IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d Mustafabo!
RN Mustafarted
RN oh, yeah, I forgot the bang
RN what kinda shizzle dizzle you up to doctor?
itsjustme Hey RN :)
dr|z3d RN: you know, the usual. just implementing an override config for automatic classification of routers as "slow" right now.
dr|z3d hey ijm
dr|z3d are you fixed yet?
Mustafabo itsjustme
itsjustme dr|z3d: I still have a cough but otherwise good 👍
itsjustme Hey Mustafabo
dr|z3d great, itsjustme
RN alohA itsjustme
itsjustme It is great :D
itsjustme Hey RN :D
RN party crew in the hizouse
itsjustme How are you?
RN recovering from a medicine... gave me cramps spasms and cold sweats... bad reaction... but other than sore, I can walk around again without falling down
RN and no, the medicine was not alcohol
RN matter of fact, can't have any alcohol for another day or two because of reaction
RN otherwise great
itsjustme Good thing you're getting better
RN back at ya
itsjustme I feel much better. It's like night and day
RN sill early morning for me, but the day is coming
RN figureatviely speaking.
itsjustme And littlerally?
RN probably feel up to par in 24 or less hours.
RN not telling you my time zone tho
dr|z3d mesh: faster network? 1.8.0+ ?
mesh dr|z3d: I2P has, in just the last ~48 hours, become quite fast for me I feel
mesh torrents are downloading quickly, irc is no longer lagging
mesh I don't really understand zzz's blog post and there's nothing in the changes to really explain it
Mustafabo itsjustme
itsjustme Mustafabo
mesh it could be my internet that's gotten faster come to think of it
Mustafabo What you up to?
Mustafabo you riding your bike to KFC?
itsjustme Not you too Mustafabo!
mesh my internet sucked after a rainstorm a week or so ago... and now, for some unknown reason, my internet no longer sucks
Mustafabo lol itsjustme
itsjustme mesh: thats good :) I find most people are running i2p in the cloud
itsjustme Or it seems like it
mesh Blinded message
itsjustme It is mesh lol
dr|z3d asking if you're running + or vanilla, mesh?
mesh hmm, yeah, it's an interesting idea, running a remote router. I'm not sure how i2psnark would work then given that it needs to write to a local disk
mesh dr|z3d: I'm still running 1.7.0+ I think. I haven't had time to upgrade. Lots of work to get done before the end of the month
dr|z3d ah, ok. because there are some optimizations in 1.8.0+ that should result in faster initial page loads on sites.
mesh I actually wish the I2P router had a "client mode" where my router would only talk to a single "server mode" router
mesh dr|z3d: I'd be curious to know what those optimizations are... links?
dr|z3d you know there the gitlab commit history is :)
mesh dr|z3d: you really should put together release notes/changelog. Telling people to read git history doesn't really inspire confidence imho
dr|z3d essentially instead of querying 1 (maybe it was 2 in i2p+ previously?) floodfill at a time for leasesets, it now queries n+1, so probably 3.. I forget the exact number.
dr|z3d changelog is on skank, as I've told you before.
dr|z3d but putting every minor tweak in the changelog gets tedious quickly, both for me and the reader.
mesh dr|z3d: yeah that's definitely what you don't want. I would say even the changelog on skank is too low level. It doesn't really tell me why you made those changes or what to expect from upgrading
dr|z3d I'll summarize: expect greatness. :)
dr|z3d there's also a truncated changelog with the torrent update.
dr|z3d you'll have to excuse the formatting on teddit, it doesn't handle reddit's formatting so great.
dr|z3d as I've said before, if you really want to help, keep abreast of the development builds and the commit log and chime in. otherwise you're just another armchair warrior :)
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo!
parabo what up?
RN parabo!
parabo RN, hi
parabo what you doing?
itsjustme Not to much. Hbu parabo?
parabo nuffin
RN hey
itsjustme Hey RN :)
itsjustme How are you RN? :)
RN I'm alive
RN not in a good space. looking for distraction
parabo RN: 21 Bridges on Netflix
RN thanks for the suggestion, but looks to intense
RN too bad I finished trailer pk boys
dr|z3d too intense.
RN cops and investigation? mmmph... need stupid brain dead comedy
parabo dr|z3d
parabo I heard you like Dick's