IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz getting a surprising number of unknown tokens in session request
zzz trying to figure out why
zzz cache too small or expiration too long or bugs or what
zzz orignal, what's the max number of tokens you remember?
zzz ok, I remember 512 tokens and give them out with an expiration of one hour, but they're being evicted after 20 minutes
dr|z3d cache too small?
dr|z3d and/or expiration too long. sounds like expiration might be too long for 512 entries.
zzz and this is on a router with only about 200 ssu2 conns
zzz I'm going to have to make it a lot smarter
zzz its not just the added latency, we're forcing a 2nd keygen and DH on alice
dr|z3d is 4096 cache entries excessive?
dr|z3d I guess you could just bump the cache up dynamically as required, and shrink when not in use a la byte caches?
zzz LHMCache doesn't work like that
zzz I'm going to measure average eviction time and set the expiration to that
zzz and probably size the cache based on max connections
dr|z3d can you vary the eviction period dynamically based on averages?
zzz the expiration, not the eviction.
dr|z3d yeah, right, that's what I meant.
dr|z3d is it graphable yet, or that's a TODO?
zzz everything is todo
dr|z3d > zzz: you mentioned 1 hour expiration for session tokens..
dr|z3d > maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I'm seeing: public static final long IB_TOKEN_EXPIRATION = 2*60*60*1000L;
zzz true, but there's some halfassery below that cuts it in half when the cache starts to fill up
dr|z3d ah, ok, missed that.
dr|z3d right, see it.
dr|z3d if (expiration > 2*60*1000 && _inboundTokens.size() > MAX_TOKENS / 2)
dr|z3d expiration /= 2;
dr|z3d ok, another thing.
dr|z3d apparently tokens are stored in ~/.i2p/ssu2tokens.txt but I'm not seeing any evidence of that file.
dr|z3d it looks like they're loaded at the router session start and then the file's deleted?
zzz yup, stop yer router to take a peek ))
dr|z3d roger that, over :)