IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz eyedeekay, ping re: cong. cap penalties, we need to pick new values and check them in
eyedeekay Yup I've got some
zzz what's your preference?
eyedeekay just a sec while I ssh in to that machine and check the current values
zzz I've been running with 2.5 for D and 4.9 for E for a couple months
eyedeekay I have 2.5 D and 4.6 E so we're pretty close
zzz you happy with that?
eyedeekay Yeah I think so
zzz wanna split the diff 4.75?
eyedeekay Sure that sounds good to me
zzz ok I'll do an MR for that because I have a couple related tweaks to throw in
eyedeekay Sounds good I'll be watching for it so we can get them in quick
zzz will be soon
eyedeekay I'll do another dev build on github after
zzz yeah did you announce that somewhere?
eyedeekay Here, Reddit, Forums
zzz you didn't add a -beta or -rc to it did you? I'd recommend that
eyedeekay I did not just the build number, I'll add that to the next one though
zzz looking now...
zzz well you made it pretty clear it's not a release
zzz but it's about -rc time anywah
zzz up to you
eyedeekay That's what it's for, I'm going to try it out with the next dev build
zzz wild news
zzz after 10 years, Grothoff/GNS have pushed their TLD proposal thru IANA
zzz Blinded message
zzz RFC 9476
zzz so we're going to register .i2p.alt
zzz the catch is, part of the deal is that IANA refused to handle registrations; everything is unofficial
zzz so it's kinda pointless
RN does that open the door to *.i2p even a little?
zzz but GNS set up their own "GANA" and we're doing to register with them
RN if they are willing to offload registration...
zzz no, this is the compromise, there will never be .i2p or anything else. Everybody goes to *.alt kids table
zzz the only benefit is, 20 years from now, DNS resolvers will refuse to forward *.alt and so the DNS won't leak
RN that counts as a win in my book
RN 20 years from now I2P will be a system service
RN hehe
zzz maybe. not sure if worth the fugliness
RN yeah, just pipedreaming
RN ;)
zzz but I suppose we should strip the .alt internally so at least it works
zzz might be good for some PR "we now have a (semi-) official TLD^H^H^H^2LD" lol
RN better than the "tld" stuff being allowed on reg.i2p
RN imho
eyedeekay That is neat
zzz it's pretty weak sauce compared to the original goal (and what Jake pushed through for Tor), but it's all we'll ever get
zzz I'll enter a ticket to add support for the 2LD
dr|z3d we all know that Jake stabbed i2p in the back when he wasn't poking everyone non-consensually *cough*
eyedeekay acked your MR zzz, please merge when you're ready
eyedeekay Feel free to make it version -14
eyedeekay Wait a sec I missed that the pipeline failed
eyedeekay Just a sec while I figure out why
eyedeekay NVM, it's unrelated: Error response from daemon: Cannot link to a non running container
eyedeekay I'll put that on my list
zzz ok eyedeekay stand by
zzz done
zzz I didn't add any -beta or -rc, left for you if you want it checked in
eyedeekay Thanks, I'll do that and start the dev builds
RN wasn't patient enough to wait for the "-rc" tag... LOL
RN If you want to test the dev version but don't want to build it youreself you can grab an updater file at I2Peek-a-Boo.i2p/i2pupdates.html 2.3.0-14