IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d Windows 10, last version ever.
dr|z3d according to Micorsoft, anyways, before they decided to round off their window corners and call it Windows 11.
dr|z3d Always makes me chuckle when I'm reminded of MikeRoweSoft.
eyedeekay At this point even for the biggest holdout reason(gaming) there seems to be very little reason to have a Windows PC at home anymore.
eyedeekay I use my Windows PC to test I2P for Windows and for building software that requires a Windows host and that's really all it's any good for
eyedeekay tautologies and lock-in
dr|z3d Presumably you heard the latest about Windows 12? It's being suggested it won't install or run without an NPU.
eyedeekay Yeah I have. Honestly I keep hoping that Microsoft will act so alienating they'll actually manage to alienate some people
eyedeekay They seem to be working really hard at it
dr|z3d give it 5 years, they'll be running Windows on the linux kernel.
dr|z3d not that it will matter much, you'll also probably need a subscription and a permanent net connection to run it.
eyedeekay It's a real bummer TBH. There's extremely little holding people back from something like "mostly-liberated" computing at this point other than reluctance
eyedeekay Mainstream Linuxes offer a better experience than Windows now
dr|z3d sure, it's just like people believing they need to pay for an office365 subscription instead of using libre office. takes time to address the brainwashing.
eyedeekay This should be the end of terrible week-long releases for the Windows Easy-Install bundle
eyedeekay Anyone still struggling with Windows who wants to test a dev build: has more details
zzz w00t! do you have a release to announce here?
eyedeekay Yeah actually I do, I'm just signing everything and putting up a torrent for it
zzz based on 2.4.0 or trunk?
eyedeekay 2.4.0 still, this release is primarily so I can test the new/improved release process and get the harebrained build process under control
eyedeekay *but* after I do this I'm switching the CI builds so that they embed the trunk router instead of a specific tagged version
zzz okey dokey
zzz I put out a heads up announcement on transifex to expect the new strings next week
zzz reddit IPO prices tonight, did you throw your hat in?
eyedeekay Nope, thought about it a little but the decisions they made preparing for the IPO made the platform worse, felt like investing in enshittification
eyedeekay Possibly naive way of looking at it
eyedeekay IIRC they killed teddit.i2p with the API changes for instance
zzz yeah don't blame you for sitting it out, esp. after reading
dr|z3d eyedeekay: they tried to kill teddit.i2p, but failed.
dr|z3d it appears they have a fairly brutal policy when a specific reddit-clone instance exceeds whatever their api limits are. they mass-block the ip range the instance is on.
dr|z3d as for their IPO, LOL.