IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Mustafabo AmyMalik, fire
Mustafabo itsjustme
dr|z3d Mustafabo!
Mustafabo what up dr|z3d?
Mustafabo dr|z3d, I been spending my days stroking my beard
dr|z3d if that makes you happy, carry on!
mesh dr|z3d: how familiar are you with the i2psnark code?
mesh dr|z3d: mostly frontend?
dr|z3d what do you want to know, mesh?
mesh dr|z3d: I guess the first question is sort of who owns the i2psnark codebase? Is it you? zzz?
mesh Blinded message
mesh is i2psnark a fork of snark?
dr|z3d good guess.
mesh you? zzz...?
dr|z3d I don't understand the question. what is ownership in an open source world?
mesh if I wanted to discuss a change and submit a pr?
dr|z3d if you want to submit the change upstream, then you'd talk to zzz.
mesh hmm, that's too bad
dr|z3d you just referenced the i2p repo. the answer's in the question.
mesh yeah it seemed like at one point you were making most of the changes to i2psnark and it is a plugin
dr|z3d I haven't pushed snark code upstream in a long time, not least because of the divergence in the codebase.
mesh I feel like the code is incomplete
mesh I see Java interfaces... that have no implementation
dr|z3d like what, specifically?
mesh I mean, I have compile errors so it may be an issue locally, but for example I was looking for an implementaiton of
dr|z3d if you have compile issues, it's definitely a local issue.
mesh brb
mesh but the implentation of that class isn't in the codebase is it? is there another codebase som ewhere?
dr|z3d > : import org.klomp.snark.dht.DHT
dr|z3d snark/ may shed some light.
dr|z3d it does also share code with the i2p codebase.
dr|z3d maybe that's where your compile issues arise.
mesh TrackerClient doesn't implement DHT...
mesh dr|z3d: can you point me to where I might find the rest of the code?
dr|z3d yeah. on github.
mesh in the i2p.i2p repo?
dr|z3d clone the github repo, then ant i2psnark for the standalone version, or ant buildI2PSnark for the router components (jar/war).
mesh I don't think that's the problem
dr|z3d if i2psnark was a separate repo, then.. i2psnark is NOT a separate repo.
dr|z3d I know that's the problem.
mesh no, I just don't think anybody implements this interface
dr|z3d if you don't have the full i2p source tree, it won't build.
mesh I'm not asking about building dude, I'm just asking where the actual DHT implementation is. But now I don't think it exists
dr|z3d so there's no DHT in snark?
mesh I think
mesh is the real DHT class, and this class and the other code is actually not being used/implemented at all
mesh people kind of hacked up snark but didn't remove unsused code it looks like
mesh which is okay I guess, but that's all I was asking
mesh dr|z3d: what about the servlet?
dr|z3d that's a pointer to the api docs.
mesh that doesn't really help dude... I'm trying to understand the source code, not read the api :)
dr|z3d ok, also, you know what a stub is, right?
mesh anyways I think I found the real tracker class. it doesn't implement but that's fine.
dr|z3d * Stub for KRPC
dr|z3d * @since 0.8.4
dr|z3d public interface DHT {
mesh yeah, interfaces can't really be a stub. I guess what that comment means is "added this code to make the project compile"?
dr|z3d sounds about right. or more likely, "we ripped out the code but left this so the code would compile".
dr|z3d wherever you read stub in the code, it's shorthand for either "this is TODO", or "this is all that's left after the merge and cleanup".
mesh it's too bad because it doesn't look like one can easily extract the actual torrent code
mesh I'd love to embed i2p torrent capabilities into my app, but it seems like it would be a lot of work
dr|z3d see the router update mechanism for how you might incorporate snark's beackend into your app, perhaps.
mesh yeah, I thought about that, but then my app would have to be a router plugin and def don't want that
dr|z3d no, it wouldn't.
mesh dr|z3d: how so?
dr|z3d it can talk to the router via sam or i2np.
mesh dr|z3d:you can talk to i2psnark via the router's sam api?
dr|z3d no. but you can use the network protocol. my memory fails me, i2np or whatever it's called. that's how i2pd works with i2psnark standalone.
dr|z3d i2cp sorry.
mesh hmm interesting
mesh network is very fast and stable. is this 1.8.0?
Mustafabo dr|z3d_