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zzz ping eyedeekay, need more feedback on MR 206 and others so I can get unstuck
eyedeekay Ack, will show more on some of those today, I'll start with 206
dr|z3d why don't you grab what I've done with the map and js, zzz, and build your tunnel lines on top?
dr|z3d it seems to chime with eyedeekay's suggestions..
zzz ok. still doing testing and fixes for 2.6 but would like to be working on 2.7 MRs also
zzz because it's still just proof of concept playing around
zzz and I'm not sold on your js flavor either
dr|z3d well, play around with it in that case, get sold on it :)
zzz and see MR 206 for what I want to do first
zzz eyedeekay, your thoughts on bundling translation status into the console?
dr|z3d search idea sounds good and not currently provisioned with my implementation, otherwise I think everything else is more or less box-ticked.
eyedeekay bundling translation status IMO is a +1, I am in favor of it without any reason to object. If it goes in, I will add a link to the first page of the Welcome Wizard where we thank the translators
zzz not sure about a link in the wizard, is that the right place?
zzz what search idea drz?
dr|z3d it would make more sense to link to it on the choose language page in the wizard, in addition to configui. is that the first page of your wizard?
dr|z3d the search idea in your MR.
dr|z3d > Integration with netdb search (show only results on map) would be nice
zzz ok, yeah
zzz advanced search still needs a rewrite so it does AND instead of OR on search fields
eyedeekay Maybe it's not right but the first page is the "Select Language" page and IMO, translation coverage might be useful information to have
eyedeekay Since there's also and acknowledgment/thank you to the translators there that was my thinking
zzz I proposed adding % completion to the chooser dropdown but drz thought it would be too much clutter
zzz I think he's right
eyedeekay Yeah that does sound cluttered
dr|z3d if you mean support for more than one search field on the adv. search, look forward to it :)
zzz we support it now, but it's OR of the search conditions,which is not what anybody wants
dr|z3d ok, always assumed one field only was a hard limit. but yeah, RU + ff or whatever is what's needed, not RU *or* ff.
dr|z3d if search could return a numerical value if an extra query param is supplied eg &count, that could be leveraged on the map.
zzz the rewrite will be messy and I already have hundreds of lines of diff in there to untangle with unrelated things like attack diagnostics and experiments
dr|z3d ok, when you do decide to dive in, might be worth pushing the code out into its own class to make it more manageable.
zzz currently sitting on 3000 lines of diff across 60+ files in my workspace which is why I keep poking eyedeekay for guidance ))
dr|z3d I think it's high time you put up a dev branch and then you can push all your WIP code to it and merge to master when you're ready.
dr|z3d dev, or experimental, or whatever. the adventurous can then build it and help with the process.
zzz but if you're prodding me on how to make some of your js futzery work better your cart is way in front of my horse
zzz wont happen, I hate dev branches
dr|z3d no, there's no prodding happening except in your imagination :)
dr|z3d I'm happy enough with the map code as is, which is why it's already merged.
dr|z3d If anything, I'm feeding your horse some apples.
dr|z3d Apples to horses are like toggles to eyedeekay.
eyedeekay It's true, I must constantly resist the urge to put switches on everything
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
zzz the git branch stuff does not line up with the way I want to work
zzz like I have a maps branch with a bunch of new files checked in, then I switch back to master and git stash pop, all the map stuff is gone
zzz and I have to manually copy all the files back. super annoying
dr|z3d why not commit your work in the maps branch before you checkout a new branch?
dr|z3d you can always amend the commit as you go.
zzz it is, that's what mr 206 is, but after I pushed that MR and switched back to master, the maps are gone
zzz because git deletes the files when you switch branches
dr|z3d so you just pull the commit from one branch to another if you want the files available in the newly checked out branch, no?
zzz dunno how to do that
zzz but still sounds annoying
dr|z3d whatever the commit on the maps branch is, that's what you want to pull into checkout. so, in master branch, for example, assuming you just want a single commit from maps, you'd git cherry-pick -x {commit} and voila.
zzz havent popped my cherry-pick yet
dr|z3d if you want everything from branch a in branch b, git merge I think should do everything up to the commit you request. I find cherry-pick more useful tbh, but whatever suits.
zzz never done merge either, at least not without disaster
dr|z3d well, cherry-pick is probably less disaster prone.
dr|z3d and meld, you really want meld as your go-to mergetool. anything else is headache.
dr|z3d merge conflicts? git mergetool (once meld is configured) is about as easy as merge gets.
dr|z3d -x with cherry-pick will add the commit you're pulling from to the commit notes.
dr|z3d git checkout {prior_commit} or git revert {commit} will restore your workspace to pre-commit state more or less, though git checkout {commit} will probably tell you you're in no-man's land, not difficult to resolve.
zzz I know the commands that get me in trouble and this sounds like more of them
zzz I have an unstable truce with git right now and 'moar branches' would not be helplful to that
dr|z3d git revert will get you out of trouble for any commit you want to abandon.
dr|z3d of course, if you've subsequently modified the files you want to revert, then you'll have issues to resolve, but if you've not modified the files post-commit, it's a saver.
dr|z3d git checkout {commit} is arguably safer as git checkout -b {commit} so you get a new branch to play with.
dr|z3d not suggesting that's what you want, just letting you know it's possible without everything going to shit :)
dr|z3d in terms of what it sounds like you *do* want, git cherry-pick -x {commit-from-branch-b} while in branch a is meat and potatoes.
dr|z3d you can always git-cherry-pick --abort mid-process if merging is required and you can't be bothered. that will revert your branch.
dr|z3d I'm tempted to remove's reseed host.
dr|z3d every other host takes a couple of seconds to seed, can take up to a minute, and usually no less than 30s.
dr|z3d yeah, but anti-ddos doesn't cut it. whatever they're doing is remedial.
zzz send him email about it
dr|z3d we don't have any more or less realtime channels of communication open?
zzz konrad@
dr|z3d i2pmail?
dr|z3d I might send an e-mail, but better coming from you or eyedeekay tbh, he knows you both. I'm just a rando.
zzz twitter dm
dr|z3d oh, twitter. no can do then.
zzz routing everything thru me doesn't scale. you all are allowed to talk to each other
orignal zzz, are you sure that 0.9.59 for floodfill is right?
orignal seems too agressive
orignal I see like 200 less floodfills
zzz orignal, yes, because all the 0.9.58 floodfills are XfU and are a botnet
zzz they're all terrible
orignal I ignore XfU anyway but it seem there are also XfR below 0.9.59