IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d zzz: since you're in the hosts.txt file lately, you should think about removing all the cruft.
dr|z3d redzara, eepsites, diftracker, update.dg, open4you, no.i2p, irc.dg, no, anoncoin, mtn.i2pprojekt, tracker.thebland, exchanged, secure.thetinhat, zerobin, docs.str4d, tracker.crypthost, 00.i2p, bobthebulder, paste.crypthost, proxynet, blue.proxynet
dr|z3d all cruft.
zzz too early for spring cleaning
dr|z3d never too early!
dr|z3d plus, most of those sites have been down for over a year. better not to ship them with new installs, or via subscriptions.
dr|z3d what might be worth thinking about is linking hostnames with the subscription they derive from, so in the event a subscription ceases to offer a hostname, it's automatically removed from the addressbook.
dr|z3d looks like you've been busy with your socks plugin, zzz.
dr|z3d btw, no need to downsize the 64x64 icon, the browser will do that fine and you also get to support hidpi in the process using the 64x64 image as the in-console icon.
dr|z3d also, note the filesize of the 64x64 icon vs your downscaled variant...
zzz plugin spec says 32
dr|z3d needs updating, then
dr|z3d that toggleConfig.js file looks oddly familiar :)
dr|z3d ah, just noticed the commit note.
dr|z3d good that the orchid stuff is being put to new use.
dr|z3d re the spec, obviously something eyedeekay didn't pay huge attention to, I think his initial railroad icon came in at > 400x400px :)
dr|z3d if you insist on using a 32x32 image, try this one instead: skank.i2p/socksproxy_32x32.png
dr|z3d if you want the svg master, that's also available. just holler.
dr|z3d for general purpose png optimization, try pngquant or optipng. they'll remove redundant data from your images without sacrificing quality. or if you want something more drag and drop, performs more or less the same role.
dr|z3d I guess I should pull your socks plugin and see what the UI looks like
dr|z3d it looks like the plugin expects the i2p files to be somewhere local.. is there a specific location it's looking for?
dr|z3d ah, nevermind, I was running ant, looks like I should be running
zzz you need -8 fixes for it to work right
zzz ant calls makeplugin
dr|z3d running -8
dr|z3d i2p location exported.
dr|z3d i2p.plugins.socksoutproxy/src/java/net/i2p/socksoutproxy/ error: cannot find symbol
dr|z3d import net.i2p.I2PAppContext;
zzz needs i2p source in ../i2p.i2p, or adjust i2pbase in src/build.xml
zzz sorry misunderstood the question the first time )
zzz the -8 reqmt is for running, not building
dr|z3d my fault, probably wasn't clear. so I can specify an absolute path to the my i2p workspace as basedir? it's currently using .
dr|z3d ok, well, I'm covered in any event. I'm just having issues building right now. basedir="." apparently refers to the plugin basedir, and there's nothing in build.xml I can see that allows me to specify the i2p workspace.
zzz not the top build.xml... src/build.xml line 3
dr|z3d ah, got it, thanks
dr|z3d ok, running. definitely got that orchid look and feel going.
dr|z3d > ok, running. definitely got that orchid look and feel going.
dr|z3d doesn't appear to want to register with I2P, however.
dr|z3d let me turn on debug logging and see what it's doing.
dr|z3d […oxy Starter] …web.ProxyServlet: Unable to start Proxy
dr|z3d java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/i2p/socksoutproxy/SocksOutproxy
dr|z3d at net.i2p.socksoutproxy.web.ProxyServlet$Starter.run2(
dr|z3d at net.i2p.socksoutproxy.web.ProxyServlet$
dr|z3d Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.i2p.socksoutproxy.SocksOutproxy
dr|z3d at
dr|z3d at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
dr|z3d at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
zzz that's the -8 fix
zzz or maybe not
zzz what java version?
dr|z3d I'm all up to date on the gitlab stuff, java is 1.8
dr|z3d "1.8.0_312"
zzz hmph
zzz dunno
dr|z3d me neither!
zzz your runtime is 1.8?
dr|z3d Java:Private Build 1.8.0_312 (OpenJDK Runtime Environment 1.8.0_312-8u312-b07-0ubuntu1-b07)
zzz I should quit java and go work on i2pd
dr|z3d and there was me thinking you loved java
zzz I do until a ClassNotFoundException
dr|z3d I'll do some more tests later on different versions on java, gotta disappear for a few.