IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz don't even remember what the snowflake-linux plugin is but I'm getting a new version ))
zzz and terrarium, ditto
dr|z3d pluggable tor transport wotsit.
dr|z3d ie Tor proxy for other users who can't use traditional entry points.
dr|z3d dunno what that one is. blog?
dr|z3d roadrage or whatever it was still hasn't seen an update that makes it work on i2p+, unless something changed recently.
zzz I basically have every plugin known to man on this router
zzz Checking for update of plugin i2phex
zzz that's gonna timeout
dr|z3d not sure having all of idk's plugins is necessarily a "good thing". must be some vulns in there somewhere.
dr|z3d he's got too many plates spinning to keep everything up to date.
dr|z3d speaking of plugins, we still don't have a bigly/zzzot fix :(
zzz didn't say they were running...
dr|z3d true, you didn't. *chuckle*
dr|z3d isn't terrarium some sort of irc server. don't remember.
zzz I don't even remember the zzot issue. but if i ever get back to udp trackers I will
dr|z3d encoding issue with jetty.
dr|z3d we went back and forth with parg..
dr|z3d now we've got blinded leasesets in order, might be time to think about b33's for snark.
dr|z3d btw, if you pushed to master, it ain't showing a release commit.
eyedeekay snowflake-linux is the demo I made for shellservices, it runs a "Snowflake" proxy tied to the lifetime of the I2P router, you "Share Bandwidth" with Tor Browser users in censored regions, it also has a twin, i2p-pt, which sets up a Tor bridge inside with the SAM API
eyedeekay I undrafted the blog post and updated the hashes and versions on the site
zzz apparently I pushed the tag but not the commit?
zzz didn't even know that was possible
zzz so I guess we didn't have it all figured out after all
zzz pushed
dr|z3d yeah, git push --tags and git push are separate commands.
dr|z3d (no overlap)
dr|z3d any new git related command fu anyone discovers is worth sharing here. we all learn more then, no in isolation :)
dr|z3d did someone manage to break the flag icons in canon?
RN sorry.
dr|z3d aside from swiss and unknown flags, nothing else is loading.
dr|z3d or maybe the flags are shipped in the installer and not the updates, though I *thought* they were bundled in a jar/war file.
dr|z3d you running canon 2.1.0 RN?
RN yessir, should be deployed and running on all my flavors now
RN only one I haven
RN 't double checked after cliking restart
dr|z3d well, someone other than me should probably take a look. totally borked here.
zzz all good here
dr|z3d must be something not happening in the update file then relating to flags.jsp when updating from + to canon.
zzz the flags are not in the updater
dr|z3d maybe you're still storing flags on the filesystem?
zzz yup, they're in the installer
zzz or symlinked for debian
dr|z3d ok, no worries then.
zzz so yeah, if you've diverged on what the installer puts in $I2P then don't switch back and forth with the updater
dr|z3d I don't, not intentionally anyways. On the TODO list is a method to auto-update to canon when running cannon.
dr|z3d *to disable
dr|z3d given that debian is a completely different build target, you could probably get away with putting the flags inside a jar.
RN I see flags for several countries in /netdb?f=2 and some entries without flags
dr|z3d (for non-deb/repo updates)
eyedeekay Maven is up, I am going to finish Android in the morning
lbt 🇬🇧
lbt Whatever the above is, it yields a GB flag if you use it in HTML. I just wanted to check if it works outside HTML and kinda accidently posted it here :o
lbt I'm stumbling over lots of references to monotone (including code in the scripts of i2p.www) - is that still in use and only Trac has been completely retired? Or is the project at this stage using git/GitLab exclusively?
eche|off monotne is long dead
eche|off same with trac
lbt Ok, is it sensible to start re-working this all towards removing old code and making this clear in the texts? Or are there other things in progress which suggest to not start that at this point?
lbt Also ... are these questions I should rather put into tickets maybe? Tickets do look a bit like ... not receiving much love, though? No offense or so intended here, just wondering about how to take further steps and looking for some guidance on which directions to try :)
lbt The shell scripts in i2p.www all (?) seem to use constructs like "if [ -d ./.git ]; then ... else ... fi" having one code portion for git and one for monotone. I don't know if these "need" to be removed, but from what was said it's not needed anymore? And carrying double the code then seems ... not optimal was my thinking. You tell me, please, that's what I'm asking. I can just go for the documentation (text
lbt parts) otherwise ...
lbt To name an example
zzz we are responsive to new tickets. old tickets are old for a reason
lbt Shall I move this to a ticket in i2p.www then maybe?
