modifies the code
orignal say in I2P++
zzz if you want to publish 0-9, that's fine
zzz dr|z3d, let's be clear
zzz as the network, esp. i2pd, expands rapidly -
zzz my ability to stop or prevent network explosions or abuse is quickly vanishing
zzz either via my code or my communications
dr|z3d if a router's sending a malformed RI, I'm now banning it for the session.
orignal malforumed RI is one thing
orignal many introducers is another thing
dr|z3d we're clear, zzz. the best you can do is publish the occasional advisory when apt.
dr|z3d too many introducers == malformed RI.
orignal that;s my originnal question what "too many introducers" mean'
dr|z3d that said, zzz, I think collectively we've all done pretty well in putting out the latest fires.
dr|z3d <zzz> spec says 0-2. java only looks at 0-2. java only publishes 0-3.
dr|z3d 3, in other words, original.
dr|z3d should be the hard limit.
dr|z3d *orignal
orignal fine if more then 3 just ignore tham
zzz that's my recommendation, yes
dr|z3d maybe add a comment to the max limit to dissuade hackers from modifying the value, origs
zzz dr|z3d, re: banning, if you want, but if you ban on bad sig then an attacker can ban anybody, so I don't recommend that, and canon will not do that
zzz we never ban or block until sig is verified
dr|z3d_ ok, zzz, fair point, short term ban then?
zzz we may already throw it in the short-term ip blocker in ssu2, dunno
dr|z3d_ and not banning on bad sig per se, banning on invalid RI.
zzz banning the router hash for any time sounds wrong
zzz but you do you
dr|z3d shouldn't make much difference, if the RI's invalid, it's effectively banned if not explicitly.
dr|z3d if (!routerInfo.isValid()) {
dr|z3d // throws UnsupportedCryptoException
dr|z3d processStoreFailure(key, routerInfo);
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldWarn())
dr|z3d //_log.warn("Invalid RouterInfo signature detected for [" + routerInfo.toBase64().substring(0,6) + "] -> Malformed RouterInfo");
dr|z3d _log.warn("Banning [" + routerInfo.toBase64().substring(0,6) + "] for duration of session -> Malformed RouterInfo");
dr|z3d _context.banlist().banlistRouter(key, " <b>➜</b> Malformed RouterInfo", null, null, _context.clock().now() + Banlist.BANLIST_DURATION_FOREVER);
dr|z3d return "Invalid RouterInfo signature";
zzz dr|z3d, see SSU2 IES2.gotRI() comments on when we can ban. Via SSU2, the store() is after the static key verify, so you're safe. But if you ban in store(), you don't have that protection
zzz because it could come in via DSM or NTCP2
zzz so if you ban in an attacker could rapidly send you 10000 spoofed RIs from afar and kill you
dr|z3d ok, thanks, will rectify.
zzz "you do you" is great and all but let's not be injecting vulnerabilities into our outproxies
zzz who are uniquely vulnerable because their IPs and router hashes are known
dr|z3d well, according to your logic, the vuln already exists in KNDF.
dr|z3d what's to stop an attacker from afar sending 1000s of RI's with the wrong network id and killing your router?
dr|z3d if (id != _networkID) {
dr|z3d if (id == -1) {
dr|z3d // old i2pd bug, possibly at startup, don't ban forever
dr|z3d _context.banlist().banlistRouter(key, " <b>➜</b> No network specified", null, null, _context.clock().now() + Banlist.BANLIST_DURATION_NO_NETWORK);
dr|z3d } else {
dr|z3d _context.banlist().banlistRouterForever(key, " <b>➜</b> " + "Not in our network: " + id);
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldWarn())
dr|z3d _log.warn("BAD Network detected for [" + routerInfo.toBase64().substring(0,6) + "]");
dr|z3d return "Not in our network";
zzz is that before sig check?
dr|z3d straight after my malformed RI ban.
dr|z3d this block: private String validate(Hash key, RouterInfo routerInfo) throws IllegalArgumentException {
zzz is the id ban before or after the sig check ?
dr|z3d pass, it's earlier in the source, but I'm not sure how the pipeline's processing stuff.
dr|z3d let me hand you a reference to your source, 1 sec.
zzz RI.isValid() checks the sig, ID ban is after, it's fine
dr|z3d that's kinda what I figured, in which case banning for an invalid/malformed RI should be fine, too.
zzz no, because the reason it was invalid was the sig check failed
orignal if (len > m_Buffer->size ()) len = m_Buffer->size ();
orignal that's how I shrink
orignal long RI
orignal dr|z3d do you know actual size of that RI?
orignal it doesn't seem it exceeds 3K
orignal because I check it
dr|z3d you got all I have, orignal
orignal do you have actual routerinfo file?
dr|z3d no, it doesn't get written to disk if it's invalid.
orignal I thought it was huge
orignal thet's why zzz asked me to limit RI size
zzz itag+ih+iexp ~= 100 bytes, there were two addrs, one with 12 and one with 11 introducers, so 23 * 100 is 2300 bytes extra
zzz so I think that would push you over 3072
orignal acccording to my code no, it would be created
orignal if (len + signatureLen < MAX_RI_BUFFER_SIZE)
orignal I saw only one address with 12 introducers
orignal ipv6 was with real address
zzz still got the pastebin link drz?
orignal I mean last one
dr|z3d cake links are dead, but I still have the log entries here, let me paste them both into one url.
orignal however they might also change max RI size
dr|z3d oh, maybe cake link's not yet dead, the last one. if you need the earlier one, let me know, I'll repost. cake.i2p/view/RoiEyx5Fgu_UDJeSKyZqX0rMmCizDKqxAT0haYF6N_AAoiaRwM7Y/RoiEyx5Fgu.txt
zzz if the earlier one had two problematic addresess, yes
orignal anyway I will make sure it's not published
orignal unless they changed max buffer size
zzz thanks
orignal zzz, we have another question
orignal do you drop peer tests if your router is overloaded?
orignal people complain the see Unknown or Firewalled too often
zzz no, we don't have any overload checks
zzz general advice:
zzz 1) retest soon if result is UNKNOWN
zzz 2) Don't change state unless two tests from different peers say the same thing
orignal we run 5
zzz lots of peer test fixes in this release for me
weko Hello!
weko zzz: what you think about this problem: my node recive many packets with invalid port from another nodes, and my router sometimes set Firewalled status. Somewhere my port changes. I thinked maybe problem in my hardware/config/ISP, but today we find another person with same problem. But this behavour not a problem, i did have almost 19K trasint tunnels recently and have many inbound connections.
weko Is it some Internet misconfig issue maybe?
weko Say me if you dont understand
weko As temp solution, i just remove code with this check
weko and rebuild i2pd