IRCaBot 2.1.0
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BondoGod Hello, N00B and R4SAS, apophis if you are I2P developers then please see the discussion in the #en room.
BondoGod Thanks
BondoGod The way subdomains work, or don't work is a problem.
orignal please stop it
orignal it's i2pd dev
relaybot 13apophis: he was hinting on a following scenario: script that auto registers millions of subdomains to his domain.
orignal guys not on this channel please
relaybot 13apophis: ok
BondoGod This is about i2pd yes. How subdomains work. I think its holding back i2p, but if you say is the wrong place to talk come to the #en room??
orignal no it's not
orignal again it's about i2pd development only
orignal if i2pd doesn't work with subdomain you can say something here
orignal but it works
orignal so please stop it
relaybot 13apophis: same guy as before ? orignal
BondoGod Well subdomain.1o2u3...4b5p6.b32.i2p doesn't work but if this is wrong place, come to #en. *shrugs*
orignal and it shouldn't
orignal because b32 is not a domain
orignal and now stop it
relaybot 13apophis: i have tried to tell hin same thing. b32 format prohibits that.
BondoGod That's fine but then i2p sites dont have the same capabilities as normal web applications, which makes adopting i2p a problem. Look, we should talk in #en rom because original is getting angry for some reason.
shirofunctor где-нибудь есть список ссылок на примеры кода с успешным применением libi2pd?
Vort shirofunctor: вот тут есть кое какие применения. насколько успешные - сказать не могу:
orignal да есть
orignal я выкладывал
orignal и этот код реально работающий
orignal кстати послденрий коммит с пулом для профилей резко сокртил потребление памяти
hypnnnn глянец если сделать гуёвый суперапп, то поди юзера нахлынут
nicky hello. came across libi2pd but there isn't much information how to implement it to a python application.
orignal I don't know how to implemnted a python app
orignal it's desiagned for C++
nicky ok. i'll take a look. thank you for replying quickly.
orignal try boost::python to expose it
hypnnnn nicky: there is a python module for it, with partial functionality
hypnnnn 1 moment
orignal python?
hypnnnn villain's
orignal I know there is go module
hypnnnn i helped
orignal written by idk
hypnnnn nicky: l-n-s is mute last dozen of years, so feel free to fork and improve
orignal it uses SAM
orignal nicky need libi2pd
nicky i'll take a good look at both implementations, first the C++ one.
orignal my example works
orignal for python you must decalre a python module
nicky was looking at earlier today, but being new to I2P need to read much more.
orignal expose bunch of classes and types to Python
nicky thank you for your help guys, and fast help.
orignal it's also SAM
nicky yeah
orignal and uses SAM 3.3 that's not implemneted in i2pd
orignal well it's not complete
orignal and this code ""SESSION CREATE ID={} STYLE=PRIMARY DESTINATION={}\n"," will NEVER work with i2pd
orignal you must use STYLE=MASTER
nicky noted.
nicky long night ahead, i'll start looking at your code soonish.
nicky much appreciated.
orignal zzz has made the great mistake by rename MASTER to PRIMARY
orignal i2pd is not going to do it
orignal R4SAS зря параметр из конфига убрал
orignal у народа ругаться будет