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eyedeekay Sorry about the delay, my power was out all afternoon, copying launchpad builds over
eyedeekay Blinded message
eyedeekay Looks like debian isn't happening for at least another ~5 hours...
eyedeekay So much for quick turnaround
eyedeekay Easy-Install Windows is out though
zzz eyedeekay, so much for my time estimate, guess higher-priority jobs are besting you
zzz you only have the focal flavor uploaded? may as well start the bionic one too since it's going to take so long
R4SAS I think we will wait for arm64/armhf for days
eyedeekay My initial bionic upload got rejected didn't see the email until this morning, will fix it
eyedeekay r4s4s might be right I was stuck on 5 hours delay for over 10 hours yesterday, doesn't seem promising
dr|z3d canonical probably have it delegated to a couple of raspberry pis.
R4SAS I had created sbuild chroots for ubuntu
R4SAS and built arm64/armhf on them
R4SAS orangepi5 rulez
zzz eyedeekay, if it's ok I'll probably start pushing small 2.7 stuff and a -1 bump tomorrow, and I'm awaiting comments from you on my MRs
eyedeekay Please do, I'll follow up on the MR's tonight
RN Please see #saltr for bug report...
zzz eyedeekay, as reported by RN, your recent change 53dc130f30a1b2b931daa1f88be4eb5a877d12dd broke listing on tunnels in i2ptunnel
dr|z3d iframe height?
zzz commit 53dc130f30a1b2b931daa1f88be4eb5a877d12dd
zzz Author: eyedeekay <>
zzz Date: Mon Jul 8 14:09:26 2024
zzz I2PTunnel: Affix height of iframe to viewport height in CSS file. If the user has NoScript installed, this iframe is reduced in size as if it contained no information.
dr|z3d thought as much.
zzz undoing the added line in inspector fixes the problem
RN (report credit should go to Freefallheavens)
dr|z3d iframeresizer won't work if you set 100% height in css.
zzz unfortunately you can't scroll your way out of it
zzz what was the point of that change eyedeekay ???
dr|z3d he indicated in the commit notes.
dr|z3d iframeresizer no workee if no js enabled.
dr|z3d so he fixed that and broke js functionality.
zzz hmm
dr|z3d I link to the no iframe version when js is disabled.
zzz nobody told me about the resizer issue, I could have gotten involved
RN I have js enabled...
dr|z3d exactly.
RN sorry I didn't look around the pre-release enough to catch it.
dr|z3d not a + issue, but I did sort of notice that commit and thought it might cause an issue, but forgot to raise it with eyedeekay because distracted.
dr|z3d I also figured eyedeekay might know something I didn't.
RN blame it on croudstrike
RN ;)
zzz and if we got a report that iframeresizer didn't work w/o js, why didn't that get reported up and fixed in ALL places where we use it?
dr|z3d you are joking?
dr|z3d I mean, iframeresizer is pure js.
zzz well, I mean doesn't look right w/o js
dr|z3d link opens tunnel manager via target=_blank.
dr|z3d otherwise you're dealing with double scrollbars or deadspace at the bottom of the child window and whatever other crap.
dr|z3d the question is, is your issue limited to the tunnel manager, or does it afflict all iframed webapps?
dr|z3d nope, you got off lightly. just the tunnel manager.
dr|z3d if #i2ptunnelframe { was iframe { .. you'd probably have been fine.
eyedeekay Jesus OK that's a problem, I'm sorry I didn't see the issue that arose with JS enabled, I'll do the point release as soon as I get through with the regular release
eyedeekay Because obviously I can't leave the I2PTunnel UI frozen in place with half the items hidden
RN well, a bit more than half of them hidden... I got 4-5 out of about 30
RN most users probably don't have that many tunnels...
eyedeekay Yeah obviously not acceptable, workaround for now would be to use instead of
dr|z3d or just use the openm in new tab icon top right.
dr|z3d if you still have that?
eyedeekay So I'm not going to panic, but I am going to do a point release with just-this-one fix
dr|z3d so not a major glitch. personally I'd just push a news item that suggests using that for now. not sure a point release is worth the effort.
dr|z3d and if anything else significant enough to do a point release arises, then consider doing one. but it's your call.
eyedeekay I don't know, it's the user-facing part of a super-important app, I feel like it's important.
eyedeekay But I'm not going to rush things
dr|z3d it's important, but a news release and forum/reddit post is probably sufficient. that way you've got time to figure out if anything else needs fixing.
dr|z3d and you probably want to give yourself enough time to decide what strategy you want to use for non-js users.
eyedeekay Sure it's worth not rushing to do that part right
dr|z3d I linked my strategy on cake.
dr|z3d (see above)
eyedeekay I saw, are you essentially just always putting them in a new tab by opening it target=_blank?
dr|z3d with a notification where the iframe isn't.
dr|z3d sub-text "you want embedded, enable js. or don't"
dr|z3d you could alternatively/additionally set the console links to the non-iframed version and switch them out for embedded with js.
eyedeekay I can't knock it, that strategy was immune to my mistake
zzz well, there is a workaround, disable js
dr|z3d hammer to crack nut. the sane workaround right now is just to use the open in new tab icon top right.
zzz and yeah /i2ptunnel is 2nd workaround
zzz and yours is a third
dr|z3d 2 and 3 are essentially the same, with 3 being slightly more convenient because you don't have to manually type (2). :)
zzz we need to go back, what broke non-js, was it iframeresizer? or other related changes I did? or what?
