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obscuratus I generally understand what multi-homing is, but I'm a little vague on the specifics of setting it up. And I want to make sure this gets tested before we release.
obscuratus Especially since I know I touched stuff that's in close proximity to the multi-homing handling.
obscuratus Do we know of anyone who does multi-homing who is using a dev-build, or conversely, can someone give me some guidance on how to set it up in the context of a testing network environment?
dr|z3d obscuratus: sure, multihoming just involves sharing the same private .dat key for a destination amongst several routers and hosting the same service/tunnels (usually) on multiple routers.
dr|z3d so for router n+2, you specify the .dat key of n1 in the tunnel config section, ideally before you start the tunnel.
obscuratus dr|z3d: Do you have any multi-homing services you're testing the nested netdb branch on?
dr|z3d sure, purokishi should be on that by now.
obscuratus dr|z3d: Thanks, let me know if you see any issues.
dr|z3d I got issues, but not specifically related to multihoming.
dr|z3d I think I've figured out why lookupRouterInfoLocally wasn't working vs lookupLocallyWithoutValidation
dr|z3d Whereas before there was no issue, now it causes contention locks, stack overflows and other exotic errors when iterating over the RIs in the netdb.
dr|z3d I've swapped out all the likely suspects, and I don't see those errors anymore. But neither do I see any flags in the console. geoip lookups aren't working correctly, though from router.jar / command line they work fine.
obscuratus Hhhmmm, I'm not getting any stack overflows, nor do I have issues with my geoip lookups.
dr|z3d yeah, I doubt you do, you'd have been all over that by now if you did. :)
dr|z3d doesn't mean there isn't a problem somewhere, more likely means you need a specific set of conditions to surface it.
obscuratus dr|z3d: If you can come up with a way to replicate, let me know.
dr|z3d will do.
RN obscuratus, I multihome my site. I am running the test build in a VM and can turn on my eepsite in the VM router fairly easily if needed.
RN VM has about 50 participating tunnels so it seems to be running ok, I just have not turned on my eepsite there.
RN (Need to copy over my updated docroot as it holds my old site format)
obscuratus Thanks RN, let me know if you see any issues.
eyedeekay idk.i2p is multihomed but only one is on a dev build, I will leave it that way so we can test that case
obscuratus Thanks eyedeekay. It sounds like we have a decent sampling of routers to test multi-homing.
RN I do have something in the wrapper logs, but I think it is unrealted as it happens on 2.3.0-0 and being in the wrapper log makes me suspect it has to do with my eepsite
RN content in prolouge usually means an xml file has a BOM
RN but I am still hunting it down. wrapper log is not indicating what file it is complaining about
obscuratus Yeah, odd to have an error in the wrapper and not in the i2p logs unless it's crashing so early the i2p logs aren't starting.
RN well it says INFO and also critical, so that's a little confusing, but it does not crash
RN console seems to be operating fine and eepsite seems to be operating fine
RN so my thinking is wrapper log is suggesting it is a jetty thing
RN I've run all the xml I can find through dos2unix, but don't remember touching many of them
RN most of them have a space before ?> but i noticed webdefault.xml did not so I added a space
RN still looking, and feeling less and less like it is an xml file
obscuratus Have you tried turning up the logging on org.eclipse.jetty and org.eclipse.jetty.server ?
RN doing that now
RN wait, that's in a file, not in /configlogging
obscuratus I was able to see it in configloggin. Hhhmm
RN oh you see the prolog error message?
obscuratus Almost all the way to the bottom.
obscuratus No, I don't get any errors.
obscuratus I can see the settings for enabling DEBUG logging for jetty, but I have no idea if they'll do anything.
RN ah there it is