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orignal I might be later today for the meeting
zzz should we just cancel it for today?
dr|z3d ok, stormycloud key now imported successfully, next stage is to wait for the release to propagate to determine if the blacklisting is causing the outproxy to behave erratically (mostly times out with http requests).
dr|z3d expect a registration for the relevant hostnames to land in your stats.i2p in tray round about now, zzz.
zzz ok got it, I recommended a 2ld for landing page / ToS and 3LDs for the outproxy itself, looks like that didn't happen, at least not yet
dr|z3d landing page will be outproxy.stormycloud.i2p and outproxy proper will be stormycloud.i2p
zzz so the reverse of my recommendation, but ok
zzz we don't know how many multihomes they'll need or will work well, but it's fine for now
dr|z3d probably 5 in the first instance.
zzz I'm sure 1 is plenty in the short term
dr|z3d should be sufficient to gauge usage.
dr|z3d is stormycloud out of the tar pit, and if so can we get registered?
zzz do you and them have any kind of written test/acceptance plan? there's the start of a list on the zzz.i2p thread but something more formal would be good
dr|z3d you mean general policy? I don't think there's one just yet, just a landing page. but I can help expedite that.
zzz it's a 5 day tarpit, I can temporarily disable it once I'm done with the release stuff
dr|z3d ok, no worries, no rush.
zzz not a policy, but a list of technical tests... http, https, onion if supported, error pages, i2p header stripping
zzz etc
dr|z3d TODO.
dr|z3d we're not there yet, not by a long stretch.
zzz ok. if you could just take notes along the way, it will be easier when we get there
dr|z3d as mentioned, until we can determine if the blacklisting is the root cause of the timeouts, we're in a holding pattern.
orignal up to you
orignal depends on if you have something to discuss without me
zzz the default sybil ban time is 7 days; the release will not automatically unban any banned routers
zzz so the recovery is going to be gradual over a couple of weeks or more
dr|z3d sure, understood.
dr|z3d at least we're good with the family membership now, so progress. thanks again for the route map.
zzz ok zlatinb orignal eyedeekay let's cancel the meeting for today so we can focus on the release
orignal I'm back
orignal we can make it if you have time
zzz no, cancelled
orignal but without meeting any updates about release
zzz we turned on in-net updates 2 hours ago; debian probably tomorrow
orignal we still have an issue with 22.04 .deb packet but working on it
zzz good luck :)
Irc2PGuest65544 smooth update under FBSD 13. Thanks for all your hard work! :)
orignal most likely a bug in compiler