IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
UDP hello, just checking in to see if my reseed server testing is still going ok :)
zzz all good so far UDP
zzz dr|z3d, do you ever test with the 'embed email and torrent apps in the console' option checked?
dr|z3d always, zzz.
dr|z3d it's a popular feature.
zzz bc I don't
zzz good to know
zzz ideas on how to fix snark search box positioning when that is enabled?
dr|z3d sure, just use the .iframed class.
zzz like #searchbox .iframed { something different } ?
dr|z3d there should be examples in the css where that diverges from non-iframed.
dr|z3d Blinded message
zzz ok thx
zzz just annoyed to have to test and fix 4x themes in another goaround with a different config
zzz thats life
dr|z3d thank your lucky stars you're not doing the + themes. then you'd have 7 to play with :)
zzz madness
dr|z3d users love the choice. all about the users :)
dr|z3d if you've styled the search the same in all the themes, you should be able to style one them and then more or less copy pasta the new rules to the others.
zzz we'll see, low on my list right now
eche|on lets see if 2.1.0-9 will bring back some amount of traffic
dr|z3d zzz: +v please for shiver.
shiver Thank you for voice zzz, i only have something with really low priority. The registration page on zzz.i2p does not for example take mail.i2p or gmail as imput. I registred with hotmail after some trys and was thinking that adding some information on that page which provider works would be good so people don't have to search for them.
shiver *input
zzz will try to fix
shiver or remove the email field but reading some forum posts it looks like it's more complex/no real priority.
zzz validates_format_of :email, :on => :create, :with => /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i
zzz so .i2p wouldn't work, easy fix
zzz but what about gmail...
shiver i really don't know, strange that hotmail worked so there must be a filter somewhere?
zzz tested both mail.i2p after fix and gmail, both work
dr|z3d maybe shiver tried to register with an already registered address. only thing I can think of.
shiver dr|z3d, i typed 6 random letters, means if it's true i was really unlucky :D
zzz looks like orignal pointed me to the fix 7 years ago but I never followed up
zzz it's gotta match the regex above
shiver i saw that forum post, forgot to mention it, sorry
shiver registered a new test acc, works for me too. thank you for the fast response zzz even with that low priority!
zzz 7 years is pretty low priority