IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
R4SAS TB ~ ThundeBird
R4SAS Thunder*
ian Hi, sorry I was gone I had Covid. @original , the libi2pd api is not working with mingw64 compiler on Windows, theres bugs in mingw64 as we said last time. Also the cmakefile can't generate working visual studio project files to compile with visual studio. Do you know that?
R4SAS ian: we do not support VS
orignal we don't use VS
orignal about mingw what's wrong exactly?
orignal honesly I never tried it for windows
ian sorry my irc disconneted last night. @original , you've got working build instructions for libi2pd, for visual studio on windows?
zzz <R4SAS> ian: we do not support VS
zzz <orignal> we don't use VS
zzz <orignal> about mingw what's wrong exactly?
zzz <orignal> honesly I never tried it for windows
ian zzz on mingw, the libi2pd, my test app crashes randomly, in random place
zzz sorry, no ideas
ian thanks for the chat log
orignal we will try
orignal basically it shouldn't be a difference
orignal but need to check
ian Okay thanks, because it looks like it crash on mingw build, no matter what, randomly
orignal so, you are able to build and run on mingw but it just crashes?
ian yes, like before
orignal maybe the same happens on linux
orignal I need to try first
orignal maybe it's still a bug
ian I have no idea, but thanks that you'll try to check why it happens.
R4SAS ian: provide code example
orignal yes good point
ian original: , here was the test code I was using.
ian it's simple initialization, yet it crashes even there random
orignal thanks. will try to repoduce
orignal accoding to your code it stops immediately
ian it stops at AVX, then it stops at SU3 download file
orignal build without it then
orignal anyway, let me try
orignal however you must hang your main tread on something like for(;;) sleep(1);
ian yes I know it's just a test code, "terminate called without an active exception" even with for sleep.
orignal ian I have tried to build and run. works fine
orignal builds tunnels. updates routers
orignal will show you an http example
ian original: Okay, so it must be my setup environment, ill redo my setup, if its working for you. Thanks, I'm waiting for your http example too.
orignal I did it on linux
orignal ofc I will show the example
orignal but router itself works great
orignal I run in through yggdrasil
ian okay thanks for the example, its crashing too on Windows, it must be my setup, ill redo it the environment.
orignal no, you shoudld't run it as is
orignal if you don't have yggdrasil
orignal it's just my example to now confuse the network
orignal ian please take updated file
orignal with http request to gostcoin.i2p
orignal works as expected
orignal find LeaseSet, connects, sends request, receive responses
grimreaper orignal: how much 1 gst = usd?
orignal it's in rur or btc
orignal no btc/usd pair
grimreaper orignal: so how much 1 gst = rur?
orignal and this is wrong channel
orignal please stay on topic
ian original: thanks a tons for your help, my environment was the problem. I compiled with ucrt64 mingw instead on windows in msys2 and it didn't crash. I'm happy its working :)
orignal great
orignal I will also add Receive methog to stream