IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN better to be cranky than to be a crank 😈
zzz today I'm both
orignal congrat
orignal more R routers to choose from
orignal and I hope android will be marked with D
orignal otherwise the whole network would be slow again
RN slow? I2P? naaah never.
RN heh
orignal today's I2P is not too slow
orignal but if bunch of R router on shitty devices it would slow down
zzz yes android is D
zzz due to a bug in 2.3.0 we aren't publishing caps
orignal you mean currently?
orignal so all caps come from i2pd now?
zzz yes in our latest release. it worked for two releases before that
orignal ha ha. the mystery resolved why TBR is low
zzz maybe
orignal because we don't recognize overloaded Java routers
orignal as result we often receive rejects or no reponse
zzz there's only a few % that would be publishing D/E anyway, I don't think it makes a big difference
zzz you can look at 0.9.58 vs 0.9.59 stats
zzz the problem was either person a didn't remember to make a change that was required or person b didn't tell person a to do it
zzz and all I'll say is I'm either a or b
orignal got it
orignal see what happens
orignal rate is fine after restart
orignal and drops after few hours when bunch of transit tunnels
orignal seems some participants become overloaded and they don't signal about it
orignal if not too much transit rate is fine too