IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz remote: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = waiting for packfile negotiation: context canceled
eyedeekay Which remote?
zzz i2p.plugins.firefox, died after 25 MB. What in the world did you check in there?
zzz and, unrelated, why is every javadoc file a separate checkin?
zzz I know you're working on cleaning things up but still seems very messy
eyedeekay The script does (generate .md from javadoc)->(generate .html from .md)->(checkin change) for every Java file, I can make it so that it holds off on the checkin until it runs out of java files though
zzz yeah, run your operation like people are watching
eyedeekay Re: the big files, that would be the extension zips, those will be gone when I switch to making every build also generate the static resources
zzz was I getting close at 25 MB? or should I give up and pull from github?
eyedeekay Pull from github for now and I'll yank out the zips tonight
zzz dunno if you can find a server-side setting for 'deadline exceeded', put it on the todo list
zzz I wanted to spend a quick 5 minutes skimming your changes, but the pull died and I gave up scrolling past pages and pages and pages of javadoc revs. Make it easier for people to help you ))
dr|z3d I stumbled across a strange side-effect of corrupting udp packets earlier.
dr|z3d It turns out that you can publish a routerinfo to the netdb that is reachable for other routers without any traces of an ip address.
dr|z3d zzz: it _might_ be worth the effort to validate routerinfos and temp ban any without an attached address if they're not being introduced?
dr|z3d On a related note, I'm temp banning routers that have no routerinfo, though I'm not sure they exist in the wild.
zzz aren't those called hidden routers or routers with introducers?
dr|z3d the router appears to other routers as reachable.
dr|z3d that's the odd thing, reachable, and yet without any ips, no introducers.
dr|z3d there's another hoop to jump through to get there.. no udp peer tests.
dr|z3d I should mention that ips are absent from the local router info, too.
zzz all routers have router infos, but that doesn't mean you have it
dr|z3d sure, but if I look at a router in the netdb, and absent ips, all the info is present, and it's marked as reachable, then I have said routerinfo :)
zzz "marked as reachable" how?
dr|z3d it appears in the netdb with the 'R' flag displayed.
zzz that's the router's opinion of itself, not your opinion of it.
zzz if it's publishing R with no inbound addresses, that's a bug, but not a big issue
dr|z3d it's likely an artifact of a bug I introduced, corrupting udp packets. but it was curious nonetheless.
dr|z3d the R status is a side issue, in any event. the main thing was the "hey look, mom, no ip addresses, no introducers!"
dr|z3d I was asking myself if that could be leveraged for hidden routers somehow, or if it could be abused.
zzz those are hidden routers, or, perhaps, routers that don't know their IP yet
dr|z3d not hidden, like I said, was appearing in the netdb of other routers. and the ip addresses were absent locally as well as remotely. persistent throughout the session of the router in question.
zzz I've lost the thread of whether this is your bug or something you've seen in the wild or just philosophy, but it can happen
dr|z3d router in question limped along, but was severly impeded in general performance, part tunnels especially. issue was specifically my bug corrupting udp packets.
dr|z3d in the absence of any actual benefit of publishing a "reachable" routerinfo to the netdb without any ips or introducers, I'm suggesting that maybe temp banning said routers if they appear.
dr|z3d I guess that's the tldr.
zzz not worth the trouble imho
dr|z3d ok, fair enough.
dr|z3d interesting peer summary page, zzz.
dr|z3d the version column could go. just suffix the transport with the version. NTCP v2, SSU v1, SSU2 v2.
dr|z3d The Total column probably wants to go on the far right.
dr|z3d in and out columns could also be merged.
dr|z3d totals would then read 3 / 6 or whatever per ipv column.