zzz as I said, ask eyedeekay for guidance. i2p.i2p is code. i2p.www is website
lbt Ah, right. i2p.www has some code as well, I was referring to that here
lbt Sry for any confusion this might have caused
zzz "code" like are the responsibility of the website ops. Unless you're running a website mirror, testing that code, and encountering problems, I don't think you have the experience necessary to be providing patches
lbt Not there, yet, I would need to look into these things in the process. But I'll just make it a ticket for now and limit my activities to text portions otherwise. Thank you for your time and answers!
zzz we don't want blind, untested PRs of course, that's all, not shading your talents
lbt Oh, I sure understand. No offense taken or so ...
zzz working on ppa. bionic failed, waiting for take 2
eche|off btw, notarisation from apple could be easy, if it would accept the key I used for signing
eche|off but currently it shows no valid key
zzz sure, call Tim Cook
eche|off (for the 2.1.0 verson already)
eche|off yeah, no reply on phon eyet
zzz eyedeekay, reminder, need your new gpg key
zzz woot, bionic success
eyedeekay Apologies on the delayed response, lbt if I were going to run one of the site-updater*.sh scripts locally to test the site, I would use the finicky part of the site has to do with it still being python2, site-updater-docker puts the python2 environment in the container, this is how I test on my sid boxes
eyedeekay zzz I pushed my key up to the keyservers, I'll email it to you too
eyedeekay Android's should be available around noon if all goes well
zzz ok thanks or put a link up somewhere, I just don't like banging the keyservers if I don't have to
eyedeekay OK will do
zzz you're not signing any release files are you? I didn't see your key on our website
eyedeekay I sign mavenCentral builds, they have my key when I did the handoff from when Mikal ran it but I don't think it's on the website, just the fingerprint
zzz did you renew your old key or make a new one?
eyedeekay Renewed the old one
zzz ok, so no fingerprint change, great
eyedeekay I'll add my key to the site today
lbt eyedeekay: Thx 4 hint. As I have never used Docker, yet, that path for me will be longer than you might think, though ;) But I didn't know you guys are still in the release process, so let's continue in the tickets/at a better time ...
zzz I'll be starting on 2.2.0 in an hour...
eyedeekay Feel free to file tickets against i2p.www and assign them to me for review if you need
zzz > git diff|wc
zzz 2836 13034 138412
eyedeekay lbt re: the shell scripts in the root other than those switch between mtn and git because I made those changes when we were switching between mtn and git, and I wanted to make sure that mirror operators could essentially just move their mtn repo out of the way, check out a git repo in the same place, and continue using the same cron jobs
eyedeekay By now, everybody either moved to git or has a very out-of-date mirror, so IMO the mtn switches can be removed if you want to do that
zzz PPA and debs done, CC: R4SAS
lbt eyedeekay: Will look into it! For now I made it an issue on GitLab - woulnd't know how to assign it, though. But in doubt I'll just poke you at some point once I get the impression this release stuff is done ...
dr|z3d lbt: post an issue, it'll get handled, assigned, tagged etc. don't worry about that.
eyedeekay GPlay in review, it's now out of my hands for a few hours, other sources in progress, should be done within the hour
eyedeekay f-droid repositories are built, uploads in progress
zzz eyedeekay, I successfully rebased the firefox branch, thanks. I get it now, you actually rewrote the history. Not really possible in mtn
eyedeekay Yeah it was the only way to get rid of all the blobs I checked in, sucks but it had to be done
eyedeekay dropped at exactly the moment I sent this not sure it went through: it was the only way to get rid of all the blobs I checked in, sucks but it had to be done
R4SAS zzz: kk, I'll pull them soon
lbt Trying to run "ant git-bundle" with openjdk11 and gettext installed now and getting errors. Is OpenJDK no good (enough) or am I missing something else?
dr|z3d openjdk should be fine.
R4SAS lbt: try to read messages
eyedeekay You might need to have I2P set in the environment, it runs git bundle first, then generates a torrent of it using I2P itself
lbt /i2p.i2p/installer/lib/launch4j/bin/windres": error=2, No such file or directory - problem seems to evolve around this
dr|z3d lbt: you can also try: git archive --format=tar.gz -o i2p_latest_source.tar.gz HEAD
dr|z3d that is, if all you want is a source tree dump.
eyedeekay git-bundle is supposed to do the whole history, it's essentially a way of putting a snapshot of the git repository into a torrent, so you can take the bundle and check out branches from the filesystem
lbt eyedeekay: I2P "set"? Some env variable?
dr|z3d lbt: you should have the referenced file, otherwise, you haven't got the entire repo locally.
eyedeekay Yeah set I2P to the directory where /lib is, for me it's $HOME/i2p right now
dr|z3d windres.exe
dr|z3d ah, could be that too.
