IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d ok, update re StormyCloud. we've fixed the bandwidth issue with the outproxy. tomorrow, more stuff.
dr|z3d ~85Mb/s achieved via a 0 hop from one datacenter to another (I think?) over a 0 hop connection.
Xeha Megabits or MegaBytes?
orignal I never understand what bakcup tunnels was for
dr|z3d Xeha: Mb = Megabits, MB = Megabytes. :)
dr|z3d orignal: it's a decorative feature :)
Xeha aww, was hoping you made mistake and it would be actually MiB
dr|z3d that would be something else :)
dr|z3d anyways, the moral of the story to date is to make sure that your kernel supports queue discpline configuration, and definitely do not expect anything like acceptable performance from a kernel that doesn't, especially on an outproxy that coexists with a tor exit.
dr|z3d I never realised a "noqueue" discipline was a thing before, I thought fifo was about as bad as it got. I was wrong.
zzz dr|z3d, so what you were helping fix was the _tor_ exit performance?
dr|z3d no, zzz. outproxy performance was poor.
dr|z3d as a side effect, exit performance may also be improved.
zzz so they actually have something up and running?
dr|z3d I suspected the exit traffic was saturating the connection and bufferbloat was at play.
dr|z3d still in the testing phase.
zzz sure, but I thought they were still in the research phase
zzz so thats good
dr|z3d yeah, looking promising now.
zzz speed wasn't even in my mental checklist
dr|z3d as mentioned earlier, 85Mb/s from on a 0 hop.
dr|z3d speed was the initial line of inquiry via rambler. poor speed was the issue, relative to purokishi. so I figured we should look at that before all else.
dr|z3d what we don't want is something that performs like false.i2p :)
zzz sure, it's just opposite of the normal path of making it work then making it fast. But faster is usually better
dr|z3d like I said before, open mind. when someone tells me speed's an issue, then that's what I run with.. make sure the platform is sound before we draw any other conclusions..
zzz yup, good job
dr|z3d the inference was that the proxy software was somehow at fault, so I wanted to rule that out.
zzz do you think they've settled on a solution or is this just an initial experiment?
dr|z3d we're testing out various options right now. if you're asking indirectly about timeframe, at a guess 1-2 weeks maybe.
zzz wasnt really, but ok
zzz hmm
zzz I thought they were an all-i2pd shop
dr|z3d only on account of the initial convenience, they're not hard set on that path.
zzz but perhaps our rate limiting/filtering/banning infrastructure might be valuable. depends where they want to do it and what they feel they might need
dr|z3d things like tunnel throttling and extended stats/graphs may influence them, yeah.
dr|z3d (I've already raised that :))
zzz there's a _lot_ of admin issues to work out before they should throw it wide open, thats a lot of work
dr|z3d indeed.. I'm on it, worry not. :)
zzz not for me to worry about anyway, and I never thought they were naive on what they were getting into
dr|z3d they're big boys.. running 100 tor nodes means they're already in at the deep end :)
zzz not just nodes but exits, yes
dr|z3d exactly.
Xeha does java i2p have "unique" local ip too, so you can filter with iptables? i forgot
zzz yes
zzz i2ptunnel option
Xeha good :)
dr|z3d,, or anything else you'd care to configure, both ipv4 and ipv6 provisioned.
dr|z3d and there's also support for multiple ips, and