IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
not_bob That way you don't have to use complex math. hahahahaha
not_bob To find the point in the circle where it intersects.
not_bob Clever.
term99 hey not_bob
not_bob term99!
not_bob Yeah, just skimmed it to get the gist of how it works.
not_bob For whatever reason, my copy and paste isn't working.
not_bob I'm glad to hear that.
term99 working on domain > subdomain now
not_bob subdomain?
term99 almost there
not_bob Yeah, that would be very good.
not_bob I never thought about joining subdomains.
not_bob The only issue with that is password brute forcing.
not_bob Rate limits, don't advertise.
not_bob Exactly.
not_bob That's what I do with most of my services.
not_bob I've got extra b32 addresses for all my routers so I can easily see if they are working or not.
not_bob Or, access a specific instance of notbob for testing.
not_bob Good.
term99 lots of irons in the fire
not_bob Some with legs.
term99 Search : acetone.i2p
term99 Answer : 6:acetone2p < -- searcher works now
term99 ouch my boobies!
not_bob I'm pretty sure I'm doing that already.
not_bob Oh, not good.
not_bob No, I'm running an older version of i2p+
not_bob Won't that cause the network to split?
not_bob I mean, I get it.
not_bob I do not use dark mode.
not_bob I remember years ago when freenet split. A group of users refused to update.
not_bob So, they eventually got thier own freenet.
not_bob Agreed.
not_bob I read about that.
not_bob I'll restart here in a bit.
not_bob Need to wait for a ton of connections to expire.
not_bob Ahh, yes.
not_bob I'd just restart if it was a handful. But, yeah...
itsjustme Is cake.i2p working?
not_bob cake was down last time I checked.
not_bob It appears to have been down for six days now.
itsjustme Anyone want to check atm?
not_bob Trying.
not_bob Hmm, it's up.
not_bob I can get to cake, wtf.
not_bob ctrl+shift+r worked on it.
not_bob itsjustme: Did you do something to fix it?
itsjustme Yeah I was away dr|z3d
not_bob Yeah, I can ping it now.
itsjustme not_bob: I restarted i2pd
itsjustme I noticed the bandwidth was way down
not_bob Yeah, i2pd is fun.
not_bob Great for low cpu/ram systems.
itsjustme Thank you dr|z3d
itsjustme dr|z3d: why?
not_bob dr|z3d: I'veupdated all my i2pd routers as well.
itsjustme I'll check when I get a chance
itsjustme Of course when I leave is when it has issues
itsjustme dr|z3d: I'll update in a bit
not_bob Yep, just checked. I'm running the latest on i2pd.
not_bob I am here!
not_bob Yes, till another change happens.
not_bob Now I'm off to do other things.
not_bob I tried to push lang/class files. It hates me.
not_bob I'll try again later tonight.
itsjustme up to date :D
RN the cake is a pie
RN haha!
RN (a)li(v)e
RN aloha
itsjustme How are you RN?
RN doing ok. bit of tidying of the flat going on, just sat down for a smoke.
itsjustme You smoke inside?
RN yes. both cigarettes and weed.
RN bad habbit. I know.
itsjustme Hmmm gets kinda gross doesn't it?
RN I am however adding more smoke-eating plants
itsjustme Oh good
RN I open the place up for fresh air frequently. When I can't I also have an air cleaner.
itsjustme That's good :) how often do you clean your flat?
RN not often enough. LOL
RN I was mostly absent from here for several months some years ago, and never quite got cleaning and maintenance back up to snuff.
RN so any progress is a good thing
RN I find I clean more when listening to podcasts, as opposed to sitting on my ass with netflix on.
itsjustme Makes sense
RN changing bad habits, by doing what is needed to motivate myself. (such as turn off the tele)
RN it doesn't matter if I clean a whole space, or just wash three dishes. either is progress enough for me to feel good about.