IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d zzz: any scope for shunting some of the eventpumper load onto NTCP Finisher threads? they seem underutilized right now.
dr|z3d NTCP reader threads are being exercised more, writer threads, not so much, and then finisher threads least of all.
zzz dr|z3d, we just did a big shunting with the ntcp write changes
zzz there's no need to balance workload across threads
zzz and jogger would tell you the opposite
dr|z3d ok, just noticing the finisher threads are less noticeably less utilized than both the reader and writer threads.
dr|z3d *noticeably less utilized
dr|z3d if I constrain the pumper thread it's happy to use around 50% of one core under loads of ~1MB/s
zzz probably a candidate for removal of the finisher threads
zzz jogger hates all of it
dr|z3d yeah, jogger's not a huge fan of the "let's throw threads at it approach", understandably, given android.
dr|z3d android/arm
dr|z3d more arm than android, but yeah.
zzz not sure if arm is worse at threads than x86, or if it's just worse at everything
dr|z3d probably the latter for the most part, given the specs of the usual candidates vs x86 (raspberry pis)
dr|z3d still, if the finisher threads aren't serving much purpose, sounds like a reasonable idea to eliminate them.
zzz just takes time to analyze and test, and of course be extra careful not to introduce deadlocks