IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
anonymousmaybe Reseed saying successful but there a button saying Reseed so is this like Reseed-Again/Re-Reseed?
anonymousmaybe because either reseed failed then press on reseed button to reseed or its succeeded then the reseed button is confusing
anonymousmaybe cc zzz eyedeekay
eyedeekay anonymousmaybe sometimes when you have a low number of peers it shows you the reseed button again, it looks like maybe your reseed was successful but most of the peers were inactive/old/unreachable?
anonymousmaybe i dont know, not sure even how to check that
anonymousmaybe old <- no, because just fresh i2p start
eyedeekay Well it could also be coming from the reseed server itself, if it hasn't generated a new seed for you then you might get expired ones
anonymousmaybe hmm but im talking about the sanity/rationality of saying reseed successful while Reseed button is there
anonymousmaybe either the message or the button incorrect, but cant both be correct at the same time afai understand
eyedeekay Perhaps it should also change the text to "low peer count?" or something like that
anonymousmaybe yeah something that make the button more rational to have/press
eyedeekay let me file an issue and self-assign so I don't forget
anonymousmaybe alright cool, thank you <f>
obscuratus eyedeekay: I've run into this on my testing network when I don't have enough peers going. I think there's already a message along the lines you're suggesting. But maybe it's not clear.
obscuratus Something along the lines of "Not enough peers", and the reseed button shows up.
anonymousmaybe obscuratus hmm? which lines?
anonymousmaybe there is only that green successful one unless im missing something
anonymousmaybe this is the message we are talking about
eyedeekay It could be a case of which message is on top, too. Not sure until I look
obscuratus anonymousmaybe: Yeah, that's a little perplexing. If you successfully got a reseed file with 154 RI, and have only been up 54 seconds, you don't usually get that button.
anonymousmaybe yes exactly, hope it can be re-designed in a better way
obscuratus I see the router in the png was running in "hidden mode". Is it possible all 154 routers were unreachable?
eyedeekay That's what I'm wondering
eyedeekay But I gotta go, back in an hour
obscuratus anonymousmaybe: Looking at i2pquestion_png, I notice that there is no "Router Info" link above the place where it says "Version: 1.9.0-0-ubuntu1"
obscuratus I'm not sure if this is normal when a router is completely firewalled, but it could be an indication the router was having trouble building it's own RI, even after 54 seconds.
dr|z3d I think the most likely cause of the reseed button is stale routerinfos.
dr|z3d logs would indicate which of the hosts aren't providing acceptable RIs, but then again, if the whole zip file is stale, it gets skipped and the next host is tried, so maybe not.
obscuratus dr|z3d: Very possible. The full sidebar panel would be helpful. Perhaps a peak at the critical logs.
dr|z3d wrapper logs are where the success of failure of individual reseed hosts' offerings is reported. maybe that would be sufficient.
obscuratus If one of our main reseed servers is pushing out stale reseed files, I'd like to think we'll be seeing more complaints. :)
dr|z3d unlikely, most people don't care enough to check. there are enough hosts that it doesn't much matter.
obscuratus It might be difficult to craft a re-design of the text associated with the reseed button without some more information about why this poor router was struggling.
dr|z3d another possible.. RIs get pulled, extracted via /tmp, but ~/.i2p/netDb/ isn't writeable.
dr|z3d anonymousmaybe: logs or it didn't happen.