IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz eyedeekay, what's the best practice for embedding links in the blog markdown?
zzz is it `text link`_ and is it one _ or two? or should the link be in the <% trans ... %> section like we do for some other docs?
zzz or a link down to [0] reference section like we do for specs?
zzz what works best for translators?
zzz (thinking about finally starting the long-promised SSU2 post)
eyedeekay zzz I don't know what works best for translators but the way that I have been doing it is with a `text link` in blog posts with one _ unless it's a situation where there are a bunch of links, when the reference section is easier to manage and makes more sense
zzz well do we want the translators to see the link?
zzz also, it's easier on the translators if the newlines are at natural breaks in the text, like at sentences or links
zzz when there's newlines in the middle of `...` stuff it just makes it more likely they will accidentally break things
zzz do you know if it's one _ or two or what's the difference? I see some of each
eyedeekay Usually it's a single _, __ is for "indirect" hyperlink targets in RestructuredText
eyedeekay Blinded message
eyedeekay Re: should translators see links if it's stuff on our own site, i.e. the SSU2 spec itself, I think they should probably see that partly for context and partly because they might need to translate/want to revise the material being referenced too?
zzz in my experience, translators mostly just break complex formatting by accident
zzz skimmed that reference and I'm even more confused
zzz anyway, I don't know what you're using to format blog posts, but think about putting the newlines between sentences, not randomly, to make it a little easier on the translators
zzz eyedeekay, look at this one from zab:
zzz 8/3/Apple-Silicon-Easy-Install.rst:`{% trans %}I2P Mac OS Easy Install bundles{% endtrans %}`__
zzz 8/3/Apple-Silicon-Easy-Install.rst:__
zzz that's completely different from the way you do it, e.g.:
zzz {% trans -%}
zzz To learn more about StormyCloud visit their `web site
zzz <>`_.
zzz {%- endtrans %}
zzz but I guess zab's way only works if you're linkifying the whole text
zzz and here's the third way that we do in the html pages:
zzz <p>{% trans anonbib="" -%}
zzz The source code for this page was adapted from
zzz <a href="{{ anonbib }}">Free Haven's anonymity bibliography</a>.
zzz {%- endtrans %}</p>
zzz the benefit of that way is we can change the link without breaking the translation
zzz and it prevents the translators from changing the link
zzz or seeing it at all
eyedeekay Then if there's a way to do it without breaking the links, we should keep them out of the trans tags in the restructured text posts too, but I haven't been able to keep the actual links outside the trans tags in rst yet without weird formatting stuff, except for zab's way which as you pointed out linkifies the whole preceding section
zzz yeah I assume that last way works in rst, because it's the translation code that's doing the substitution, the rst code won't see it
zzz I think?
zzz oh, it would have to be like this I think?
zzz {% trans foo="https://..." =%}
zzz Blah blah `link text <{{ foo }}>`_ more text.
zzz <%- endtrans %>
eyedeekay Yeah I think that should work
zzz would that work?
zzz ok I think that's going to be the winner for partial link text, if it works, and zab's is the winner for full link text
zzz I'll give it a try when I write the draft and we'll see
zzz I'll also update the README
robin Is there a maximum of one SAM PRIMARY SESSION per HELLO?
mesh Anybody else having trouble reaching exit.stormycloud.i2p?
robin I just tried a .com address and it timed out
mesh robin: can you reach exit.stormycloud.i2p?
mesh the service is literally unreachable to me. It's been unreachable for a good chunk of the last 24 hours.
robin There is something THERE because it returns a 500 error
mesh I don't get a 500. I get the I2P "Website Unreachable"
robin I was trying the top address, not the /outproxy one
mesh Anyways I guess it's not just me having problems with the Stormycloud outproxy. That's a little comforting.
robin The /outproxy.html one does timeout
mesh It's too bad. Up until today stormycloud has been pretty great. Fast and totally uncensored. Anyways we need many more outproxies.
robin It is working now
robin My test is to go to and if it says "Texas", it is working
mesh it is working now
zzz eyedeekay, can you update your javadoc site or even better put it on a cron job? idk.i2p/javadoc-i2p/overview-summary.html
eyedeekay Yeah I'll get it scheduled
zzz thanks ))
StormyCloud mesh: Checking on it now
StormyCloud mesh: I just checked and outproxy is working for me
eyedeekay zzz that's one of those bespoke scripts that's going to have to stick around after I get everything else moved onto a static-site generator and automated properly
eyedeekay Updated it and checked in the script though
eyedeekay apeace I updated the document today, any suggestions?
zzz yeah since it's liked throughout the specs on our site it should be kept reasonably up to date
robin eyedeekay speaking of specs, my reading of the SAM3 spec implies that there can only be one PRIMARY session per HELLO, since they share the same TCP socket. . Is that correct?
eyedeekay IIRC that is the case, although it's been a while since I tried it in practice
robin The spec does not come right out and SAY this, but reading between the lines it makes sense.
eyedeekay Let me see if I can write a quick test for it and make sure
eyedeekay Just fiddling with telnet right now it looks that's how it works, I'll get more details this evening though
zzz eyedeekay, still showing 1.6.1-7
eyedeekay github side updated, eepsite side isn't yet, I'll trigger it manually
dr|z3d got a deadlock for you, zzz.. logs to follow.
eyedeekay the eepsite side is automated, but the github side isn't
eyedeekay and the eepsite side follows the github
eyedeekay There it goes
dr|z3d this deadlock might have already been addressed, don't remember, logs from 2nd Sept. cake.i2p/view/1MAf5nxioL_NHDizQJjIz7eo239MQlPUFLRhhSXC9_4xoUFTrf80/deadlock
zzz dr|z3d, what version was it running at that time?
dr|z3d looks like 4.
zzz we've fixed 2 deadlocks recently, on 8/6 and 8/25, the latter was probably -1 ?
zzz 4 threads, will take a minute to untangle
dr|z3d ok, so that's maybe new then. didn't notice it earlier, sorry.
zzz np, thx
mesh /win 3
zzz dr|z3d, I think it's a new one, will look more closely tomorrow
dr|z3d ok zzz
dr|z3d the deadlock detector.. any more thoughts on making that auto-restart the router, on a parallel note?
dr|z3d I was also thinking it might tie in with the router watchdog.. if there are x watchdoig barking events within a given period, also auto-restart.