IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal zzz, when I receive HolePunch do I use same connid or new one for outgoing session?
zzz use a new connid
zzz saw two successful relays yesterday
zzz you didn't use the token I sent though
orignal yes, I know
orignal and old conid
orignal how many times do you send HolePunch?
orignal Token from HolePunch message?
zzz right now I only send hole punch once
zzz the same token is in the hole punch and relay response
zzz congrats on successful relay! fantastic
orignal not yer
orignal I receive HolePunch and relay reponse but can't establish connection yer
orignal need to clear token and connid stuff
zzz looks to me like the connection was established
orignal not on my side
orignal looks like I couldn't rceive ack to sessionconfirmed
orignal anyway will resolve
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the list for today?
zzz eyedeekay, you have a go report for us after two weeks off?
eyedeekay Nothing of an organized nature unfortunately
zzz we'll settle for disorganized then :)
zzz let's put you up front as 1)
zzz and 2) SSU2 status
zzz 1) go-i2p
zzz commence disorganization eyedeekay :)
orignal and his report about monerocon
zzz ok, he did a nice writeup on zzz.i2p but perhaps there's more
zzz zlatinb was there too ofc
zzz maybe he can report if he's around
zlatinb not much to add
zlatinb also I broke a finger and can only use one hand
zlatinb so typ
zzz oh no
zlatinb ing is very slow atm
eyedeekay OK just a few things of note on that then. I started trying to get x25519 implemented in the go-i2p code, still a little trouble I guess seeing where crypto and protocols fits together to make something that does something instead of just writing a ton of unit tests
eyedeekay But I suppose that is why it's going to pay off to work on NTCP2 and the underlying crypto required to do it
zzz well, if you're getting to the point of talking to other routers, just trying to actually do it may be easier than unit tests.
eyedeekay It's not much yet, I'm at a stage of figuring out what the interfaces need to be still but I feel like I'm moving quicker than I did on the refactor
zzz Unit tests may be more disciplined, but may or may not be the most efficient
eyedeekay I did get a reliable offer to help from Keith who does the Go syndie implementation and works on some other Go software in our ecosystem, he's a pretty reliable contact and reached out to me by email
eyedeekay Nothing works yet but maybe I actually try to talk to another router in a very basic way this month
zzz I also have the very old NTCP2 standalone test code that may be of some use as the other end
eyedeekay Yeah you shared some of it with me already, I've got a big directory full of samples
eyedeekay Some of them were already helpful when I had to refactor all those tests
zzz problem with live net testing is doing any logging gets really noisy
zzz you could also try java router as the other side on a testnet
zzz lots of possibilities
zzz live net is good at telling you it worked, bad at telling you why it didn't
orignal maybe he should start with SSU2 instead
zzz no, I think SSU2 is about 3x harder
eyedeekay My plan is essentially testnet, I've got hardware to put it inside and keep it away from the main net and build a small model with only a few routers
eyedeekay I don't know LXC as well as I do Docker but I'll manage
eyedeekay I'm already wrist-deep in NTCP2, probably do more harm than good to change course
zzz there's just _so_ much to deal with in UDP protocols that isn't an issue with sockets
zzz anything else on 1a) go-i2p?
zzz or anything on 1b) monerocon?
eyedeekay Nothing on go-i2p
eyedeekay On MoneroCon the only thing to add is that I'm sticking up my workshop materials
eyedeekay Sort of doing it backward, I posted the interactive part first where we made a Monero I2P plugin with ShellService as a manager
eyedeekay The first and second part were less interactive and I'll post them later tonight
eyedeekay On I2PTunnel and SAMv3
zzz oh, speaking of SAM, some discussion while you were gone about domain sockets for SAM
zzz I don't really see the point but if you have the backlog you might want to take a look
eyedeekay Is it on this channel? I'll check major if it is
eyedeekay I can think of some cases for such a thing but I'll have to see the discussion
zzz there was a fair amount here, maybe some on ilita also. there's also an i2pd ticket
zzz orignal, you have any summary of the domain socket discussion for him?
eyedeekay Found the ticket, it's right on top of their issue tracker
zzz one justification was MTU, but localhost MTU is already huge. As a result of the discussion I added a section about it to the spec
orignal we decided to not do it for now
zzz the remaining justification was - maybe - added security
zzz note that it's a huge PITA on java < 16
zzz except android ofc
zzz anything else on 1b) monerocon or 1c) sam domain sockets?
orignal at least not now
eyedeekay Android domain sockets are a PITA for other reasons
orignal oh btw I have a question about SAM
zzz go ahead
orignal do we send error messages back in case of Datagram?
orignal say if session not found
orignal because polistern complained about it
zzz no idea. eyedeekay ?
eyedeekay Just a moment while I double-check...
orignal the specs say nothing
orignal so polistern says
orignal he session got disconnected
orignal but she keeps sending datagrams and doesn't know they can't go through
zzz does polistern have a proposal to improve it?
zzz I can't think of a good way to do an asynchronous error delivery
orignal her proposal is simple
eyedeekay Nothing comes across from the SAM side, all the error handling I have available happens either during the session setup or after reading a datagram
zzz control channel? error datagram?
orignal her wants me to fix crashes ))
orignal but if I check for session I don't want to be silent by send something back
orignal what if no control channel anymore?
zzz but if you crash, the control socket gets closed, so she should know that
orignal no, her contyrol socket get closed
orignal she keeps sending datagram and I crash
orignal I know why I crash
zzz lol
orignal but want to handle this istuation propely
orignal e.g it's a bug ofc
orignal but how to fix it
zzz there also is control socket ping/pong in v3.3, don't know if that would help
zzz I don't really have any ideas
zzz other than don't crash )))
zzz eyedeekay, anything else to add?
eyedeekay Not on the topic of figuring out when your datagram socket failed
zzz 2) SSU2 status
zzz orignal, your turn to go first
orignal so we send nothing back
eyedeekay Just one thing about Android however, basically domain sockets have to be used by your app or an app which a) begins with your namespace and b) is signed by the same keys of your app
orignal so I have fixed most of peer test issues
eyedeekay So if you do that with SAM it breaks all third-party apps. EOT
orignal and receive msg 7 most of the time
orignal for relay I got relay reponse and start connecting
orignal will finish it today or tommorow
orignal other side is reamining
zzz great
zzz I've been working on MTU issues
zzz and adjusting PMTU, and using up to 1500 for SSU2 addresses
zzz adding more checks to peer test as discussed last couple weeks
zzz I have concerns about whether fragmented messages are working with i2pd
zzz need to make sure all that works well
zzz eot
orignal yes, MTU is the next
orignal it seems they didn't work about wrong mtu
orignal and yes I will test
zzz can't ever be over the mtu. 1 byte over is an error. I'm still not sure I have it all correct
zzz still doing testing and watching the logs
orignal but you saw 1517
orignal technically datagram can be split and then merged back
orignal depending on equipment
zzz right. haven't checked recently
zzz right.
orignal but after this fix
orignal I see error about missing fragments rarely
orignal let's see
orignal also going to use SSU2 peer test for ipv6
orignal instead SSU
orignal you know why
zzz right, we designed it to be better
zzz it will be better if it works :)
zzz anything else on 2) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting ?
zzz 4th of july meeting ok?
eyedeekay I can make it
orignal I'm fine
orignal peer test seems working well now