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mrt hi,
mrt anyone got a clue why the prython script is unble to transmit the destination directory to i2psnark when run from firefox?
mrt thanks in advance
dr|z3d what are you attempting to do, mrt?
mrt i attemting to work around my issue i have with the latest i2psnark that dosnt suport firefox bookmarks with keyword anymore
mrt i was babaling about in hear a couple of weeks ago...
dr|z3d didn't catch that conversation, and I'm still not sure what you're trying to achieve.
mrt so i want some thing that connects to i2psnark and hands over the magnet links it got handed by firefox (open link with )
mrt yea no problem, its not that relevant, basicly i just complained that i could add magnet links anymore as quick as before after the update
dr|z3d ok, so you want snark to handle magnet links in essence, when clicked in firefox.
dr|z3d a custom handler for firefox/snark.
mrt yea, i want the python script to be run by firefox and then connect to snark and hand him the url
mrt thats working fine, the only thing that is not working is that it is downloaded in the right directory, right now its put in snarks default dir which is my /home with only 400 mb left ;(
dr|z3d so maybe set a new default download directory in snark?
mrt but it isnt putting it to my network drive at /I as it should and i cant figure out how without understanding phthon or that garbage done by gpt
dr|z3d haha, you got chatgpt to write you a python script and now you're complaining it's not working! ask chatgpt for your money back :)
mrt i just tried that, read the post, it destroyed everything and froze my whole system for a couple minuts as i changed it back and snark began to index all my..
mrt ls ~/i2p/i2psnark/*torrent | wc
mrt 872 torrents again..
dr|z3d the key to the location of the torrent's data is the config file per torrent in i2psnark.config.d subfolders.
mrt o look they are still missing... i fear i have to restart my i2p...
dr|z3d you might be able to just restart snark from /configclients
mrt the thing is i am using the _post url that gets data fed based on the part
dr|z3d or /configwebapps .. on of those.
mrt data = {
mrt 'nonce': nonce,
mrt 'p': '1',
mrt 'sort': '-9',
mrt 'action': 'Add',
mrt 'nofilter_newDir': target_dir,
mrt 'nofilter_newURL': input_value,
mrt 'foo': 'Add torrent'
mrt of the python script (changed order of newURL and newDir to see if it helps, bfore it was in the order given by the html form that snark provides, dont know if that makes any differns
mrt but the newDir seams to get ignored
mrt maybe test it out somewhere if you would...
mrt its mouch above my understanding, i did everything i could and now have to get to bed i guess ...
mrt took me to long to get this far, i just thought i got it and now..
dr|z3d I vaguely recall zzz doing something on similar lines, the only thing it didn't do is submit the form, but I might be misremembering.
mrt first i have to try to reinitiate i2psnark without restarting the whole router...
dr|z3d because it's not a plugin, it's at /configwebapps
mrt right ;)
mrt to long and as i am not that into i2p i wasnt aware anymore there is some distinguishing between, sry
dr|z3d no need to apologize.
mrt *to long ago i did this last time i guess
mrt would you help me and get this little python browser <> snark middelware to work probably, i am not fixiated on python, i thought doing it with bash and curl but i dont understand enough about it to do it with that nonce, thingy,...
mrt if i cant fix that i have to consider running an outdated i2psnark version seperatly from the router...
dr|z3d sorry, not right now, busy with other things.
mrt ok, maybe some other time, i need to go now to
dr|z3d but don't give up on the idea, sometimes these things take time to get right.
mrt thanks anyway
dr|z3d sure thing. maybe I'll think about the best way of adding a firefox handler, though not right now :)
mrt dr|z3d, yea i know, i tried it before back just the day i seen the upgrade if i2p and it stoped working
mrt and then from today 4401 Mar 24 04:41
mrt ; 2905648 Mar 24 06:42 i2pSnarkFeeding.log
mrt now Sun 24 Mar 07:21:30 CET 2024
mrt its a lot of anoying work just for this little change in snark
dr|z3d the best approach may well be a firefox addon, but I'll have to look into it. no promises.
dr|z3d maybe talk to zzz later if you think there's a recent change that's broken your script. there may be an easy fix.
mrt and most annoyingly i want to go to sleep now but i2psnark still hasnt shown up all my torrents after i changed back my main dir
mrt dr|z3d, that would be javascript what i consider even more dreadfull and as a addon more complicated then python or any other little thing that acts as torrent client and takes magnet links and torrent files as first parameter and nothing else, also that way its protable to nearly any browser wich a feature to handle magnet:-urls
dr|z3d ok, well, talk to zzz later when he's about. he may have some ideas.
mrt thanks a ot
mrt maybe a timeout bug, if i stop the torrents before shutting odwn the webservice it works, maybe test this out with more then 420 torrents partly on external usb 2 hdd (slow slow storage)...
mrt and next bug, i2psnark tells me it saved its settings but not true, plz handle diskfull event correctly
mrt did it again, now it says Adding torrents in 60 sec instead of 10min as before as i changed it to 1 minute without considering disk full (i was trying to move stuff that got created to another disk and create symlinks to it but i wasnt faster then i2psnark using up space ;))
mrt lookes like i got files back to i2pupdate-0.9.49.su3, quite a lagacy...
mrt guess i am a rear case using i2psnark wich so much torrents
RN is mrt just looking to click a magnet link and have that fed to snark. there is ALREADY a firefox plugin for that.
RN a "rear" case indeed