IRCaBot 2.1.0
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segfault does i2psnark have an api?
segfault is it possible to use from other app?
segfault *to use it
zzz yes with the i2psnark-rpc plugin it supports the transmission RPC protocol
segfault zzz: thx
segfault zzz: could you show me a guide or code example?
segfault zzz: thx
lbt Now I'm getting 502 Bad Gateway when trying to access git (i2p: git & http, clearnet: http). Every day something new ;) Is there any point in reporting these to you, or are you well aware anyway?
zzz we're waiting for eyedeekay to fix it
lbt Keeping thumbs pressed it will be an easy fix
zzz basically it's running out of disk space every day
zzz seems like the fix would be to pay for more disk space
dr|z3d as I've mentioned to eyedeekay before, needs to be a project-only repo, and all the other non-project repos hosted on there need to move elsewhere.
dr|z3d that's the fix, not paying for more disk space.
zzz either way
zzz sometimes the easiest fix is to spend some money
dr|z3d 600GB for a project git repo? nah.
orignal idk can't afford 8Tb drive or what?
dr|z3d in this case, sticking plaster. without all the cruft in the repo, it would be an easy migration to gitea.
dr|z3d and then it would be something to mostly forget about, at least in terms of stability.
dr|z3d it's remotely hosted.
dr|z3d digital ocean, and they just loved to hit you with extra costs.
orignal lol. that's a VPS
zzz we can afford whatever
orignal run such service at home
orignal and DO requires KYC if I'm right
dr|z3d not really about the expense, more about doing the necessary streamlining of what has become a bloated server that's a maintenance burden.
zzz we should just buy our own data center
dr|z3d *** laughs ***
dr|z3d is it ridiculous sunday again?
zzz ok, that might be out of our budget, maybe just a few racks
lbt Co-location could be a thing allowing you to plug in additional hardware as needed
zzz maybe we could move it to one of stormy's racks and pay them
orignal zzz, make an own data center in your closet ))
orignal since it's I2P
orignal only thig you need if a fiber
zzz orignal is right, why are we pissing around with shitty $10 VPSes
zzz let's give stormy $100K for a rack and be done with it
dr|z3d he'd love that.
segfault use
dr|z3d no, don't use that.
orignal well I run few shitty VPSes for different tests
orignal not for services
segfault dr|z3d: orignal have a mirror of i2pd on
dr|z3d that's as may be, segfault, but you don't want to hand over control of your project to an unknown entity that may or may not delete projects on a whim.
orignal no I don't
orignal if someone else has an i2pd mirrorthere it's only thier business
zzz gitlab is back, for now
eyedeekay gitlab's going to be bumpy for another week or so, pinging me is the best way to make sure it gets fixed promptly. For now, the plan is to upgrade the plan at my current provider, but goal is to find a better host for it in the next 30 days
eyedeekay If anyone knows how to safely purge gitlab accounts that have been deactivated for spam without gitlab forgetting that they are deactivated for spam, feel free to ping me about that too
eyedeekay Apparently that is the bulk of the backup
dr|z3d mirror the repos to gitea, then nuke gitlab.
dr|z3d you know, the official repos, the rest can find another host.
dr|z3d you'll thank yourself for removing a huge maintenance burden from your workload :)
dr|z3d it's a simple migration process. first you mirror the required repos, then you make them static.
eyedeekay Well it sems like we have all concerned parties here. We all good with switching to gitea? That will mean new account creation for key people, myself, zzz, dr|zed, etc. If you have repos in your own namespace, do you want me to mirror them or rather DIY?
eyedeekay git workflow will remain the same, MR's and issues can be migrated by me on project repos
dr|z3d yeah, should mostly be painless. things like issues and wiki you should be able to port across.
eyedeekay I'll lose my records of spam addresses but addresses are cheap anyway so what's lost really
dr|z3d if you're not making the repo a free for all, doesn't much matter, does it?
eyedeekay If anonymous issues are allowed it can still be a problem
eyedeekay And anonymous issues should be allowed
dr|z3d much less a problem than allowing all and sundry to host their own repos, or fork.. but sure.. you can mitigate that by only allowing registration on the .i2p side.
dr|z3d registration, or posting issues.
dr|z3d whatever's required. don't make it easy for spammers :)
dr|z3d you could also just make github the place to log issues, leave them to deal with the spam.
zzz I'm swiss. I suggest you do your own assessment of how hard it would be to switch and how much it would save in the end
zzz but I'm not thrilled about learning a new system
dr|z3d same for CI, though jenkins and the rest have plugins.
dr|z3d you won't really need to learn anything, zzz, it's a shallow learning curve.
zzz seems like gitlab vs gitea is orthogonal to the hosting issue
dr|z3d not really.
zzz if you have enough disk space doesn't the workload drop back to near-zero?
dr|z3d migrating from gitlab to gitea solves the hosting issue by leaving all the crud behind and just hosting "official" repos.
zzz throwing the non-devs off is also orthogonal
dr|z3d no, it's central. the reason disk space is scarce is precisely because there are a ton of inactive repos being hosted. strip out the crud, you solve the hosting issue. and the easiest way to strip out the crud is to migrate from gitlab to gitea.
dr|z3d you also get a much more performant front-end thrown in for free.
zzz doubt it. if you want to delete repos, just do it. you don't need to migrate to anything to do that
dr|z3d sure, you could manually delete 500+ inactive repos by hand.
dr|z3d or you could migrate 1/2 dozen repos to a new backend.
dr|z3d I know which makes more sense to me. ymmv.
zzz both the policy issues, and the knowledge of what's easy and hard, is on eyedeekay. we can guess but it's on him to analyze
dr|z3d I'm just offering some words of encouragement and a nudge. I've migrated from gitlab to gitea, it's trivial.
eyedeekay The migration itself isn't bad, but deleting those last couple thousand repos will suck
zzz nuking repos would have to wait several months to give ppl notice
dr|z3d that's kind of my point, eyedeekay. you migrate what you need, and then just nuke gitlab.
dr|z3d no need to manually nuke 2000+ accounts then.
dr|z3d the terminator reference is amusing in that script.
zzz so nuking can't be a short-term fix to the problems
dr|z3d make a backup, host it somewhere else (locally perhaps), then nuke, just in case.
dr|z3d anyone wants their files, they get a tarball or whatever. no need to make the old instance available per se.
dr|z3d probably 90% + of the non-official repos are dormant forks, anyways.
zzz eyedeekay, what is the so-called crud? real accounts with real repos, or spam accts w/o repos, or spam accts w/ spam repos?
zzz forks take almost no space
eyedeekay Spam accounts with spam repos and records of same(not entirely clear *what* is contained in these but they correspond to deactivated accounts and gitlab uses them to keep track of 'known' spammers), real accounts are big but less than 1/3 of the backup size
zzz are new users allowed to create repos? that sounds bad
zzz the goal is to let new people enter tickets, not really to let them make repos
zzz we can afford as much disk as we want, but your time is priceless, so think about it
zzz hosting repos for people isn't really our core mission
eyedeekay they're not anymore, they used to be, the biggest spam repos came during that era, the big spam were giant flat directories of torrent files scraped from other sources which got me a big flood of copyright takedown notices which is when 'chainsaw surgery' from the gist happened and I locked everything down
zzz ok good
lbt Sry to hear you have to spend time on things like this :( Is the spam coming in via i2p or via clearnet?