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R4SAS zzz2: does Token works correctly in itoopie?
R4SAS I see that i2pd responses to Authenticate reqest with "Token": "<<token>>" field, but when itoopie sends requests later, "Token" field is somehow is empty...
R4SAS I2PControl: RouterInfo Token invalid: null
R4SAS token itself is string
zzz R4SAS, yes it works
zzz it shouldn't "forget"
zzz do you respond with an error?
R4SAS zzz: currently token was ignored fully (no checks at all), but I'm adding checks now
zzz R4SAS, ok, I have some logs of how the authentication works, you want them?
R4SAS I think I understand it correclty, like this:
R4SAS Authenticate
R4SAS token returned
zzz right
R4SAS and it is used for further requests
zzz R4SAS, if you require password, respond:
zzz 12/17 06:38:01.926 Response: {"id":-270359807,"error":{"code":-32002,"message":"No authentication token presented."},"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
zzz and then:
R4SAS btw, how that requirement must be sent?
zzz 12/17 06:38:02.166 Request: {"method":"Authenticate","id":-270359802,"params":{"API":1,"Token":null,"Password":"itoopie"},"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
zzz 12/17 06:38:02.166 Response: {"result":{"Token":"n4~vVeh1mq3TXDyv0j9XWXTHgg8kqtsnIWNAWtptWM0=","API":1},"id":-270359802,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
R4SAS when itoopie sends RouterInfo request I must reject it and it will authenticate automatically?
zzz right
R4SAS I think that's reason that our code is not sending -32002
zzz 12/17 06:38:01.926 Request: {"method":"RouterInfo","id":-270359807,"params":{"":null,"Token":null},"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
zzz 12/17 06:38:01.926 Response: {"id":-270359807,"error":{"code":-32002,"message":"No authentication token presented."},"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
R4SAS so that's why itoopie didn't try to send Token, or sends it as empty string
zzz yes, I'm not an expert, but I think that's correct. It can't send a token until you send it one
R4SAS "params":{"API":1,"Token":null,"Password":"itoopie"} <<< null
zzz and it won't try to authenticate until you send the error
zzz we probably should not send a null Token, I don't know why it does
zzz R4SAS, i2p-projekt.i2p/en/docs/api/i2pcontrol has all the error codes at the bottom
R4SAS I saw them
R4SAS I can tell that our current i2pcontrol code is pretty terrible.
zzz R4SAS, one other thing you should fix:
zzz change i2p.router.status to send a string instead of a number
zzz Response: {"result":{"i2p.router.status":"Rejecting tunnels: Starting up","i2p.router.uptime":39821,"":1,"i2p.router.version":"2.0.0-9"},"id":-395860300,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
R4SAS yup, I seen that too
zzz that's why you have "Status: 1" on itoopie
R4SAS first time, when I seen "1" I thought: "wtf is this?"
zzz send a translated string if you can
R4SAS hm... like "Ready"?
zzz we use it for the tunnel status, like accepting or rejecting, but you can do whatever you want with it
zzz Status: Saving the world
zzz fixing itoopie is a lot more fun than tearing your hair out on SSU2 bugs ))
R4SAS it is more interesting to be at the forefront with the inclusion of new features)))