zzz its always been messy because 4 cases: iframe/non X js/non
dr|z3d so you have an iframe, but you don't have js enabled.
dr|z3d this is what I do:
dr|z3d <noscript><p class=infohelp id=jsRequired style=margin:10px>Javascript is required to view <a href="/i2psnark" target=_blank rel=noreferrer>I2PSnark</a> in embedded mode.</p></noscript>
dr|z3d <iframe id=i2psnarkframe class=embed src="/i2psnark/" title="I2P+ Torrent Manager" frameborder=0 border=0 width=100% scrolling=no name="i2psnarkframe" allowtransparency=true allow=fullscreen allowfullscreen=true webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true>
dr|z3d Your browser does not support iFrames. &nbsp;<a href="/i2psnark/">Click here to continue.</a>
dr|z3d </iframe>
dr|z3d iframe height is set to 0 in the css. that's iframe{..} not the id of the specific iframe on the page.
zzz fine, but at some point in the past all that wasn't necessary
dr|z3d no, because in the past you weren't setting the height of the iframe dynamically.
dr|z3d so it was loading, determining the height of the child window, and staying that way.
dr|z3d without js, it was just 100% with scrollbars iirc. been several years since I transitioned.
dr|z3d and it's still not necesary, it really depends how you want to handle no js and whether you think it's acceptable to offer something, or just a link to the non-embedded content.
dr|z3d as I mentioned before, if eyedeekay had set iframe {height:100vh} in the css instead of #i2ptunnelframe, then we wouldn't be having this discussion.
zzz workarounds posted on zzz.i2p
zzz I'll hold off on any checkins until we know what we're doing, if anything
eyedeekay I don't know how to find out what actually caused the nojs issue without going back and testing every time we changed that, I do not know when it broke initially
zzz we;ve had the str4d iframed.js since 2012, is dr|z3d saying that's when it broke?
zzz and if changing from #i2ptunnelframe to iframe in the CSS is sufficient, why would we go through the whole noscript thing?
dr|z3d because with js it's a less than optimal experience. like I said, you might think it's ok, you might not. up to you.
dr|z3d *without
eyedeekay It's possible that it's been since then but I think the change that actually did it must have happened between now and then
eyedeekay Not that 12 years narrows it down that much
dr|z3d double scrollbars, deadspace, scrollbars that appear and disappear as you toggle elements in the ui that change the height of the child window. all crap you don't have to deal with if you just provide a link to the non-embedded content.
dr|z3d and yes, just setting the height of the iframe element and not the id will provide a baseline fix to the current issue.
dr|z3d the pre-iframeresizer code had the same no-js issues.
zzz but at least there were scrollbars when there was no js. this 100vh thing crushes the scrollbars
dr|z3d without js enabled?
eyedeekay No with
zzz scrollbars w/o js + full size w/ js much better than fullsize w/o js + truncated and no scrollbars w/ js
dr|z3d with js enabled, you're overriding the iframe script by targeting the iframe id.
dr|z3d therein lies the rub.
dr|z3d aka conflict.
zzz anyway, there are workarounds, so no need to panic, suggest couple days to do research and testing before doing anything
eyedeekay Agreed about the couple days, sorry about the bug, I really did not figure on that one line of CSS going so sideways
dr|z3d another workaround is to click within the iframe and then tab until the content moves down.
dr|z3d (which it will)
dr|z3d and another thing, eyedeekay..
dr|z3d you're using !important on the id which is double bad.
dr|z3d maybe without !important things would function as you expected.
eyedeekay it fucking does.
eyedeekay That's embarassing.
eyedeekay Like perfectly
eyedeekay Instantly fixes it
eyedeekay knock !important off and javascript takes over
zzz w/o js, iframed susidns is fine, but (non-default) iframed snark and susimail are tiny, with scrollbars
dr|z3d i'd still go for iframe instead of #i2ptunnelframe or whatever the id is.. have you checked the adressbook doesn't need the same no-js treament?
zzz no idea why
dr|z3d because eyedeekay's only targeting the #i2ptunnelframe in the css...
zzz ofc, which is why if there was a no-js iframe problem reported, we should have stopped to test everything
zzz but my question is, why is susidns fine?
dr|z3d check for iframe or #susidnsframe, see if you've got a height set.
zzz my point is if some stuff works and some stuff doesn't, let's figure out how to change the broken parts to be like the things that work
zzz not come off the top rope with things like noscript or 100vh
eyedeekay #susidnsframe {
eyedeekay min-height: 100vh !important;
dr|z3d <iframe src="/susidns/index" width="100%" height="100%"
dr|z3d is that missing from i2ptunnel there?
dr|z3d specifically the height property.
dr|z3d on the iframe itself.
eyedeekay I see: <iframe src="/i2ptunnel/" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" border="0" name="i2ptunnelframe" id="i2ptunnelframe" allowtransparency="true">
dr|z3d that's fine.
dr|z3d don't use !important where you don't need to. first thing. and unless you need to specifically target that iframe id, don't, target the iframe {...} element, that way whatever changes you make will be global and can be overriden as required by the ids.
zzz so the goal is to fix js iframed i2ptunnel and no-js iframed i2ptunnel, susimail, and snark, in the simplest way possible, perhaps by doing whatever susidns does
dr|z3d make sure susidns works when you browse within the iframe.
dr|z3d (without js)