lbt Ehm, you can't be saying I need an installed I2P router to build, or? Sry, I might be thinking stupidly atm :(
zzz it's using mktorrent so it only needs buildI2PSnark
eyedeekay lbt only the git bundle target, and only until I correct what zzz just told me to correct
zzz but don't believe me, test it :)
eyedeekay ack zzz, I will
dr|z3d zzz: new candidate for +V ^ :)
zzz not buying it, not identified, wrong name
dr|z3d fair enough, maybe when he remembers his login pass.
eyedeekay Oh the other neat thing about `git bundle` is that you can attach a remote and unshallow them, so if you torrent the bundle, `git remote --add upstream git@blah` and then `git fetch --unshallow` it is an alternative to `git clone --depth=1`
lbt Like making the bundle smaller by not containing everything? Might get rid of the problem of duplicate references that way - those made my git-clone error out. I wanted to become clearer about that anyways, I found references that git (-bundle and -clone) might not work as intended there actually, but it was years old
eyedeekay I can help you with all of this later on, but it's because you've got to have it all, branches, tags, history... to make it work. I've got the procedure written down somewhere, and I'm pretty sure that somewhere is public, I'll look for it soon as I can
lbt No worries mate. I did make it work, also. Just investigating cause I'm wondering if/how to improve the documentation of that
eyedeekay Welcome to the dev meeting, sorry again about about missing the time again yesterday
eyedeekay 2. 2.1.0 Release Status, 2.1.0 Mac Release Status
eyedeekay 3. 2.2.0 Development Status
eyedeekay 4. Congestion Throttling
eyedeekay 5. Hypothetical Traffic Management ( Flood of Tor Users)
eyedeekay tunnel_king are you here for 4 and 5?
eyedeekay OK we'll play those by ear for now then
eyedeekay 2. 2.1.0 Release Status, 2.1.0 Mac Release Status
eyedeekay 2.1.0 release happened yesterday, zzz released the software and the torrent went live, the percentage of the network which has updated has gone up about 7% since then if I'm counting the time correctly(so double check)
eyedeekay I released Maven packages the same day, and will have Android updates out on all channels shortly after the end of this meeting
eyedeekay Easy-Install for Windows will follow on that, and Easy-Install for Mac will be after that
eyedeekay I believe that eche|on has given me the last clue I need to work out our notarization issue, we should know within a few days if that's true, which will correspond to a release
eyedeekay Anything to add on the topic zzz?
zzz just a little, thanks
zzz the i2pd release a week ago looks promising, but that makes looking at the effects of our release a little harder
zzz and i2pd plans a point release as early as today
zzz so we won't have great info on what our release is doing, but as long as stats keep getting better, that's the main thing
zzz far too early to say anything today, maybe in a week
zzz EOT
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
eyedeekay 3. 2.2.0 Development Status
eyedeekay I don't have a lot to say on this yet, most of my stuff has remained the same, but I believe we need to agree on a timeline for the release correct?
zzz yeah, obviously we haven't done anything on 2.2.0 yet
zzz I'd propose a standard 13 week cycle from here, unless we have any huge issues
eyedeekay Sounds good to me
zzz so that would be a release early April
zzz and put us firmly off our feb/may/aug/nov dates we've been on for several years, oh well
zzz but we really need some time to do everything we didn't get to in our last shortened cycle
zzz so let's pencil in 13 weeks
zzz EOT
eyedeekay Yeah, no argument here
eyedeekay Plan for early April
eyedeekay Anything else on 3?
eyedeekay 4. Congestion Throttling and 5. Hypothetical Traffic Management ( Flood of Tor Users) were both added by tunnel_king on zzz.i2p, but I don't see such a name in the room, if you're here under another name, last call
zzz also I'd like to ask if eche|on is here and has anything to add on 2)
eyedeekay Anything else to discuss for the meeting?
eyedeekay All right thanks zzz for coming, I promise to set an alarm for the one next month
zzz nope, that's it, everybody please click your update button to get that 2.1.0 goodness
eyedeekay no nothing else for the meeting or no don't stop the meeting?
zzz nothing else, thanks
eyedeekay A little bit of clarity on the apple notarization issue, it appears that the .dylib files need to be signed with a "Code Signing" cert, which is now distinct from the cert used to sign the app itself(as demonstrated by them having different ID's).
eyedeekay In zab's script, they were configured to be signed by the same cert, which were the ones for signing the app
eyedeekay My hypothesis is that if I correct that aspect of the script, the notarization should then succeed, heck, it might even be automatable
lbt "ant i2psnark" required me to install zip - has this just gone unnoticed as "everyone got zip", or is it not worth mentioning as a requirement for the build environment due to some reason?
eyedeekay probably the former
zzz i2psnark is the standalone build, that's not what I said. buildI2PSnark is probably the correct dependency for git-bundle, as I said